Whats the strongest animal you think you could beat in a fight?

whats the strongest animal you think you could beat in a fight?

I could probably take a cat or a beaver

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Man up almost everyone could take a wolverine


a wolf in one on one combat

bro what the fuck are you talking about, wolverines regularly fight bears and wolves

A dolphin is too much for me, but a horse is just fine.

i mean unarmed though

>inb4 i could do it unarmed
no you coudnt m8, animals are way fucking stronger than videogames and movies give them credit for, literally every animal about half the size of a human or bigger would fucking destroy humans

yeah but im heavier and stronger than a wolf, its not my fault you are a weakling

A really big dog

it wouldnt matter if you were 6'6 350 pounds of solid muscle, a wolf would still destroy you you fucking retard

capybaras look strong as fuck but I wouldnt want to fight one because they get along with everything

capybara's are god's chosen mammal

Attached: capybara.png (1200x630, 1.11M)

not a single wolf a pack would kill me one wolf it literally stick your fist in its mouth and it can't attack anymore

capybara's are chads

>bro just put your fist in its mouth and it couldnt do anything

Attached: capybara2.jpg (1028x675, 200K)

I mean it would hurt but that's how you beat it

look at that shit
just LOOK AT THAT SHIT. gets along with ducks, gets along with alligators, gets along with fucking TURTLES

When I was a kid me and and a heron beat the shit out of each other over a bucket of crabs I'd been catching, and I won.

One of these is doable as long as you're both on land, it's no bigger than about six feet long, you have a towel and some duct tape, and approach from the rear. Any one of those is not in place you're going to get rekt.

Attached: Florida swamp-cat.jpg (3200x1800, 592K)

Maybe a kangaroo. I've seen the video where that dude punched one in the face and I've watched them fight each other. I can take up to twice my weight.
Any strayans able to give me some perspective? I know you fools get drunk and box them.

I could take on a Wolf as well mate.

Putting your arm in it's mouth prevents it from chewing or biting your neck, which is your weak spot.

In fact, somebody killed a jungle cat or something doing just that. If you shove your arm down its throat you can make it choke from within. Just ram it down there and make a fist, it won't be able to breathe.

More than one wolf, though? You need a weapon for that.

A kangaroo would fuck you up mate. Things are jacked and are known for killing pets.

you are actually retarded
doing that while its actively trying to kill you would be close to impossible
you could also theoretically do that to bears, lions and tigers but literally everytime an unarmed human has a violent encounter with one of these animals it ends up with the person getting either killed or gored to fuck

You need to go outside.

A bear, a lion, and a tiger can fuck you up with one swing of their paws. A wolf can't.

Do you think wolves are like those things you see on Game of Thrones? Fuckers can only get to about the height of your hip. As long as you can face one and know where it's attacking from, you can win.

They hunt in packs and aim for the throat for a good reason. They're not powerhouses.

You'd think an Australian would know at least a bit about survival and animals.

Fucking tripcode, holy shit.

>you need to go outside

says the guy thinking he could beat a wolf unarmed
just because they're smaller dosnt mean shit, pitbulls are smaller than humans but they still maul the fuck out of people all the time
animals are way stronger for their size, shape, weight than humans are because they have far denser muscles

cheetahs are roughly the same size or even smaller than wolves i bet you think you could fuck them up as well huh?
you could definitely beat a jaguar too right?

Not everyone has to hunt wolves for food, Venezualanon.

You have got to be literally retarded. I even told you why a wolf would be possible to take on a fight but not another animal.

A jaguar slashes with its paws, dipshit. You can't defend against paws because of the strength of the arm and the sharpness of the claws.

A wolf, however, attacks by biting. You can jam a mouth easier than you can stop a slash.

I've fought with a boar, and that was far more difficult than fighting even a rabid dog.

The struggle is real. I can't believe I know more about hunting from being in this shithole than that pampered indoor-cat cowardly bitch cunt that calls itself an australian user. I bet he uses an umbrella during the day so he doesn't get sunburns on his manlet ass.

Also chigüires (capybaras) are tasty as hell. They're a gourmet dish in Bolivar.

you do realise wolves have claws and shit as well right?
they may not be as powerful as lions and tigers but they could still fucking scalp you

you can not fight a wolf you absolute fucking moron

Black bear

>i'm an inbred fuckwad that believes wolves attack by slashing

That's what I read.

impressive, it is a chad indeed

an old, sick dog.

>bro I could totally take a wolf in a fight
>bro just put your fist down its throat bro

>i lost a war to birds so that means everyone is as weak as me

This is all a moot question though, the wolf wouldn't be trying to attack you it'd be trying to teach you about sex.

It sounds dumb, but that's actually how you're supposed to fight dogs, so it should work on wolves.

lmao I just realized you were from New Zealand and.

I'm sorry Australians. It makes a lot more sense for a Kiwi to be a weakling.

yeah and lots of people know about this but the overwhelming majority of the time dogs still fuck people up and the people cant do shit except try and defend


A medium sized dog probably.

Attached: bowwow.jpg (400x300, 25K)

you fought a boar? how are you alive?

no pitbulls maul mostly women and children, weaklings.

a nigger, maybe 2

very nice

Unappreciated post right here.

a lion. i do as most animal attack survivors do and finger their eyeballs. it works really well. its no wonder why the only rule in gladiator fights were not to claw ones eye out.

have fun as it breaks your ribcage by jumping on you

hahaha. but in the end it runs away like a scared house cat!

Khoisans wrestle jaguars and break their necks and they're like 5 feet tall and malnourished as hell
A wolf's skull is pretty vulnerable to blunt force impact at the top.
I think the point where it gets tough is when you start to go up against stuff that's just too big and strong for you to have much of an impact against with bare hands. You can't really hurt a bear meaningfully without a weapon. Something like a wolverine could be tough if you just try to pound it down, but if you got a good grip on it you could probably drown it or break it's neck.

Probably like a grasshopper or an ant. Seems doable.

I've read a couple first hand accounts of wolf scientists, who are intimately familiar with these animals and have relationships with them, talking about how they survived the attacks.

Short answer, they don't. Long answer, the few who do end up with their bones powdered. Nothing left to splint. Guy lives rest of his life with only 30% arm strength, massive muscle misconfiguration and chronic pain. You want to know how he got out of it? Another person got involved. The guy getting attacked was fucking jacked, too, I saw pictures of him before and after. He said all he could do was hold his fist down his throat and hang on literally for his life, but that the wolf would have broken free as soon as his strength failed. The person who helped him out was less than 20 feet away, on top of that.

I grew up with a wolf hybrid. If that fucker had ever turned on me I would've been fucked, and he was only 50%.

>wolf scientist

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I killed a massive rabbit once.

but bro, they fight wolves in movies and my chinese cartoons all the time
its so easy lol
just poke them in the eyes and put your arm down their throat lol
just have confidence bro

wolves are pretty smart, im pretty sure the only reason they dont usually get PHD's is purely because of economic reasons

look im sorry that you weigh 270 and are only 5'5" but im telling you I could fight a wolf and live

There was a human corpse found a while back up here in Canada. Guy got attacked by a pack of wolves. Shot four of them, clubbed another three to death with the rifle before they brought him down
Not saying fighting a wolf is a good idea
These "wolf scientists" or whatever probably put themselves in stupid situations. A grown man should be able to kill a single wolf by himself, even if it would cripple him to do so. Unless you're some kind of naive bleeding heart faggot, or a basedboy.

there is a massive difference between one wolf and a pack of wolves

Your guy had a weapon, also Dr. Wolf Scientist wasn't in a stupid situation, and, as I said, he was jacked. I didn't know people from Canada could be so retarded. I thought people like you were reserved for the deep south down here. Guess not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

is everyone ITT a citycuck who has never physically interacted with wild animals before?

you are all extremely underestimating how strong animals are and seem to think that just because some are smaller than people that you could fight them

For sure, but the question is what the strongest animal you could beat in a fight is, not what group of animals you could beat in a fight.
He killed three out of the pack in melee combat.
I'm talking about taking a wolf one on one.
Are there even any animals larger than a housecat in NZ? Are you sure you aren't the one talking piss?

fuck off hobbit, I've been around horses my whole life I know how strong animals are, and I would rather fight a wolf than a horse any day

taking on 3 with a gun as a club and taking on 1 unarmed are completely different


i never said wolves were stronger than horses you dumb cunt
i have a horse too so I know how strong and fucking huge they are

just because a wolf is smaller and weaker than a horse doesnt mean a person could take it unarmed

a dragon
a really big one too not some welterweight dragon

>taking on 3
No, retard. He died. The survivors ate his body. He fought an entire pack, and killed three in melee. Not the same thing.

how complicated of a task is putting your arms in a wolfs mouth? are you retarded

Like I said before, their weakness is that the top of their skulls is relatively fragile. It's not made to take impacts like many other animals. One good blow will kill the wolf.

>he died
then this isnt the best example to use for being able to fight a wolf unarmed is it

you can stop arguing faggots i already won the stupid hypothetical question


yeah man, Im sure while a fucking wolf is attacking you you will totally be able to keep calm and shove your hand down its throat or poke its eyes out or whatever other meme people say to fight animals

with a club

Nobody's claiming to be able to take on an entire pack of wolves on by themselves. Are you disingenuous, retarded, or both?

yes you could totally could.
are you saying you can't concentrate for the ten seconds it would take or would the pain be just too much for you?

This is probably gonna blow your mind, but without other weapons, humans tend to use their fists and other body parts as impromptu clubs.


A froggie for sure
Fuck France

True story. I was bicycling in the town, stepped off my bicycle and lowered myself to lock up the rear wheel.

A german shepard attacked me, getting lose from his owner. The dog attacked my right thigh, or right bun, I think.

In panic to defend myself, I hit my right elbow right at the temple of the dog's skull. I made that hit really hard (my elbow was sore for a couple of days after that).

The Schaefer at first stopped his attack, then went silent (his continuous growling stopped) and then moved to his right away from me and then fell on his stomach, about a meter away from me. He just watched me from there, I could tell that from his eyes.

I myself was still in basically the same bowed position by my bicycle. After a while I raised my head and saw the dog's owner walking towards his dog. He picked up the leach and pulled his dog who wouldn't move.

I just watched him from the same bowed position I was in. We didn't exchange a word.

Finally I just straightened myself up, the bicycle was still unlocked and I straddled myself and started biking away. At some point my elbow started to get sore while I was biking. I didn't break it, instead I just got a bruise around it. It was sore for a couple of days. I never heard about the dog's owner.

Fucker surprised me when I was hunting with my uncle. We had to sidestep it when we were close to a rock and stab it. I remember it being like a wild bull game, hopping on top of it and shanking it.

I never said it was easy, but that it could be done. A wolf is about the strongest animal I could reasonably take on a fight. I'm just amused at the Kiwi saying that it's not possible, as if I had personally insulted his fursona.

A domestic dog probably. my kicks are better than my punches

did you kill the thing or just show it who's boss?

A 60kg dog is no match for me, maybe I could wrestle down a 80-90kg boar, but I don't know.

Damn, what's your weight? I know that someone people wrestle hogs, but they're huge.

I got in panic. A fuckhuge dog attacked me out of nowhere.

I have no idea what happened to the dog afterwards. I just biked away.

Maybe you killed it and you didn't know mate. Did the owner do something to the dog as you left?

The owner of the dog picked up the leach and pulled it. The dog didn't move from his prone position. I watched that happening for a while and then I straddled my bike and peddled away. I didn't know what else to do. The owner of the dog didn't talk to me at all.

I have no idea at all why the dog attacked me.

This. A good fucking kick is a powerful ass weapon. All you have to do with dogs is avoid the bite.

Jesus. Talk about adrenaline strength.

Hope you healed alright, 'cause I'm sure that dog didn't.

I could kill any land animal on my property anywhere else im screwed

well, what's the strongest animal in the world, behind me of course?

Yeah. And guess what. I'm sure that gun butt didn't feel a million hairline or worse fractures as it crushed through a skull that it is harder than, unlike a gun butt.

Again, I thought people like you were reserved for the USA's deep south.

You're underestimating humans. We have the superior mobility by miles. I have better breathing, I swear to regenerate endurance and I stand upright which leaves 2 limbs free. I can defend with one arm, attack with the other and even use my knees to strike. Knees are brutal, the blunt force I can generate with a knee to the gut of a wolf would easily scare it off. Plus, humans have a secret weapon that no four legged animal smaller than us could handle: the punt. The amount of force you can generate with a punt could outright kill any animal medium sized wolf. A physically fit human can punt a basketball half a kilometer away. Imagine that on the skull or ribs of a wolf.

I could beat any animal smaller than me. A wolf would be a tough fight but doable.

>a beaver
Rodents are the fastest mammals possible, It can bite you like 20 times in 1 second, and a beaver can slice your leg in one bite.

A unicorn.

My elbow healed absolutely to painless in four or five days. There never was any major damage I think.

Panic from my behalf.
>coming out of the blue, from behind a corner, in my face
What do?
Honestly if you ask me I have no idea. Do your best? Haha.

I have trouble believing that somebody with such disdain for the south has any idea what he's talking about when it comes to any sort of physical work. Neck yourself, onions god

I have no disdain, just know that you do. Come back to me when you've grown up with a wolf hybrid and we'll talk then.

Funny enough, I did grow up with a wolf-husky hybrid. I don't know what you expect me to talk to you about, though.