PORTLAND, Teenager allegedly masturbated a jaw-dropping 56 times non-stop before dying of a heart attack, in the proccess even breaking the world record and was awarded a world record certificate by a Guinness representative who later arrived at the home
>was awarded a world record certificate by a Guinness representative who later arrived at the home >who later arrived at the home AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHA
Jonathan Evans
I think my record is like 8 times.
Luis Martin
How would they even know how many times? Did this man keep a tally on his bed post? Did he etch out one last mark, "56," before the life faded from his body? Should've used those last few seconds to dial 9/11, pal.
Jose Lee
Unironically how do you even do that? I knew a guy who said he did 10 in one day when he was bored and I couldn't even fathom that. Highest for me was 4 and I got the worst headache from it
James Campbell
I once did 7 in 24 hours. After 5 you end up with dry ghost loads.
Isaiah Martin
How do you think I did that? I am just too high test. In fact, so bad is it in my family it creates health issues to the women in it. I am covered in so much hair it's disgusting to most other people.
my record is 16x in about 10 hours back in the aol and myspace days literally chatting with girls from school while beating my dick to their selfies good times nowadays i can manage 5-6x before i get bored or start feeling overwhelming sense of dread for some reason but if fapping 56x in one day can kill you i think i found my new suicide method
There would be no way of proving he jacked off that many times, not to mention you cant actually die from masturbation.
Jeremiah Diaz
>The young man was on his bed... his pen*s was detached from his body, it must have been so intense it just came off his body, we found his pen*s gripped in his left hand so tightly we couldn't get it out, it was tragic Holy fucking goddamn shit, there is NO WAY this is real. What a fucking madman.
Jonathan Perry
Mine is fifteen lol
Grayson Morgan
>cant actually die Pretty sure its not the first time it happens m8