Power rangers is so absolutely fucking based. We should base ourselves off them they are a great example of what life on earth should be, diverse , different and full of every type of person despite race
Power rangers is so absolutely fucking based...
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These were my power rangers. Never watched the other series.
But that's not the original cast
Where the black ranger is black
The asian ranger is yellow
The bimbo ranger is pink
The fag ranger is baby blue
The chad ranger is red
And the dank ranger is green
absolutely based fren
hello linkara
Wild Force was my childhood power ranger series.
Billy wasn't a fag, he was a nerd.
Actor is gay and hes really goddamn butthurt about being bullied in the 90s
Is that black ranger here now? Does he use this board?
he was a fag and got shit on by the cast for it until he killed himself irl
so you never saw the movies either? because they were already evolved passed that in the movies and if you never saw the movies, gtfo the thread.
Okay that's close but the pink one wasn't a bimbo we all regret we couldn't marry and domestically abuse her.
The green one was suppose to be cool but they already used red and black so the only color left was white so they had to go with that since they were suppose to make the robots all work together and the green one had the mechagodzilla thing he summoned with a flute and that kind of stuff isn't team work.
>and the green one had the mechagodzilla thing he summoned with a flute
Nigga that was his pipe, and Zordon lived in a giant bong
He didn't commit die
Implying BATTLE FEVER J isn't the best team.
Don't forget the red ranger almost murdered a man
OG super sentai is cheating
>defend self
>get 6 years
>Zordon lived in a giant bong
No he fucking didn't do, don't fuck with my head like that. That was that weird building that was in that star trek tng episode about the aliens that speak in metaphors. Anyway I think the real take away from all this is the pink power ranger was fucking hot and all can go live in shame for not winning her heart to put up with our bull shit.
Okay no on second thought it was the borg episode with lore in one of the back to back episodes. I'd be surprised if it wasn't in the x-files too but it was that episode of the pink power ranger stealing everyones hearts and everyone wanting to fucking die since they didn't get her.
You kids wanna try some dank ass space weed?
Rita's after my stash niggas, you gotta light that bitch up
Yo Daft Punk, spin that shit and send these nerds on a mission or whatever
>Around the world playing in the background
Dude it was a cool show and all but I'm pretty sure we all went to watch it because kimberly was hot af. If you want to lose your shit over something she was in that movie about a road trip that one time. That show was like 50% kimberly, 25% cool ninja shit, 25% robots. Nobody watched that shit cause they wanted to bang rita, that's like saying you're 50 and like some girl that's 40 because she was in a show when she was 30 so it doesn't come off as weird.
Call 4GOLDAR to trade your gold for cash NOW!
I found this while searching for images of Goldar lads, please use it for shaming scrubs on the internet
So glad we could all come together for power rangers!!!!!!
Billy wore navy blue, faggot. Didn't Jason wind up doing gay porn?
This is so nice we are coming together like the old r9k instead of being the new r9k where every one is a tranny sex obsessed faggot
The pink power ranger ended up with a photo on the internet playing the guitar somewhere. I really didn't like guitars that much but that was kinda the thing I'd want to listen to if I had to.
Oh yeah, yellow one died in a tragic train explosion but at least the second crow movie was better than it got credit for
Were there any Jow Forums robros in the 24/7 stream they did a couple years ago to promote the movie? God I miss that stream, it was the last time I'm was legitimately happy.
what about this nigga zedd?
>Trini Kwan is the Yellow Ranger in Power Rangers. She is portrayed by late Vietnamese actress Thuy Trang.[1]
>Trini was originally portrayed by Hispanic-American actress Audri Dubois in the unaired pilot episode, but when the show was picked up for television, for which a new pilot was filmed, she was played by Thuy Trang, around whom the character was rewritten.[2] Trini appears in the 2017 reboot film, played by singer Becky G. In the film, Trini questions her sexual orientation, which is a departure from the show.
christ almighty
Now this is a based thread I needed one of these after the day I have had
I don't watch that shit anymore but some gay fan fic about kimberly and her would have been kinda great. Why wouldn't you wanna fuck kimberly?
>oh no tommy im falling off a mountain halp
I'm pretty sure even though my memory is a bit hazy she got herself out of that problem somehow.
>still watching Kamen Rider and other toku shows
how you lads liking zi-o?
Diversity is a Zionist scheme fuck off.
Didn't the original cast used to bully and harass the blue one for being gay
>not watching the original super sentai series