How tight is hapa pussy?
How tight is hapa pussy?
mutts are so ugly
Now why I get why people did the one drop rule
why do i get the feeling that katies pussy is like 3 inches deep
Hapas are the masterrace but ok
Too much for BlueKatie
has she responded to this at all?
Katie doesn't respond to pms.
based and tributepilled
Make throwaway insta or twitter and send katie the big cock. lol
Anyway hapas are the best
they are made for kiny sex
i thought katie lived in japan but shes actually in netherlands
She lived in japan till she was like 6 or 7, then they migrated to netherlands
Why orbit? What do you have to gain. Isnt it degrading being treated like at the very best a dickless lapdog? How can you stand it?
What's wrong with you
original comment
You're so fucking dumb. Tightness is achieved by doing pelvic floor exercises. There's no way to tell weather a woman does them and it's baffling that you think it has to do with race. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to love asian women, but that isn't one of them.
So is Katie tight?
>no cum
whats the point of this webm
>user meet my little sister
ive been with white black latina asian hapa mulatto and its really more about how small the girl is. asian/white girls tend to be smaller so they feel tighter. also the more nervous a girl is at first they will feel tighter as they tense up but there should be a good balance between tight and wet/slick enough for both of you to be enjoying it
half as tite as asian pussy?
Imagine kissing and sniffing her tight, hairless hapa pussy every morning, that would be heavenly. Lol
into the trash
Her dad wanted to go back home?
>imagine stripping her of her panties and resting your face on her bush every morning smelling her marinated pussy