
>cashed my paycheck
>after paying bills i had 80 dollars left over
>just enough to buy groceries since i have nothing left to eat at my house
>walking in store when i see the lottery machine
>they restocked my favorite tickets
>had a good feeling that i would win if i played
>spent my 80 dollars and bought seven
>scratched them off
>won nothing
i've been crying all day.
i found enough change in my car to buy some crackers but that's it. i just want to win once.

Any way to crack the code to win the lottery?
i know there is a secret.

Attached: my loses.jpg (612x816, 232K)

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You’re addicted and have been going insane.
Look, you’re quoting people that don’t even exist. Get some help man.



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>poor person does something stupid and makes himself even poorer because his IQ is lower than room temperature and he has no self control

whoa, no way

When you have extra money, buy stocks instead of lottery tickets.

This has worked for countless people

read it

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Stay poor you dumb fuck

I have seen the movie. In summary it is just tells you to think positively and the universe will help you. Otherwise, if you overthink about bad things happening to you then they will happen

My mom buys lottery tickets all the time and wins; shame that it still doesn't matter because she has no plans for anything and the money just gets pissed away.

lottery is a tax on the poor, gives you false hope of making any profit.
at best you'll end up breaking even, and that's if you're lucky

thats silly. you're legally required to pay taxes, but nobody forces one to buy lottery tickets. ignorance of the astronomically low odds of winning.


it's metaphorical, once you get hooked on the feeling of a couple wins, it becomes an addiction and functions as a taxation on yourself

“Chance is a fools game, played by the desperate and lazy”

You mustn’t resort to such extortions. Instead, try more responsible ways of earning money.

It makes sense when put that way, but I think calling it a tax is a stretch and adds weird connotations. We don't call other kinds of addictions like drugs a tax

PD is dead

I've got the secret to winning the lotterry;
save up the money you spend on tickets and buy shares bit by bit until you own 51% of your desired lotto company. The house always wins, so therefore, the way to win is to become the house.
The lottery is just a trap baited with the hopes and dreams of the poor. Don't you realize that rich people don't play the lotto? If they do, it's a rarity.


Hey user why dont you invest your money better? I mean i dont know what kind of game the're in america but video poker or sport betting even the horse bettting gave you a better money\win ratio.

its seriously some bullshit.

"hurr durr just wish for it, it will come true"