How much would I have to pay you to suck this big fat cock?
How much would I have to pay you to suck this big fat cock?
You would have to give me your heart and mental well-being. Become emotionally dependent on me and I would do it.
Makes sure to fuck my throat and call me a slut.
that cock looks great id probably suck it for free on a regular basis if he was nice
I'll do it for free if you let me suck the balls too
He already came no point sucking it
you wouldn't have to pay me anything but you'd really have to beg for your life because if i ever find out where you live i will gut you like a fish, you pathetic faggit
more than $100 OP I hope thats not your peen
That should have been the Fight Club cock.
i keep coming back to this thread to stare at that juicy cock
at least a thousand I'd say
I don't have much money
sure, where do you live user? add me on discord, me and my knife would love to pay you a visit
So to be clear, you'd suck that cock for free?
YES BUT would have to slice it off first
>not cleaning it off with your mouth while you wait for him to get hard again
for someone who hates queers you sure do spend a lot of time hanging out in threads where people post massive, juicy cocks user..
i wouldn't have to if you weren't spamming your degeneracy outside of /LGBT/, you retarded fag
lgbt is a blue board retard
also, thats a pretty flimsy excuse you have to justify looking at big cocks all day, you know you could always just hide the thread? closet fag
if i were in the right mood for it and if i was attracted to you i might do it for free
but since you are paying, at least $2 million
user you are gay clearly now go visit LGBT to embrace your inner woman
No I'm NOT you're just a bunch of faggots and I will GUT YOU like a fish, WEAR your ENTRAILS like a SCARF, and use your KIDNEYS as MITTENS, you goddamn CUM GUZLING pieces of shit.
GO TO /b/ THEN YOU FUCKING FAGGET. you don't have to post your dick pic every hour to justify you cocklust, YOU LIKE sucking dick, we GET IT
Lol I'd do it for free don't tell Charlie though he hates gays I'd love to suck your cock though I only have 8 dollars so HEH HEH HEH is that enough LEL! -Steven Butschlo
Lol how do you delete posts guys? This is a mistake I don't want to be exposed help HELP 666 HELPPPPP DEVIL SHIT DEVIL SHIT DEVIL SHIT -Steven Butschlo
heh poor user kun
Here's another cock to calm you down
No man can suck a cock like a pure bred Latina.
I have to pay 100 dollarydoos!
>barely even taking the tip
I really beg to differ
ITT Yim Yum
you can beg all you want, you're not getting my dick into your dirty hole