Who is the one true king of incels?
King of incels
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yep, i think it's me l. can i get a based?
supreme gentleman* get it right
okay but he was kind of attractive.. i think elliot rogers used some weird LoA shit to get girls attracted to him bc he was sick of not getting pussy
every ecchi protagonist
Elliot was a richfag who only wanted blonde stacies, so its pretty hard for me to relate to him
Didn't he pretty much kick off the whole thing?
Only after you release a manifesto and commit a mass shooting. Until then you are a poser.
OP. Next stupid question.
the bagel boss
of British aristocracy
>only wanted blonde stacies
He set his standards too high, if he just settled with an average chick he may of got his dick wet, then again his autism might negate any sexual advances from a woman
people are always glorifying the whites because they're prettier to look at such as bo2 and elliot who is half white but the true king is general CHO the asian who has one of the highest kill counts for mass shootings .
wasnt his highscore beaten by the las vegas boomer?
I think we all know the answer, you polesmoking bitch
Theres only ONE true king of homos
Lol @ how UGLY Elliot was
He was UGLY AS SHIT.... and gay
Wew! That's one of the angles on his videos and in his photos I find hottest. I mean, look at those SEXY BEDROOM EYES and luscious lips and how tenderly he is running his fingers through his hair.
DAMMIT! THIS IS SCARY. I mean I DID NOT NOTICE at first from the thumbnail that his face was altered like that. Only thought the image was cropped differently. Man, I could SWEAR SOMEONE CHANGED the photo after I first looked at the thumbnail. ELLIOT IS HAUNTING this board.
The god himself blackops2cel, the man didn't do anything besides post a picture. A simple picture.
so... Hows the homosexuality thing working for you so far?
that is some of THE WORST artwork ive ever seen
What's wrong with it? You might have autism.
Thanks for asking. It does not work for me at all. But I guess it works for you very well. I mean, after all, you made him look really old, like you are, probably to feel you could have better chances with him if he was still alive.
Why the hell did I write "look" instead of "old" first? There's something suspicious going on.
Based also chek'd
What is that? Is it an incel who is incel because he is rich and feels that he is entitled to blonde stacies?
I miss the days when "incel" was an innocuous chan meme and not a mainstreamed archetypal strawman
>being this /new/
please leave and don't come back
I would say go back to pleddit, but even pleddit respects bagelcel
There is no TRUE king of incels. They follow nobody; the incel movement is a myth.
The pretender who was closest to bing king would have to be the guy who assassinated President Garfield. Couldn't get laid even though he lived in a sex commune. But any incel who tuns violent is a traitor not a king.
please leave you LYING, RETARDED FUCKHEAD and don't come back
I mean, HOW FUCKING RETARDED DO YOU HAVE TO BE to tell everyone who is new to leave? HOW IN THE FUCK, do you think in your RETARDED, DISABLED HEAD that this place will ever survive, if there is no new people coming in? Besides, YOU ARE LYING. "Bagelcel" has to be a new expression here, or extremely rarely used one, as I have not encountered it here before during the FOUR YEARS I have posted here.
An yeah, tell people to go back to "plebbit", when you want to put them down. Do you get it, HOW FUCKING RETARDED APE you are, to assume that people on "plebbit" are somehow worse than here? Obviously not, because you're a BRAINDEAD DICKHEAD who tries to lift up his own ass by lowering that of others BY TELLING LIES, that they must be new or plebbit-tier.
Yeah, also come to say any shit of the kind you just put up here irl to me and I WILL SHOOT YOUR HEAD OFF. As I hate fuckheads who try to lift up their own asses by lowering those of other by TELLING LIES.
Just read an article about school bullying and again, it made me want to kill all of those FUCKHEADS TRYING TO DESTROY THEIR TARGET BY TELLING LIES, among other things. Because that is what you actually deserve, DEATH, if you try to destroy someone for your own benefit, esp. if you do it in a pack of many people. You remind me a lot of such bullies.
Lulz, fag got triggered,
This place is a cesspool of faggotry as it is we don't need new retards getting fucked by this shit hole, let the younglings find an alt-chain or go back to plebbit
black ops 2cel. Always has been, always will be
Even if it was, that guy used automatic shit and opened fire on a crowd while Cho used nothing but his pistols and hunted for his prey, using the elaborate building layout to his advantage. Cho played on hardmode with a gunslinger build.
I guess you've never been to Deviantart then.
Lel seething newfag
Ikr origenolo
This is the only true answer thank you for posting his name
>taking this long to get it right
Yeah, I got TRIGGERED TO SHOOT YOUR HEAD OFF, for trying to lift up your own ass by lowering other people by TELLING LIES. And there is NOTHING WRONG to be triggered to do something like that.
And yeah, you can shove your new ATTEMPT of LYING to invalidate my comment back into your ass where it came from. You give a shit about what the "younglings" do, you just want to put down people a bit to lift yourself up a bit, by telling them that they should leave for being new.
And I do not get it why people are so INCAPABLE of coming up any ORIGINAL LIES to invalidate what other people say. The IDIOTS just list up shit like that their opponent is a "faggot", "gay", retard, woman, from plebbit, s o yboy, INSECURE, childish, degenerate, bigot, racist, or PROJECTING. The last one is probably the WORST one, as it is CRIMINAL MANIPULATION. Projecting means that a person is doing themselves what they accuse others of. So, if you tell someone that they are lying, people who lied will just accuse you of projecting, meaning that you are accusing them of something you do yourself in your life. That way, they make YOU APPEAR GUILTY, and cover up the fact that they LIED THEMSELVES. It's fucking criminal behavior. That you first do something wrong and then if someone points that out, you just say that they must do the same thing themselves at times, because they are capable of perceiving it or suspecting it. ONLY A FUCKHEADED SOCIOPATH DOES SOMETHING LIKE THAT. And that is how 70% of people of today are, sociopaths,
Green for the stupid ones:
>you stole my wallet/my phone, there wasn't anyone else around at the time and wallets/phones do not just disappear like that.
>you're just PROJECTING. You're assuming I took your wallet/phone, because THAT IS WHAT YOU HAVE DONE YOURSELF to someone.
>NO I do not. I am just using my logics.
>your logics are that I have stolen it because you have stolen yourself at some point. (hides the wallet/phone behind his back.)
Lel brainless retard not capable of coming up anything original to present as a lie
Lel brainless retard sucking up his own dick
Marc Lephine
My money is on some unnamed muslim terrorist, preferrably one that's done a suicide attack.
I mean think about it: They think their chances of landing pussy are SO low that they think their chances of getting some in an afterlife , for which we have no plausible indication, are higher. Niggas are literally Naruto weebs taking shit to the next level by fucking killing themselves because his Naruto king neckbeard told him so.
And yeah, I call other people retards often too, but that is NOT to invalidate their comments, but to express my genuine thoughts about them. If I want to invalidate someone's comment I only have to point out how retarded they are, that is, if I BOTHER TO. Often times it's just WASTE OF TIME, that only leads your opponent putting up list of more RETARDED LIES to invalidate your comment where you invalidated their retarded lies with facts and pointing out the fallacies in their thought processes.
Guess I need to go. My blood pressure is rising too high for stupidity around.
Fuck off garrison recruiter
BASED. St. Bagelcel (otherwise known as Bagel Boss guy or the Bagel Boss) is the king of all incels, definitively.
He has had wives and girlfriends. You fail.