Fuck you lookin at, nigga?

>fuck you lookin at, nigga?
What would you do if this nigga bumped into you then asked you this?

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I am not grounded in the physical world so I cannot seriously muster up any sort of emotion which would lead to me wondering if thats ok and then id be filled with dread and fear and as the nigger bullies me my mind would go into cope mode and everything would be slow and blurry and I wouldnt feel any emotion until the next day.

Im looking at you, now that youve raised such a scene. Are you threatening me?

Yeah I am what you got homie? Gimme your wallet

>gets sucker punched
>ktfo in one punch
>his homies were recording the whole time

No, youre gonna have to assault me for that. While youre at it, go ahead and kill me, youd be doing me a favour. But dont think I wont fight back. Anyway, if you jump me, sooner or later the pigs will have their way with you, so whatever happens, this hurts you more than it hurts me.

Draw my conceal carry and shoots the nigger right between its eyes

This has happened to me a few times. Something about my reaction must be weird because they always look creeped out.

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"Yeah, I am faggot. What are you going to do about it? I'm fucking 6'2" 150 lbs all muscle trained in boxing, kick boxing, karate, muay thai, jiu jitsu, and trained by the Marines. You ain't gonna do shit to me."

Well congrats you got beat up, robbed, and had your shoes and pants pulled off you. Also you are on world star now, your girlfriend is leaving you, and your friends think you're a joke now

How do you cops with the shame?

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someone like you shouldn't be carrying a concealed firearm.

Refer to: The only difference is you'd get a different video title like "flexing white boy kisses the ground" or something.

Seems like apologizing and running immediately is the only option with a good outcome

Shit DM, didn't even give me a strength roll and setting up everyone to die.

ITT incels including OP grieve over the fact that they know they would do nothing in this situation.

I weigh 400 lbs, people dont do this to me.

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t. incel pretending to not be an incel

"Nothing dude, chill out."

>the cop standing behind you
Run away when he turns his head

Isn't that the best option though? From a self defense point of view.

You can't make the first attack because then you're in the wrong with the law, and he may have a gun, knife, or nearby friends

You provoke him you get sucker punched/dazed and likely loose the fight, not assuming again the rest of the pack doesn't come and wail on you from behind

Also no one on Jow Forums knows how fight. I don't care if you're a citizen or took a class, Jow Forums is a bunch of loser weebs and internet junkies, not experienced street fighters and thugs.

I'm not a beta white and am a hispanic guy

I would make up some bullshit about being in a cartel and how my family would annihilate his ape tribe

I was in a Tijuana brothel called Hong Kong and was walking down some steps and some negro stepped on my boot and started apologizing immediately, I was wearing mostly black, kek

If that doesnt work and he starts attacking me , then I would just stab him since I carry knives on me

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And why is that faggot?

Just walk away. Nothing to gain by acting uppity.

>"I'm sorry, it was an honest mistake."

And continue on with my day. No need to get in some meaningless confrontation.

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You guys ever watch The Boondocks and the "Nigga moments" That should basically sum it up..

Hispanic isn't a race. There are black Hispanics, white Hispanics, etc.

I've said this before to white and latinos before, it's funny how they react, especially white people.

>Your uglyass face looking face, you fucking malt liquor monkey

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Throw up my gang signs and grab my 9 millimeter glock and start bustin on niggas and watching every mothafucka try to run but its locc 2 da brain gotta kashii insane with an empty gun. So imma continue to strike and stay alone and maintain my self pride cuzz its locc 2 da brain

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What are some of the reactions you've gotten?

It would be funny if you got a knock on your door for this post.

White people generally start speeding off or saying I'm sorry, sometimes both. One time a guy just bolted in the other direction after giving me a look like he just shit himself, it's always a little different and always funny.

However most hispanic people just ignore me or sometimes get in my face about it, one time a guy got in my face and said "my new husband" and I just fell to the ground laughing.

Say "looking at you watch where you're going" and if he touches me I shank him with a knife I always carry.

Halfbloods don't fuck with that nonsense. White guys gotta learn when to escalate shit first before the other guy inevitably does.

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Yes, yes I know fags like to point out the technical definition

When the majority of people say hispanic, they are thinking of mestizos and those two terms are pretty much interchangeable in the majority of peoples minds

i shood him in the face

fuck darkies. why are you posting such shit threads op? This board is fucking dead in its tracks.

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>Say "looking at you watch where you're going"

>2 weeks later

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I wasn't looking at you, relax.

That's pretty aesthetic.

and how did you react user?

>autistic stuttery apology
>probably stand around awkwardly until he tells me I can fuck off
>stumble away like a retard because hopped up on nerves
please no bully

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>some negro stepped on my boot and started apologizing immediately,
Maybe he was just being polite. lol

So let me get this straight.
You just go around picking fights with people who you think are easy targets and be a bully because you think its cool...

You're just another coward and a pussy who would run the moment shit gets real. I wish someone would posture up to me like that, but no one ever does. I havent beat the shit out of retards like you in a long time

>picking fights
what, I just say "what you looking at nigga" or "what you lookin at white boy", if someone decides to fight me on that then it's on them.

Ah my mistake.
I misread your posts and thought you would walk up to people minding their own business and just fuck with them.


If he tries to actually fuck with me I stab him with my knife.