>She's in love with me lads
We're all going to make it eventually
She's in love with me lads
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I'm going to die alone, i need to grow up with that
Giving hope doesn't help
It’s a pity date idiot.
And then you woke up
Love is nothing but the drive for survival of the species of which there is no control nor individuality.
Fuck you
I thought the same as you till now
I've known her for years she confessed her love for me yesterday >feelsgoodman
We're all are going to make someday
Well now i'm depressed, this evening i'm going to cry myself to sleep
>she told me she liked me when she saw me crying in the restroom over her.
I think the best way to attract women is just to get on with your life, eventually, someone will notice you.
Why are you all so obsessed with this?
Whatever, good for you man. I will die alone
I knew that feel bro
Cheers big fella
>friends tell me another girl has a crush on me
>this one extremely pretty and I thought I had a crush on her too
>can't for the life of me picture being happy with her
>tfw I like guys more
>tfw gonna have to reject yet another girl
I'm so sick of living like this.
Thanks man
I'm already doing this, the only thing that i get are old ladies that say that i'm handsome and stuff
Dunno, i feel lonely without one
One day you'll find that qt tight boi pussy that loves u back
Just rape and kill to establish your dominance.
People don't love each other, they love what others do for them.
OP, what do you love about this woman? Would you still love her if she lacked those qualities?
Just gotta keep going never give up :)
Well anyway, congrats, eat some pizza with her sometime
Well she's really attractive
sweet and caring
and has pretty decent sized boobiees :)
Will do :)
Would you "love" her if she wasn't "really attractive"? I doubt it...
You "love" her fertility. It's a temporary obsession.
Then you stay with her for affection, like your parents
No shit I wouldn't be attached to a fat fuck would I
I love more than just a girlfriend I could easily spend the rest of my life with her.
You form an attachment to your parents during childhood. Even if your parents beat you up and sexually abused you you'd still "love" them. Ironically abused children often form a stronger attachment to their parents, read up on attachment theory.
Think about it, if your parents weren't your parents would you give a shit about them? If Mum and Dad were two strangers living next door would you want anything to do with them at all?
Romantic love is different. It's conditional. When one person's conditions stop being met the relationship ends. It's like a transaction.
>Then you stay with her for affection
If you want affection get a dog. Women are parasites.
>No shit I wouldn't be attached to a fat fuck would I
Do you understand what you're saying? Your love is conditional, if she puts on weight you'll stop loving her. And if you lose whatever qualities make her "love" you she'll leave you! I suggest you identify what gives you value to her.
Listen incel
I don't just love this girl for her looks, I've known her for years and I love spending time with her.
Obviously, we are all selfish and we want things conditionally. It makes me selfishly happy spending time with her and seeing her happy makes me happy. Just let me enjoy this small joy in a very cruel world. Watch this for a better explanation youtu.be
Your biological parents are their sexual desire and continued life through you, it's their fusion into one - therefore there is a strong bond. Much different from romantic love.
You didn't understand, like your parents are attached to each others, son/parent relationship doesn't matter here
Yes and I say the two cant be compared
Ah yes, I did missread. Sorry.
Why would you allow another human being to enmesh themselves with you in such a way as to make it impossible to terminate the relationship without causing considerable harm to yourself?
If one of your friends suggested that you stop seeing your other friends and become exclusive friends with them, as well as allow them to move in with you and share your bank account, you'd correctly tell them to fuck off. Many friends are worth more than one crazy, possessive friend who wants to monopolise you.
Monogamy is unnatural. If you can love two parents you can love two girlfriends. Women are obsessed with monogamy because it means monopolising resources, it's nothing to do with love.
You're clearly deluded to think that having multiple partners is better than having one deep intimate relationship. I wouldn't like it if my girlfriend had multiple partners, because then I wouldn't feel loved or valued would I.
Why wouldn't you feel valued or loved? If you have siblings do your parents love you less?
Why wouldn't you like it if your girlfriend had multiple partners if it will make her happy? If you love someone you share in their happiness, right?
happy for you op, do us proud
Congrats mate. Be happy, both of you.
Statistically false.
For thousands, millions of people, it's never ever going to get any better no matter how hard they try.
Several of these people are in this thread.
haha enjoy it while it lasts faggot you'll be back with us in no time
Can confirm, have had gf for a year so far and I'm a literal cave goblin. There's hope lads
Good job op
Nearly cut myself from that edge
>She's in love with me lads
for now