How are guys doing today? How are you feeling are you depressed?
>The acronym for (Not In Education Employment Or Training)
>The acronym NEET refers to people who are unemployed not in school and not in vocational training
>Hikikomori is a Japanese term when translated into English it means pulling inward being confined (Acute social withdrawal) hikikomori is a distinct psychological disorder that refers to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescents and young adults who have withdrawn from society seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement due to various personal and social issues in their lives. (A shut-in who stays at home in their parents house and lives in isolation in their bedroom for 6 months or more)
>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms
>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents house, do not work or go to school and isolate themselves away from society and their family in a single room for a period exceeding six months
>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis
>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.
>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships
Neets are losers that don't contribute anything positive to society.
Adam Allen
Says the faggot crying about neets.
Ethan Johnson
why does this website keep lying to me?
Anyway, Ive been a NEET for almost 3 years now, but it looks like ill be going to college soon. In my experience both NEET and non-NEET life sucked very much, I just want to leave this place peacefully.
Thomas Ward
Says the faggot crying about the faggot crying about NEETs
Kayden Martin
Cope more neet. You'll never be as great as I, the workchad
David Reyes
Being neet since 2016. It be fun. Love being able to fap when ever o want. Cant imagine not have freedom like.
Caleb Turner
>Neets are losers that don't contribute anything positive to society.
wrong you can still be a Neet and go outside all the time and have an active social life not all Neets are recluses.
Jack Foster
How? Who takes care of your basic financial needs?
Isaac Carter
hikki/neet of 4 years with nothing to add to the conversation except.. dont become like me I guess? it rots your head
Jack Hill
Mommy. Of course she love me.
Grayson Smith
Hanging out with someone isn't contributing anything to society. Also how do you neets even afford to hang out with anyone?
Nathan Reyes
All neets are losers tho. Big time. It's funny when they post shit trying to make people jealous of them. It's like someone with aids trying to make you jealous they have aids. like a retard trying to make others jealous of their retardation. No, little neet, no one looks at you and feels envy. Pity maybe. Disgust perhaps. Not envy.
Angel Morgan
Im also existing via mothers funding. If I werent going to college then I would likely be living on the streets right now, with a view to die asap. Which, Im honestly past caring about. Im sick of living, to be perfectly blunt.
Parker Turner
why would you want to contribute to society in the first place
Bentley Davis
Stupid ass normalfags first off welfare is a thing and friends can come over to visit and no not all Neets are losers i have met some Neets with girlfriends Neet does not always = hikikomori recluse shut in or incel virgin basement dweller or robot Neet just means no job no school no vocational training.
Jaxon Cruz
Having life threatening disease is different from the amazing life style if the're free pain stress and normalfags.
>Woke up 5pm >Watched tv, ate something >Listen to the radio for a little bit >Get something from mcdicks >Jerk off >Watch some highlights on jewtube >6am now and should bet getting some sleep - I feel tired but have no desire to go to bed
This is my life daily at the moment. The worst part is having zero motivation to do productive things even though I know they need doing. I just don't have the energy or motivation to do them.
i went on a three hour walk today! i bought fifty dollars of bottom shelf liquor ima save it and cherish it and portion it out to last me almost two months
Tomorrows WoW raid is going to be magical im gonna have two shots of rum
I'm not sure how much I qualify as either. I get some money from the internet but I don't have a job and I'm not studying. In the last 3 months I left my house once when I had to take care of some papers in the town. I'm doing pretty good, been a bit cold lately but meh. Watching streams, browsing the internet, mom is making me tendies. Life's good.
based user, walks are one of the few things that keep me going especially when there are no other people around and you can just stand back and admire the view
If you work online you're still apart of society you are not a Neet or a hikikomori.
Luke Sullivan
I mean, if you're using public utilities like electricities, the internet, running water then you are technically part of society. You're not even living in complete isolation because you're talking to me. Technically I would be a NEET because I'm not employed but I wouldn't be a hikkikomori because I left my house in the last 6 months. Although I'm still some degree of shut in for only leaving my house once in 3-4 months.
NEET, hikikomori in the making, only leave my house for therapy but it's only been less than 6 months since i graduated, technically, because of underlying psychological illness, I don't actually qualify for the label of hikikomori. Right now my parents supply me, but I will be going in for my disability interview soon. I did leave the house two days ago to get drunk with someone though so my hiki "score" was reset but I said nothing the entire night and we both sat listening to music the entire time not talking. I won't be leaving the house until my interview next month.
Logan Bell
Self hating faggot failed normalfag anime
Julian Walker
don't expect to get answers here best luck is try wizchan and wait a year for a reply
Wyatt Cox
what mental illnesses do you have and why does that prevent you from being qualified as a hikikomori?
Nathan Walker
I am a neet hiki was not always like this tho. Used to have a lot of meaningful relationships even dated a girl for years but I grew to become a shut in when I realized how terrible the world was. When my ex broke up with me I pretty much gave up on all social interaction I go outside to walk my dog and go buy food that is it.
Caleb Foster
>I mean, if you're using public utilities like electricities, the internet, running water then you are technically part of society. You're not even living in complete isolation because you're talking to me.
You retards always use this stupid argument look dumbass the difference is those are basic everyday necessities to survive in the modern world in at least some way where is working a job and attending school is way more interacting with society than any hikikomori ever are not hikikomori if you're working or going to school.
Hikikomori is not not leaving the house its not leaving the room you withdraw yourself up into inside the house you live in and this is also a misconception the 6 months thing in the definition doesn't mean 6 months inside and not going out at all no it means that the affected person must be going through a period of isolation for 6 months in order to be diagnosed as a hikikomori in Japan.
Hudson Collins
>Self hating faggot failed normalfag anime
You do realize the original book was written by a hikikomori right? seriously fucking stop with this edgy shit you beta faggots need to fucking stop If you are actually suffering with hikikomori syndrome please get help it is a serious mental health problem that will have a negative impact on your life however if you just sit at home and are choosing to be isolated and don't have any real issues then you have no excuse and are just using mental illness as a badge of honor for attention which is pretty much what most people on Jow Forums and reddit do.
Camden Jackson
They're not though, you can live in a cave and eat weeds. They're utilities that society provides to it's members, like you. I guess I'm a hikkikomori then, but isolation nowadays feels meaningless anyways with the internet and all.
Ian Long
Well I guess technically I am not a hiki because I do not live with my parents I isolate myself in my apartment. But I am pretty close to it
Matthew Nelson
>Well I guess technically I am not a hiki because I do not live with my parents I isolate myself in my apartment. But I am pretty close to it
Most hikikomori live with their parents but not all do some live with other family members and some live alone in studio apartments which are just a single room like Satou from NHK but they are all Neets.
Lincoln Cruz
>They're not though, you can live in a cave and eat weeds. They're utilities that society provides to it's members, like you.
Most people would not be able to do that user.
>I guess I'm a hikkikomori then, but isolation nowadays feels meaningless anyways with the internet and all.
There are different degrees of isolation you know that right?
Nathaniel Perry
Hi-ki-ko-mo-ri learn how to spell.
Ryder Perry
Yeah I live by myself in a studio with my dog dose having a dog count against it? I have socially withdrawn from everyone and I am so terribly depressed about everything.
Oliver Rivera
>I hate working. I want to go on autismbux. What do I do?
Do you actually have any real issues that prevent you from working? if not fuck off and deal with it.
Julian Davis
>dose having a dog count against it?
LOL no.
Eli Turner
Worked out for humans for millions of years. Yeah, the ones that exist in your head and the ones that are real. Sure.
Jacob Clark
Yeah, I hate it. You'll feel better about being wagie if you don't scroll through these threads.
Brandon Harris
>Worked out for humans for millions of years.
That was back then this is now those were different times.
Daniel Evans
>Yeah, I hate it. You'll feel better about being wagie if you don't scroll through these threads.
Simply hating work is not an issue user most people do what mental or physical issues do you have? if you have none and can function in society suck it up and deal with it.
Lincoln Reyes
My dog is the only thing in the world I have that cares about me
Christopher Sanchez
Why do healthcare premiums have to go up 10% every year? Why do they lie to us about inflation? I'm going to be working full time until I am 70 because of this shit so that I can afford to live in a tent down by the river.
Nolan Martinez
True, we should suffer the consequences of being social parasites. We should serve as an example to new generations for what you don't should do in your life if you don't want to end up like us. That is the only purpose of our existence.
Gabriel Wilson
>what mental or physical issues do you have? I physically and mentally hate working. Are you afraid there'll be less autismbux for you somehow if I get in on it?
Matthew Lopez
Not really. If anything the world is safer now because people hunted and exterminated most predators. Here's a little pro tip for you, you can eat the majority of wild plants, and if you stop being a picky child then you can eat grasshoppers, lizards, snails, earthworms and so on pretty easily. You can most certainly live in a cave, but it's pretty boring and bland. Things that society gives are more fun, like shiny gadgets and sugary foods.
Ian Howard
>My dog is the only thing in the world I have that cares about me
I recommend watching this Japanese movie called Mameshiba Cubbish Puppy from 2009 its about a hikikomori in his 30s and his pet dog he leaves his parents house after years of staying at home in his room and him and his dog go on an adventure to find his mother because she ran away.
Jaxon Cox
Thanks for the recommendation I will probably watch it tonight thank you :)
Julian Flores
>I physically and mentally hate working. Are you afraid there'll be less autismbux for you somehow if I get in on it?
No you just dont deserve the money if you're a lazy piece of shit who just refuses to work the money should go to people who need it people who are physically disabled because of a broken leg or they have no arms thus they cannot work traumatized war veterans retired old people and people with actual mental health problems which cause them to not be apart of society such as the hikikomori or agoraphobic recluses or people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder that is who it should go to not lazy fucks like you.
Joseph Robinson
wow your butt must really hurt, I'm gonna really try to get NEETbux now, looking forward to your tax dollars!
Austin Green
Yeah no thanks i dont wanna be a buddhist monk in the woods.
Brody Rivera
>wow your butt must really hurt, I'm gonna really try to get NEETbux now, looking forward to your tax dollars!
For the record i dont work i am a hikikomori Neet but i am disgusted that people like you who have no real issues steal from people like me who have real issues if you dont wanna be apart of society then you should just hang yourself already.
Michael Thompson
Okay but then you're part of society. The argument was that you're forced to do those things for survival but realistically you don't. I remember a while ago two french dudes got lost in the amazonian jungle and just lived there for like 4 months until the rescue team found them. Just making a shelter and foraging for food. With some very basic survival skills you can very easily survive alone in the wilderness.
Kevin Peterson
Neet life is god tier. I just became a wageslave and I want to go back.
Dominic Parker
>gonna fail university again >gonna have to listen to gay pep talks again I just want a living for fuck's sake why am I so fucked up mentally
not him but you're just angry that you don't get neetbux. I get them and love every minute of it but I am schizophrenic and need it. Just so you know if you DO get neetbux you'll need to do a review every year and they deny 80% of people on their review.
Jordan James
True. But this does not mean they are not worthy of compassion or empathy.
Christian Martin
>The argument was that you're forced to do those things for survival but realistically you don't.
Actually we kinda are because if there were no cars buses or train stations how would people get to work? how would people get their food if there was no internet how would people like me who are isolated even talk to someone at all? if there was no running water we would die and if there was no electricity people would freeze maybe even to death its not 1885 anymore these are basic everyday necessities to survive in the modern world in some way living in the woods cut off from civilization is a choice and withdrawing from society in ones room is not the same as cutting off all contact with civilization and living in the woods like a monk.
Leo Wright
You sound like the only beta fag here normalfags are fucking disgusting all the same they all gossip and each other betray and just overall stupid disgusting people i LIKE being a lone wolf i LIKE staying to myself fuck you. being around others is what ruins my health
Jonathan Lewis
fuck you he said he hates it physcially and mentally it causes him pain to do it then he shouldn't do it i'm sure he has some mental illnesses since that's not a npc way of thinking/being.
Carter Ortiz
Wha, why would you work if you don't want to be part of society. What the hell. No, society needs those to function, you don't. You can live in a forest. >withdrawing from society in ones room is not the same as cutting off all contact with civilization and living in the woods like a monk You're not withdrawing from society though, you're part of society, just in your room. And yeah it isn't the same, because the monks aren't part of society, you are.
Daniel Howard
So in other words Wawhhhhhhhhhhhhh im proud of my mental illness i dont want help Jesus Christ stop using mental illness as something to be proud of get help faggot now.
Easton Gomez
>help yes goy brainwashing you into being a normalfag is help
Ian Perry
Yes i am proud why would i not be? i guess so in other words you are a self hating faggot and are jealous that other people actual like themselves?
Oliver Sanders
>You're not withdrawing from society though, you're part of society, just in your room. And yeah it isn't the same, because the monks aren't part of society, you are.
Hikikomori are not apart of society you dumb fuck LOL i dont work i dont go to school and i have no friends irl how am i apart of society? online stoical interaction is not the same as talking to someone irl dumb nigger.
Cooper Campbell
You shouldn't be proud of being mentally ill that is not okay get help mental illness will ruin your life.
Michael Roberts
You're using utilities that society provides, you are part of it. Someone makes money off the electricity you consume, someone makes money off the internet you use, someone makes money from you using their websites. Even if you use adblock just the fact that you're generating data is making people money because data is gold. Interaction is interaction, you're talking to people so you're not isolated.
Charles Roberts
These questions are beyond them, my friend.
Angel Evans
>yes goy brainwashing you into being a normalfag is help
Well being a normalfag is waay better than being a worthless fat lazy mentally ill bald 50 year old Neet like op pic related.
Dylan Cruz
The Japanese prove that multiculturism is wrong and should be punishable by death.
Dylan Reed
You must be one of those fucking retard boomers who thinks isolation simply cannot exist in modern society because of technology legit fuck off you have no argument and your argument is shit actually do some research on social isolation before you spew shit out of your mouth.
Grayson Ramirez
Okay mr kike or mr npc what is "help" exactly? becoming a drone normalfag? fuck you
Landon Stewart
Well you just talked to me so you're not alone and you made Hiroyuki some delicious yens by creating acvitity and data on his website, ka-ching ka-ching my friend. People get paid for the things you do daily, if you were a bit more skilled you could easily make money too. Manipulation, influencing and marketing are very lucrative markets, if you went into a degree to study them you'd be surprised that you know most of the things they say by virtue of doing them for years.
>Well being a normalfag is waay better than being a worthless fat lazy mentally ill bald 50 year old Neet like op pic related. actually no it isn't "worth" is up to the individual and nothing is wrong with being bald or 50 years old all normalfags are lying self serving bastards
Aiden Nguyen
>parents stopped giving me money 8 months ago i dont know how much longer i can go on like this. i need new games for my switch. im so tired of playing the same one over and over again
Camden Adams
>all normalfags are lying self serving bastards
You have a right to that opinion now excuse me while i continue to try to escape hikikomori and hopefully i can enjoy my new job soon make new friends and spend time with my girlfriend once i have fully recovered.
Nathan Campbell
>what is "help" exactly?
Therapy medications although they will not always help but they do for some people making new friends joining a group of some kind finding a job and looking for work having sex working out shall i go on.
Grayson Martinez
Well you have a right to your stupid opinion but the fact of the matter is that you're wrong even Japanese hikikomori would disagree with you i have talked to a few on discord before.
Wyatt Watson
sure buddy, you're the only one with issues here. everyone else's life pales in comparison to how horrible it is for you, you poor thing.
Christopher Wood
>sure buddy, you're the only one with issues here.
I never said i was the only one with issues here stop putting words in my mouth.
Joshua Miller
I am always right, this is a burden I have to live with. By the way neither of you are very isolated if you're talking to people on discord.
It's not a opinion you ever been to school/college or even tried to talk to people?
Ayden Ortiz
you are literally socializing right now, thats not very hikki like
Carter Mitchell
its been 2 days, should I stop putting off having a shower? do any of you, when you shower, and really try wash yourself well, never feel any better? you still feel like you didn't shower at all, why is that?
Therpy is for normalfags and "medications" are bad for you why do i need friends or a group? and why would i want a job to spend 80% of my life slaving for a society that i hate? and why would i want to have sex with anyone unless there a perfect match which likely doesn't exits? and i can work out as a neet stupid normalfag
Connor Taylor
>I am always right,
>By the way neither of you are very isolated if you're talking to people on discord.
They are fucking Japanese dumbass and that is where the word hikikomori comes from so i believe them not you you're just a retard.
Joshua Kelly
lol shut up fag. the world owes you nothing. im a neet who is too stubborn to work for shit wages. i say lets all collapse the system. either pay good wages or fucking close up shop i say!
Camden Howard
You said he doesn't have real issues which is the same thing dumbass hikkis love the internet and this barley counts as socializing
Adrian Richardson
if you dont care then dont. i shower because im a coomer and i hate the smell of fish hitting my face when im trying to eat