whats up with all the racism on this site im black and im pretty sure there are a lot of white guys out there that are superior to me but they're definately not on Jow Forums lol
Whats up with all the racism on this site im black and im pretty sure there are a lot of white guys out there that are...
Other urls found in this thread:
i only pretend to hate niggers because it triggers liberals
Personally I think men of all races should unite against women and work together to repeal women's rights
When you force people of different cultures to live together they start to fucking hate each other.
Racism is true and correct but I have no enmity for you as an individual.
I just want others to stay out of my country. like this isn't america where everyone mixes.
>Wants others to stay out of country
>Ships blacks to country
I didn't take part in the slave trade neither did my ancestors.
Are you truly black though? Do you smoke weed?
inferiority complex is what it boils down to
There is nothing wrong with being black OP but the fact that left wants blacks to become a majority is not good if you look at it statistically. Blacks commit more crimes and have a generally lower IQ. Now I don't mean all blacks are this way, most black's ancestors that lived in America from the alcohol prohibition days have probably intergrated with the American white society well enough to act as a decent person to not be a brutalist. But it's because we are letting in people who have absolutely no business being here and saying we have to "diversify" is probably why people hate blacks much more now.
If you aren't one of those people who are the actual racists who forcefully want blacks to become a majority, maybe people can have some respect in you. It's not like anyone appreciated the KKK so why should we appreciate the "diversity" movement.
A lot of it comes from pent up anger at one's own life situation. Crab bucket and all that.
I'm cool with all our racial brothers other than the Jews for the most part. Not like I want to kill them, I just think Israel should be walled off and have their internet cords cut.
but what If you only know about one culture because you have lived there all your life and the majority of your extended family too?
Racism towards blacks and black american victim rap nihilist consumer culture isn't complicated. It's the same as hating a fly that keeps buzzing around your head when you're trying to eat or you're busy and you can't immediately swat it away. It's the same as being stuck in traffic after a long day of work.
If you live in America, you have to be around this garbage and there's not much you can do about it. If you don't like being around it and you voice that somehow, you're ostracized. This is why racism is a big thing on the internet, you can't get ostracized anonymously, and a LOT of people feel the same way.
>according to my calculations, its because of this and that
This is the cope way of understanding, the prescribed to anti-depressants way of understanding
average genetic iq differences exist but we're all equally losers here homie
fuckin based
I'm an inductive racist rather than deductive one. I form beliefs and opinions that are described as racist as a result of my personal experiences and education, rather than simply holding racist beliefs that I retroactively try to justify with cherry-picked evidence.
As an example, I tend to assume any Chinese national I deal with in business is dishonest. Because that is the typical Chinese pattern of behavior I've observed, and culturally the Chinese don't seem to have any moral impetus against lying and stealing from people they trade with. The onus is on me to ensure I'm getting what I pay for, I can't take what they say at face value, ever.
Conversely, while I'm aware that statistically blacks are more violent than whites, I have no personal experience to verify this and the black people I know are mild mannered middle class types who work respectable jobs. As a result I'm not really any more circumspect about random black people I meet on the street than I am whites. I still avoid them if I can, but that's just because anybody wandering the street is a potential junkie in this city.
how is saying it boils down to inferiority somehow complicating it. this is common sense and as plain as day
shut the fuck up faggot
Well yeah, a lot of it is just venting, but sometimes the posts are less about voicing one's beliefs and more about igniting a flame war.
You know, the racebait
>muh BBC whyte wimminz
>muh asians
>we take you womans haha
>*insert interracial faggot porn thread to show which poster is clearly superior because a poster of his race is fucking another man in the mouth*
All that is cumbrain manipulation
>If you live in America, you have to be around this garbage and there's not much you can do about it. If you don't like being around it and you voice that somehow, you're ostracized.
No you can just move to one of those 90+ white states
Guys here a fucking losers and their skin colour and nationality is the only pride they can try take in themselves to still hold the belief they are superior to their peers.
If people here were truly "scientifically racist" they would be perfectly fine with the Chinese and Jews running everything because they have higher IQ's, but they're not, because it has nothing to do with "science" or real racial differences like they claim.
>90+ white states
>Chinese and Jews running everything
Have you seen how China is? Or Israel? Why would I want my nation to be more like those authoritarian shitholes?
Also, China inflates its numbers, Japan has the big brains among them.
110IQ is why you want your nation more like those authoritarian shitholes. They're your superiors, why are you questioning them?
Its literally just because most users of this site are lashing out at the world in anyway they can you probably get racist black posters also
have you seen Jow Forums meetups? It's literally self hating black guys and jews.
Where was the meetup?
>i only pretend to hate niggers because it triggers liberals
Yep pretty much this. I'm not racist at all though sometimes I pretend I am when I want to troll someone.
This is just called common sense. Also nice dubs.
Really? Any evidence to support this claim?
thats only because the wh*tes would probably get harassed for the rest of their lives if they did showed up. We all know the left turned a blind eye on the chinks and niggs in those photos but they wouldve gone full stalker mode if some pasty little incel was in them.
Just report it and move on. Most idiots who use this site are unlikely to come back once they're banned.
Theres been a few of them, the Shia Lebouf webcam thing, one at some university, one in some cafe. Pretty much it's like 10% black people 20% arabs, 30% Asians and 30% Jews and 10% white fat dweebs.
>the country that hasn't won a war since they were using spears
>the country that's collapsed more times than any other
>the country whose whole military is a paper tiger and can't produce a service weapon that isn't a Russian copy or a plastic abortion of a gun
>the country that went from overpopulation crisis to underpopulation crisis due to everyone killing the girl babies without thinking about who their son will even marry to carry on the family name
>rich people spit on beggars
>shoot people with .22 guns in riots
>kills babies with white phosphorus
I guess it's clear which one rules over the US based on their behavior, though
>Caring what people think here
Every single racist post you see on this site is either made by shitposters and or some delusional extremists.
Who cares if it wasn't, you should be happy your mere existence makes numerous ideologies seethe.
report this you nigger faggot
>ogga bogga me luv melooonnnnnn
>whats up with all the racism
You're animals
Your taxes will still go to latasha and her six niglets no matter where you live.
>Personally I think men of all races should unite against women and work together to repeal women's rights
lad 1/3 of ur race is low iq psychos
surely you have enough answers by now
>slavery was wro-