I'm so lonely.
College will only reopen in 2 months. My only 2 friends probably dropped out. 1 did officially.
Back to sitting in the corridor all alone.
I'm so lonely.
College will only reopen in 2 months. My only 2 friends probably dropped out. 1 did officially.
Back to sitting in the corridor all alone.
Don't worry we're here for you
lol fag
Study over here!
Is this college as in when you are 18 and under or college as in university
Half baked University.
Rip korbo
So no study abroad then?
I'm broke.
Whore yourself online to pay for it
I'm straight.
>having any friends in college or even high school
And ugly too I presume. Plan B, suck it up
Just kill yourself lol
Shit that sucks mate
I'm an average looking skinny boy.
I'm still waiting for that day when everything becomes good.
>he thinks it was by choice that I had no friends through high school and my first 2 years in college and still don't
Indirectly, yes, it’s your fault user. Accept it
>he thinks it was my fault that my only friend and only best friend I ever had moved to the other side of the country and stopped talking to me after a year and that it is damn near impossible to make real friends in high school and even harder to do in college
>impossible to make real friends in high school and even harder to do in college
Your fault
>thinks it's my fault that when I try to converse with my fellow classmates they don't want to take any conversation beyond pointless small talk and when I try to they say never have time for anything and you end up in a loop of pointless small talk convos whenever in class and it never goes beyond that and 90% of the other people in college will not even speak to you unless you make a exceptional effort and put on a fake smile
Yep blame everyone else, you are bitter here n you are bitter irl. Go to a study group, join a club, help someone in class or outside of it. I’m not gunna hold your hand in this user
the only reason I come to this Tibetan basket weaving forum in the first place is for socialization and validation, because I can't get it irl and I've been out of high school for 4 years
user, sounds like you need a friend. I'll be your friend.
thanks user, fellow anons are the only friends I have
While life may be difficult, know that you can always find friends here.
try gf
20y virgin.
I'm afraid of girls. Really really shy.
Don't even have any female friends in college. No girls in my course.
Le External Locus of Control thread
What course are you doing?
Computer engineering.
Course is a scam. I know nothing about Java. It's so frustrating. Hopefully second year they will actually teach me something.
AddEventListener(YOU, this.you)
java is pretty straight forward desu - ez way to teach oop.
Fair enough, didn't get into the course I wanted.
Just get through it lol. You have patience. Friends will come along. Give it time.
Make new friends
im starting college in less than a month anons. tips? im decent socializing
Just like highschool except the education there will land you a job