Just had a fucking panic attack and I'm fucking shaking and crying trying really hard to calm down right now. Can you guys just post some relaxing images to help me relax again?
Just had a fucking panic attack and I'm fucking shaking and crying trying really hard to calm down right now...
Please guys. I'm begging you
one of eight coming up
upload continues with number two of eight
should be three of eight
i sure hope these are in the correct order
i have some more gondolas but not much else relaxing
maybe some landscapes or something else stolen from /wg/
i hope you get better, op. here's the last one
folder marked 'scenery'
countryside is calming
Thanks user. I really do appreciate it
a little civilization by the shore is nice too.
Here you go I hope things get better for you hedgehogs always tend to relax me they look so comfy curled up
Thank you so much guys. It really is helping if it means anything to you
here's some civilization by the shore
That put a big stupid smile on my face :)
I rwally just only have anime stuff, sorry
pige says be comfe
comfy russian feels
pic of my dog burger
Glad I could help a little bit user. Have a good night ok.
Paintings are nice user
OP here, if anyone is wondering what happened. When I was 17, my mom's boyfriend got fired from his job and got really drunk and really angry and tried killing my mom and tried killing me and I freaked out and jumped out the window to my room.
I'm 26 now and heard some voices outside my apartment and heard a can crack and it gave me some flashbacks to that event. I even had to check to make sure my door was locked and I still had this deep fear that the door would get kicked down and someone would attack me.
I'm feeling a little better now, but this thread has helped quite a bit. Thank you so much. I can't say it enough.
Oh shit, did somebody say /comfy/ thread!?
Anteaters are cute too.
That is really horrible op I imagine livIng with that is very hard. Sounds like a very scary situation. My dad tried to kill me a few times so I know how it feels to freak out and have to go lock all the doors. That is why I have a big dog and a pistol just in case. I really do hope you feel better and try to put that trama behind you but it is easier said then done.
It's not very often I freak out like this. So I was really fucking terrified as this was just going down. It's 2:40 am where I live and I felt the need to text my mom to make sure she's okay (she's still with the boyfriend). But I don't think she's awake.
this image was specifically designed to calm you down. allow it to take effect. think about the texture and/or smell of every object in the image as detailed as possible. breathe deeply in and out. only comfy feelings now. you are completely safe. no harm can reach you. you are totally comfortable and relaxed
I'd rather not think of the smell, user.
I mean it is understandable I always tuck my pistol in my waistband and get anxious when someone knocks on my door. Sometimes I have bad dreams about some of the things he did and have to sweep my house just to be able to feel safe. And in your case with him still being with your mom I can imagine that is very hard to deal with. Your a good person for checking in on your mother.
I'm actually watching old ECW pay per views to help me fall back asleep. For some reason, there's something calming about people beating each other to a bloodbath in a fake fight.
Pop some xanax. And while it was a horrile experiece its not deadly and nothing will happen to you.
i promise you will be okay user. look at the piggy
haha look at him go
Here, have a cow. How do you feel now, OP?
Unironically put your head in the freezer next time.
Jesus. Have you ever tried meditation? Breathe in, counting to about 4 as you do so, then breathe out, while counting to 4 again. Repeat. Let the count, and your breath, be all that matters in the world.
hope you recover soon op. i absolutely dread panic attacks
having anxiety and sometimes letting your feelings out briefly isn't a panic attack.