Jow Forums
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Miscellaneous #58
I will never get that Pink ID so I give up!
Do you ever reply to a thread because someone else in the thread with your flag posted a reaction image that you...
What countries do you think you could beat in a fight Jow Forums
Kot has died! only the kot ID will bring him back
Share your current temperatures anons
I unironically think that my wife is cute in this Image
Here is a tale, of one of the most faggiest retards I know. Here is the tale, of Daniel the Tard
Goodbye, Alice. Looks like this is the end of my life. I guess my life was worthless, after all...
ITT: Insult the user's country above you in the best way you can
I had way too much to drink last night i feel like absolute garbage oh god please hold me Jow Forums
I love you so much Alice
Furry porn thread user
Umm hello Jow Forums i love the nazis style. its a shame that its kind of taboo to dress as a nazi...
Guess the Song
I am currently rather anxious, as there is someone here on Jow Forums who knows of my true identity...
Hey there babies
Tfw have thick wavy hair
Post youre one (1) [1] {one} most favourite song at the moment
Time to eat my poop
Race mixing?
Hey Anonymous, how are you d-doing today?
Remember to keep fit Jow Forums!
Who else /comfy/?
What're you listening to?
You have been cursed
Hitler appreciation thread lets go
So, does any of you ACTUALLY got a cringe folder or
You are all gay and fat
You're gonna hate this. Trust me. What you're seeing now is singles
What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
ITT: We summon all 50 states
Why are all the anime on netflix rated 3 stars or less? Is this some kind of smear campaign...
I love kot
Final Fantasy Thread: Blue Mages Are Gay Edition
Hello Jow Forums sorry if i were a bit gone. i think i slept for 14 hours or something...
Hi Jow Forums. My name is Jello, I'm 11. Pleasure to meet all of you. AMA
Why don't Americans drink tea?
I know how to make napalm, should i make a large batch and drop it on vietnam?
So Jow Forums what are your fetishes? Mine are monster girls, SS, lolis, milfs, fendom, xray, dark skin, and vanilla
Fagmark is a NEET. That means he's one of the saddest beings on Earth...
Christ accepts you as you are
On the NASA and their lies
Please don't judge me user I have a crush on my emo cousin how do I get over it
How does the historic trade deal between Europe and Japan affect things like anime and manga?
Is the current pubic fashion nothing more than yet another avenue in which they are pushing the normalization of...
What you got there lads, stop hiding it, i can see it
New 2hu
Do your best Jow Forums
327th Happy day
I got IQ score 172
When slavs reply to you
Red-pilled diet for whites
Jow Forums bitches
Kot id
Sw*den replies to you
Reminder that Jow Forums is feet board and feet are the only effective way to fight the gay
So a retard friend of mine started an argument with me. He said that fucking a mold of your dick is 1...
Who was in the right here?
He no like the banana
Brother dropped his towel after his shower
Jow Forums Micro-Flegs
Hates on gays for having no personality other than being gay
I want to die
What do you mean hes been sitting 12 hours at the computer doing the same things for the past 5 years after graduating...
Dubs are saiyans singles are yamcha
Me and the Norgay
ITT: we write an important letter to Trump using two words a post
Arm yourselves, they come
Half kot thread, get ko or ot ID and be blessed by kot
Im fucked
What do anime faggots feel when they jerk off to a pic that was sketched by a heavy breathing fat faggot like...
ITT: say something nice about a country/the country above you
This board is shite
Give me an image and ill make it epic
Hello its me directionless adult
I currently feel empty, emotionless as if i were dead but with some form of perception of viuals and audio...
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
New board, new beginnings
Who else /drunk/ here?
Rare flags lol
Today is my birthday
Taking my coffee without cream or sugar for a week and i want to tell everyone
ITT: Jow Forums goes to the beach
Dubs decides what i fap too, also no re-rolling cunts
I see a rude post and I want it to be nice
The average brit
Who actually would want us, though?
I haven't been with anyone for over 2 years. I've been on one date I that time and it didn't go anywhere...
I got IQ score 157
Hey reddit, how was your day?
I will be alone forever
Starting a new reich thread
Me and Mrs Normie
I got cucked by a chad, cheer me up banter
Did you know that if you try and release your Jow Forums pass account details, Jow Forums will automatically censor it...
Okay bros, it's time for the grand debate. Which east asian country has the best girls?
Be me
This person exists
Squishy squishy
Prove it
What would you do in this situation?
Gayposters aren't welcome on Jow Forums
Le Dank Forced Face
How to spot a newfag:
Is it better to date someone ugly or date no one at all?
Jow Forums I'm unironcally wondering if I should just give up on life
Im an ugly mutt
User, see me after class
Hi Jow Forums!
The flag of Jow Forums
Sakuya giving the cirno the fishe
Be America
Hello Jow Forums umm another vid from Norway i guess :
Sup nerds
Today I have the sick, so I am giving school the wag!
Would you fuck me?
/esfores/ is being retarded today so i'm posting here instead
Our whole existence, the existence of everything ever and everything to come...
Aaaaaaaaaand we are back with 20 threads about cirnos, kots and frogs. Wow very original, 100% pure Jow Forums content
All anime posters are introverts, losers, and likely virgins
Queen of r/banter
Tfw no kinky, german gf
Trips decide which porn category I masterbait to tonight
Where do I go
What's Jow Forums's sleeping schedule like...
Henlo frens i jus drop my smarfon wen i was peein an now ids brokn
Which is the best?
Dog will save us from the gay posters and she will destroy the false one known as kot...
I love you so much, Alice
Would you drink that for 10,000 dollars?
ITT: Jow Forums's uncle died and left us a fortune...
A russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar
Mari ride le fishe
After the critique in my last philosophy thread, let's start this one off this way! ^-^
Is anyone here, hello?
Give me an image and i might make it epic
Not enough kot threads
Hi, today i will pretend in this thread that Jow Forums was ever at any point in time actually good...
Whats the oldest thing you remember seeing on Jow Forums
I have an interview on Monday
Kot ID get
Let's try to get one of every flag in here
Me and the Italy
This is now the best thread currently on Jow Forums
Jesus Christ saviour of mankind > Filthy brute heathen Muh*mmad
Death, how do you feel about it...
Eyyy look at me I'm so edgy i make horse cock threads
I HATE gayposters
Only blue IDs avoid the HRT
Musics Thread
I draw my sense of self worth from how many replies my posts on Jow Forums get (◠﹏◠)
Hello Jow Forums do you want to be cute? i would love too. think of all the good hugs and pats i would get...
ITT: We say things we like about America. I'll start
How do we get midwest retards from trying to claim Pennsylvania?
Tfw 14 years old neighbour boy is taller and broader than I am
Hol up
What is she looking at?
Happy day 326
Why is pornso degenerate and why do people watch it
What's the meaning of your country's flag?
Russian snacks
This is the ideal female body you may not like it but this is what peak perfomance looks like
Hello Jow Forums today i feel like smelling dicks can i smell yours?
Goddamn it Jow Forums. Stop what you're doing right now, and do something else - this second! Ask me about it too...
Bant on the left hong kong on the right
Will you ignore it?
I'm summoning everyone right now
I have knowledge of certain things, ask me shit
Tried to kill myself
Hello Jow Forums umm today we will discuss more Norwegian stuff. here :
Alright I'm getting fucking sick of this
Do americans look like this?
Asian guys with white girls makes me mad what a fucking waste
Space Cowboy
Post your kitchen Jow Forums
Define Jow Forums culture
Kpop general
Prove you were a 90s kid
Why is Jow Forums so not very good recently??? how do I make it gooder ???
Using only the left half of your keyboard, tell us about your day so far
Rice munching arrogant pricks
Just to remind you that Dog is god and kot is a false prophet
I strongly dislike the flavour and texture of butter, who here thinks the same way?
How de you say based and redpilled in your language?
Is it true that the only places that matter in the USA are Texas and Utah?
How do I get myself to do anything Jow Forums? I am too lazy to even watch movies and tv shos at ths point...
Thanks Mr. Penis
Do big tits count if they're fat?
Where did all our drawfriends go?
"HALT! Ihre Papiere bitte."
Sorry only pure latins ITT
You have been caught by the Marisa!
You're all gay
Does Jow Forumser live by the ocean?
I am sorry for stating that the stream will be on at Thursday, as I didn't know that I am free today...
Does eesti still post here?
It's nice to see you once again, Jow Forums
Press S to spit on its grave
Best id wins
M-mornin' Jow Forums frens
/Bantz/ humor thread
If you could transform and get a superpower what would your form and power(s) be?
Since we won the world cup does that mean you are all our slaves?
Newfags can't so᠌yboy
When was the last time you've been abroad, Jow Forums?
Would Jow Forums gladly have its limbs and organs replaced with advance cybernetics if it only costed as much for a new...
I love you, Alice! Please go on a date with me!
Thinking about killing myself using a plastic bag. Advice
Le upside down Marisa flying with le broome
Why does akari keep an ant farm on her desk? Im losing sleep over this. Whyy
Hold the fuck up
Why did it end up this way
I guess I’m gay now
Kpop general
I officially claim Jow Forums for the democratic party
What's in the canister?
Alice must pay for the crime of displeasing me, and being generally unlikeable
I think people should be limited to 1 thread each
Jow Forums Weather Thread
Should I shave my pubes, will it make my dick less stinky?
If you were on a stranded island and you had to choose 3 Jow Forums anons to help you survive...
I love black penis, but I don't think they should have the right to vote
Porn as art
Why is Jow Forums so fucking shitty today?
Great, so today its 78 hidden threads, 5 of which include horse dicks...
I summon everyone
Let's play a little game Jow Forums! ^-^
Alright, time for a hug thread
Hey lads
I'm just going to leave this here on account of this faggot sperging out before everything gets purged...
You're going to love this. Trust me. What you're seeing now is singles
Here comes the train
I hope the colombian Cirno bumper gets raped by all horsecocks posted right now
Hmmm there's not enough kot threads in the catalog
Choose your faction
During the last few months I've been unironically turning into a fascist
Kpop General
It's your fault fucking nigger
ITT: Meeting your gf thread
Guilty pleasure
The board is full of retarded cat spamming yet the mods aren't purging shit
My ID will be blue with kot in it
HG again again again again
Jow Forums music thread
Kot posters
I'm off to bed now bant. Can you please read me a bedtime story?
Is CERN really just doing science?
German Toilets
HG again again again
I am back from vacation hello how are you?
Hello mother fuckers did you miss me?
Kot > cirno
It's my birthday
What’s his end game
Every single day...
Kot get in filename
HG again again
Bune ID get
What is Jow Forumss craziest story involving minorities?
This is German Cuisine... Raw PORK on a bread !
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
Marisa broomin' as usual
Blog post
HG again
Kot? kot
I can predict the future and someone in this thread will have a kot id
Ywn get the kot ID
Im afraid of leaving the board and kot id get happen
I accidentally deleted all my stuff ama
When we finally meet the legend who gets the kot id...
Im eating a cornetto bant
Post your face when no kot id
I will marry the person who gets kot id get. This is not a joke
Hello Jow Forums umm what are you doing today. hmmm im doing nothing special. just in my room...
I might start posting le dank forced face. Everyone makes fun of me because im a based frog poster and cirno is gay af
325th Happy day
Why are americans so cute when they sleep? Also, why aren't they asleep right now?
Lets judge each other by what boards we visit
Hola, donde esta la playa
If 5 americans, 1 russian, 1 canadian, 1 romanian and 1 brazilian respond in this thread...
First time on this board
Why the flying fuck everyone in America wears flip flops? And I don’t even mean niggers and poos but whites also...
Can you buy an AR-15?
Thread per apprezzare i nostri amici italiani
Making le chen thread
Tfw someone from a third world country replies to you on Jow Forums
Tell me, for I am curious: What do you most seek after in this life, what is of most importance to you?
Is anime a jewish conspiracy to decline white birth rates?
Gays, gays, go away. Don’t come back another day. You are fags and we won’t play. Just fuck off right back to /a/
What goes on here?
Since being ethnically French isn't a requirement for being French anymore...
I want to be a 30 year old boomer
/SIG/ Self Improvement Guide
Im in the rabbit hole atm
Tomorrow I will drive car
Still no Konsuba season 3
I just want to vent, feel free to derail this thread
ITT: Jow Forums is having a slumber party
Tortellini and tomato salad for lunch
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
1-9 - you are faggot
You're going to love this. Trust me. What you're seeing now is singles
How come snow niggers think they have any right to claim the civilization that greeks and italians founded and set the...
Has Jow Forums become a colony of >>>/jp/ now?
Be me
Hello Jow Forums umm im pretty tired. havent slept much and my sleep routine is completely destroyed...
No gay!
Can we have a board rule against gay posting please
Hey Jow Forums
I tried going to the gym yesterday to do squats and donkey kicks to make my butt bigger but as soon as I entered the...
The average brit
Tfw you lived to see the beginning of the Ameruski empire rise
Gays need not apply
Don't understant the "daddy" trend
God I hate fucking Yuropoors
Are you racist, Jow Forums?
Damn it feels good to be white
Imagine having sleep paralysis and seeing this at the foot of the bed just f***in autistic screeching at you and you...
Tfw no low iq brainwashed mixed amerimutt bf
I'm going to start a crusade against mexico because they plagiarized my flag
Mfw i hate myself
In the beginning there was a Blue Ice Fairy!
On July 17th, we must all create hate threads about the country that will be designated by dubs
Hey son, how as wor-
Well, Jow Forums?
Welcome to Jow Forums
Hey guys philosophy thread
There is something about this image that's so sweet, heartwarming, and innocent. yet so sad and depressing...
Im hosting servant tryouts
I want to go on a date with Alice!
Gays, gays, go away! Don't come back another day! You are fags and we won't play! Just go fuck off right to /a/!
I am bored. Any pic posted in this thread I will fap to
Kpop general
You're all gay
Roll your new wife
/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General
I wrote more words today! Please be happy with me
Hello Jow Forums today we will discuss this
Thread so nice i make it twice
Hello 4channers!
Tfw when you have two recognizable personas on bant but you cant post them both on the same thread
Why are homosexuals so gay?
Imagine if all of Jow Forums came to life and we were transported to an island
Rember! You’re important!
Hello frens!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me & my bf
For a small donation, you too can be friends with Alice
How do you tell someone to fuck off nicely without stating you aren't interested?
Mexican friends, have you gotten yourself an Asian Girlfriend yet?
Well would you?
Man, i get home, do my poor excuse of a workout, cry, eat, and play Rainbow 6...
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
Booben suck on the booben
Do you think I need more muscle?
Ojamajo Doremi is the greatest work of fiction I have ever seen...
Its so hot I cant sleep
>>>Jow Forums178999999
Tfw dommy mommy gf
Join the Purple Pickle army
Real nigga hours
How many of us here? It must be around 40-50 people i think
Be kiwi
Why are people on Jow Forums so bad at conversation...
I masturbated so hard last night that made my dick swollen this morning, ama
FapBlog: Restart Edition
I was capable of logging in into the university's main server with a old staff username and password that they forgot...
I have an exam tomorrow wish me luck
Rare/uncommon currency
Is accidently touching the dicke makes you accidently gay?
Tfw no french gf
W-Welcome to the latest episode of T-Therapy Tea with Alice3D! D-Do you feel sad? A-Are you tired of life...
Faces of Jow Forums
You have an ability to create 100kg of anything, consisting of regular, naturally occurring (on this planet) matter...
Dubs decides what I will have for breakfast tomorrow
What's your favourite type of tea bant? mines probably mint tea
Tfw no big european cock around to bully my dicklet
If 5 americans, 2 brits, 1 aussie, 1 german...
Cursed image thread
Why do they call themselves Americans and not Ameribottles? I mean dude
Reading anything good, Jow Forums?
Why does everybody make images mocking people who drink the white monster energy?
Let's play a game
I have developed a new mod for the sploosh-o-matic thats evolved from the previous coil gun sploosh cannon barrel mod...
Hello Jow Forums i had a dream where my family was happy with eachother. i cried with happy tears in my dream...
ITT: We try and guess our ID color
Reminder that politics of any sort is absolute rubbish
Fr*g and an*me
Vexilology general
Post and I'll say something nice about your country
No Dr.Medic
This is a mandatory "yall gay thread"
Why do you cunts think i fap to alice and mlp lol you have no proof
My mom is missing and I'm scared as fuck. I don't know what to do and I'm starting to think the worst...
Eating pizza right now, AMA
324th Happy day
Hi i'm a 30 yo boomer and back when i was young we used to browse /b/ and had a fun time...
Say it with me: Gays, gays, go away. Don’t come back another day. You are fags and we won’t play...
H-Hello, I just wanted to tell you that I started taking HRT since a lot of you have been suggesting it...
Jow Forums
Im slowly coming to terms that im gay, or at least bi
Really naturally pretty girl has started working at my place of work, no make up or hair dye...
Hello r/banter I left in February and I came back to see how much has it changed...
Hinduism general
An accurate representation of this board
Gimme things to draw
I-i’m at work right now. What d-does Jow Forums think of my diapey?
Your balls have life in them
20y virgin ask me anything
Does r/banter like anime and/or frogs, and can they coexist?
Welcome to r/banter
My back hurts bant. what do I do?
Need help Anons
Everyone who posts ITT will die by the end of the week
ITT: Jow Forums goes on vacation
Varg gang assemble
This is a serious thread for serious people to talk about serious things. Seriously
The average Italian
Is it weird for a 20 year old to have not dated someone? Discuss
Cirno... easy on the milk
Daily reminder to eat nothing but meat
Never were attracted to black women
Really gets you thinkin
@gay posters
Celebrates their achievements of making it to the final
What's it like being a Eurofag and never being able to seduce a Christian girl and take her on a awe-inspiring...
Dr. Medic has now been range banned
Do you know who I am? Am I a recognisable poster here?
Cirno has been captured
H-hey mister, would you like to have some fun
You look very stressed out Jow Forums. Have you fapped today? Go on fap it will make you feel better
Did you do it today?
"My feet are all sweaty and smelly from walking around in the heat all day user...
Jow Forums music thread
The average brit
Me being a tourist in sw*den
Why is Jow Forums and /b/ always full of Anime/Yaoi/Trap shit ?
Your lunch money
How has your day been going Jow Forums?
Wise sirs of Jow Forums!!!!
ITT: I summon everyone
I'm so lonely
Iraq's ablaze with protests
Blacks can't build anyth-
What does International/Random banter think of Shit Jow Forums Says
I have 35 threads hidden relating to the Cirno spam
Friendly reminder that this is literally the worst board
What do Americans mean when they say things like "i work multiple full time jobs"?
Goodmorning Jow Forums! Did you have a good gobblesnactch? ^o^
Holy crap guys I'm making a thread thats good because I made it. Haha aren't I so funny guys...
Antarctica RP
Sakuya giving Cirno the Sakuya giving Cirno the Sakuya giving Cirno
What happened?
Itt you will talk to a person
I'm crying right now, anons
I don't know what to write like really bad writers block
Where do i get a lesbian dom gf?
No kot threads? r/banter, how do you plea
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Rise up white man, arent you ashamed
Apu apustajah with the fish
@Jow Forums
I want to be memeboi's third girlfriend
HG:Team Battle 61 has arrived!
Cursed images
Hey friends what games are you playing
Hey anons, please help me resist the temptation of jerking off
Kpop General
Okay Jow Forums, this is fucking enough
This is my prediction for WWIII. Prove me worng
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
It's too hot and I can't sleep, what do?
Your daily megu thread
Kill list
What are your favorite electronic style albums?
I love you Alice! Please post soon, I need to see and talk with you so bad!
Umm hello Jow Forums im really bored today so i hope you can share some fun with me...
Tomorrow is the day I graduate from all the childish shit and enter my 20s...
Atheism thread
H-hola Jow Forums
Alice go away, we know you are going to post in any time
The catboy wanting the pancake
Why does society hate furries, when they do nothing wrong?
Le dank forced face general
Arume survival thread: episode the third
How do you all want to die ? (Or the way you don't want)
Should I get
Hello r/banter, how do I kill the moon?
The so-called greatest country on Earth is literally PETRIFIED of kinder eggs...
I put a chen on you
Tfw qt norwegian bf
Ok, real talk Jow Forums
A guy in my gym that looks like a thumb is saying that he wants a haircut but it has to be a "conservative haircut" or...
Bant lets play associations
Dubs decides what I get from bad dragon
Itt: post the last image you saved
New meme
323th Happy day
Need more alice 3d pictures. So i can track her down...
ITT: You get one wish, but the poster below you says whatever goes wrong with it. Eg: Someone wishes for ice cream...
Daily Heterosexual thread
All americans need to be rangebanned
Are you going to Church tonight?
Petition to rename USA to USGay
She's in love with me lads
You may not like it, but this is what the ideal female body looks like
Help patrol a thot
Tfw no big boobs goth gf
France will win againdt Croatia
If you aren't from one of the countries indicated in white, unfortunately you aren't white
I need a new profile picture can i get some suggestions
Why do light skinned people have the most fucked up fetishes?
19 degrees in Denmark. I honestly think I am going to pass out or die from this heat
Rember to take it easy Jow Forums~!
What to do when brain is working too much and thus preventing sleep
Itt we type like reddit
prepare for flight
ITT we laugh at all of the europoors
Will long exposure to this board turn me into a gay boi?
He's sw*dish
Prove it
Are there any other sploosh-o-matic figs here ?...
Good luck Croatia
Choose your own adventure
It’s raining!
Jesus loves you
Today I am cooking outside
She is my internet girlfriend, she just doesn't know it yet
Im bored
Only straight lads can post in this thread
Are you in fact, a gaylord?
Just finished my can of Pringles, what snack should i go buy now?
ID with kot is kot
Sakuya giving cirno the trapezoide
I hate [s4s]
Get good
How do we get gay finn banned
Me and denmark gettjng ready for the nigth out, me on the left
Im so sad and bored, Jow Forums
Think about it Jow Forums
Only whores and thieves sleept at this time
Le heroin girl
Jow Forums, what else is there to do on the internet besides Jow Forums?
Marisa is now legally my wife!
Kpop general
What happened to commies?
Marisa giving the Sakuya the broome
I'm making a thread with the animal pictures again
Alt-right constantly insinuating the liberals and democrats are snowflakey
How come every thread i talk about alice and getting mad about people calling me a ponyniger gets like 200 replies but...
Why is Japan so heckin' cool?!
Be amazed and astounded by my Nice 9!
Damn its getting so real in the yt comments
What's your favorite wholesome anime? Might give it a try. Non non biyori for me
I'd fug
This thread was moved to >>>Jow Forums
Wake up as a cute girl
What are some autistic things you do on Jow Forums?
/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - law enforcement edition
The Saudi Faggot is back
If you had to marry a massive animal so you'd get your $40,000 what would you choose?
Yay sad day!
Empire Name
Antarctica RP - Ep 14 - Row edition
What's happening here?
Guess the animal
Imagine being in a special society
What if a 3000 cubic lightyear mare asked you out?
Hi Jow Forums what do you fear? my fears are maggots and very old people(80+). if i ever were near them i would scream...
Objective truth
Be american
You're like the only person on this board that makes an effort not to post mindless shit and repetitive memes for 12...
I am probably only Turk in here, ask me anything
Post thicc
MS Paint thread
Is it so wrong to kiss and love another male?
He's not a turbo slav
I ran into a girl while at work 2 days ago (I'm a lifeguard at a public pool) and I have made two threads since then...
Its so dry and hot
You must choose between having pic related as your gf, or live out the rest of your days alone. Wwyd anons?
How would you hug a Canadian?
Post cursed/weird images
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
Brits sure are geniuses
/kek/ kekistani general
Mixed race women
You lose your faith you lose thread
HG 3: The worst one
Do something funny im bored
Let's be real Jow Forums
I just want a cute boi to teach how to shoot and turn him into a sexy operator bf
Futa is not gay, prove me wrong
HG 2: Electric Boogaloo
Oh silly user
Do not forget to bully your local c*rno poster
I might make a new anime stream next week, so I would like to ask you which one do you want to watch?
Weebs are alright
Kpop general
322th Happy day
Post d&d/dark souls/fantasy names
Can I get 25 birthday wishes?
Daily blog
The flag of Jow Forums
Vodka & pepsi max
What do you think happens next in this picture?
The removal of flies from your body can be seen as a sign of vitality...
The average Estonian boy
Hey Jow Forums! I'm thinking of moving out of the United States for a couple of years (then heading back to the US)...
Avatarfags and Tripfags
Praise Kek
Your city and a photo of its,your country and its temperature
My country constantly displays "join the war" advertisements, does your country have a bunch those advertisements?
Id with kot is kot
Ok guys do you really think im a ponynigger or are you doing to piss me off fuck you cunts i hate also nit a ponynigger...
She's so happy to see you again
That 30 year old boomer who still uses Jow Forums
More alice 3d bikini pics i want alot to make fun of her
Hello Jow Forums umm what is the worst thing you have done? uhh for me it was when i was 9...
Please kill me, it hurts to live
Teach me Jow Forums, teach me how do I become a gayposter
He's sw*dish
Post celebs from your country
How many calories do you guys think this is
Come to saint-petersburg we have big church
This badboy was peeing next to me Jow Forums so I asked her if I can take a pic with her
This is your new personal trainer
Jow Forums Propaganda Film
Listening to an anime outro
Kike thread
Henlo Jow Forums this is a thread for my frens okay bye :D
Happy Bastille day pierre!
I'm 3 weeks into my new job and now I feel so damn unwell, but I'm not even throwing up or loosepooing...
Best id wins GO!
I got absolutely addicted to Sims videos. It's the the most wholesome kind of humor I can only think of
Let's stomp seagulls! Together, we can rid the world of this plague once and for all
Why do fat people wear so much clothing in the hot weather?
Oh noes, the cirno is pregnant. what do?
Berry smart girl
What's with the Cirno being spammed?
How do we fix anime, r/banter?
Dead Board
Remember if you dont see the dicke then it is not gay
Why are boys so much better then girls, Jow Forums?
Who here /alcoholproblems/? 2 bottles of stoli a day for me
Today is the day where there is a stage with extremely loud music in front of my house
Tfw no male (girl) bf
What’s the strongest country you could beat in a fight?
Wtf is this thing, I know it's a bone of some sort
Kpop general
What happened the last time you went outside Jow Forums?
The average californian male
Gosh, you're such a loser!
My big dick
Happy Birthday Aniki
It's so fucking hot
Hey does anyone have that picture of alice in a bikini i just want to make fun of her
Average Floridian Male
Remember to take care of nature
Ey yo bitces
Random thread
Why do people like alice 3d but everyone hates me or makes fun of me even though shes way worst then me
Reminder to NEVER reply to alice3d or her threads, or you must go >>>/b/ack
First day of nofap complete!
Welcome back to Chorped with Alice3D!
Whats the strongest animal you think you could beat in a fight?
Moving to Melbourne soon. Anything I should keep in mind, Australians?
Calling this guy to enforce rules against generals
/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General
Arume Survival Part IV Episode 14
Save her, don't post gay stuff 24 hours from now
Poll thread
I love this board
Hello Jow Forums! I hope everyone is having a somewhat good evening or day, not too good but still enjoyable, ya know?
If you were able to go back in time to meet your 12 year old self, what would you do?
Have you ever been bitten?
What's this animal called in your country? Mine: Pavão
Kpop General
It is only gay if you touch the dicke
Can you handle the truth?
What are you doing right now, bant?
I have adhd. i feel like a medication would help me focus and function better in general...
Cirno thread #6
Straightfags should be executed desu
Im leaving
I'm gonna try this again; yesterday at work (I'm a lifeguard at a public pool) a girl came up to me and we started...
Only countries with 11 official languages may post here
Why do faggots feel the need to namefag and tripfag?
Ready to know who Doc is ? who realy am i ?
Why won't it just rain?
Happy birthday, Aniki
Ummm hi Jow Forums i still have a accent when speaking English. hmm though i write and read English i rarely speak it...
321th Happy day
I''m a littlle bit druhnk hehehheh
Wat r u doin on computer go outside so beautiful
If this thread gets 50 replies i will post my benis :)
Hey! You forgot your lunch!
Kpop general
Is it gay to fantasize about sucking cock, swallowing cum, and being fucked in the ass...
If quads delete Jow Forums
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship