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Dette er tråden for deg om du er en kjonnsforvirret hanrej.

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Slut jer til os i unionen!

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Friendly reminder that Swedes arent white

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Hello there fellow Swedes.

Norway is equally as broken as Sweden. Just wait and see.

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Diaspora reporting in.

When Swedish Democrats win the elite will see which way the wind is blowing and change sides.

There isn't enough money in the money in the world to bribe people to give their sovereignty.

Friendly reminder that Sweden is awakening.

Sorry but they're not white

kalmar 2.0 PogChamp jag har redan gjort en flagga

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Nice opinion, subhuman

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you cant deny your destiny

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Scandicucks are just not white. Sorry boy...

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mój brat
fuck the swedes


kys Polish Üntermensch

Swedes are of pure blood.

Kom til serveren


>Best of Christer Pettersson. Sieg morfar!
Did he do it?

Support the revolution from your couch in your jammies!

love Sweden but I hate what it's becoming. Am so glad my family left there. Whenever I go back I just cry and how bad the place has gotten in such a short space of time. It's not my country anymore.
Great things about Sweden
> Christmas nights, freezing and snowing outside. Comfy af inside with relatives all drunk and stuffed full of food.
> Summer nights by a lake with friends. Socialising way into the evening, drinking vodka as the sun barely sets.
> Sailing in the archipelago. Exploring hidden inlets, feeling the breeze in your face. No cares in the world, city life forgotten about for the day.
Bad things about Sweden.
> Pickpckets ficktjuven och gypsies på t-centralen and other train stations. Menacing, dirty, eyeing you up. You have to be on guard.
> Violence from third world immigrants who don't like us and openly mock us.
> A culture which allows us to be colonised by the world's idiots. We truly believe that these new Swedes will adopt our ways. The reality is, they never will. But we can't call it out because that can literally mean career suicide for us.

Swedes are made for superior SLAVIC bulls

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>Swedes assemble
Reporting for duty.

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Eventually we all will share the same destiny if this madness is allowed to continue.

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denmark is hardly a country fuck off

Kek no sweden is mostly white for now, unless the trash from the third world invades us completely then we have a chamce to save this beautiful country.

And this is coming from a half slav half south american that was born in sweden and raised in a white community. I was raised to respect swedish values and went to a mostly white school.

Tfw i probably love my country more than the average swede cuck and if you exlude us woke non whites then good luck saving europe TOP KEK.

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bro one woke person isnt enough to save your sorry country

Snopp.... I rumpan.... Ahhh

How cucked is SD? They've backed on leaving the EU (promising an election), homosexual adoption and more. Why the fuck is even the nationalist party globalists?

Non-whites aren’t swedes and they know it

Are you a descendent or did you leave recently? Because we need people like you, ethnic Swedes standing up for Sweden are so rare that the most known nationalists are fucking bosnians, jews and persions.


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Is it really though?

Who say im the only one? do you live in sweden i don’t think so

They got infiltrated by (((bieler))) and the like. Disgusting civ”””nat””” shitlibs

they've also abandoned the perhaps most important question for the survival of the swedish nation: remigration.

It most certainly is, especially older people

Most Young men outside of sheltered uni students now vote SD

Yes, without a doubt.

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At this point a swedish ethnostate is impossible adapt and appeal to the people then we can talk about changing sweden.

Sweden will never again be pure white. Truth hurts especially coming from a half white mixed dude.

Who’s the superior yes the that wins in the end and a pure white sweden is off the charts and we need to compromise. If not then i guess i’ll laugh at you’r sorry betas when your given up all hope.

But i will still welcome good people. The same can not be said about a extreme racists rules in a fantasy country lol

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I hear that but then I know they've talked about it in the past, like here

samtiden punkt nu/2018/02/atervandring-uttalat-fokus-sd1/

I wonder if all this backtracking is either just a voting ploy in order to get as many people to vote for them before the election and then turn back towards what they stood for earlier OR if they knowing that they will probably be the second or THE biggest party cucks on the issues that got them there so they can... rake in cash?

NMR, while I sympathize with some of what they stand for, sadly drive people away from ethnic nationalism and towards the safer, more "inclusive" civ nat. I hope AfS can change this in time.

>still mad about the deluge

kill all svens

Left when I was 5. Family mostly around Örebro and Uppsala. Been back many times but much of my family have left. Uncle gone to Norway, another to the US. I have a crazy cat lady aunt who will never leave. She thinks things are still too right wing and misogynistic in Sweden, but then she votes for Fi.
I would consider returning to live, but I've lost a lot of the language and not sure how I would last the winters. Would probably move to Scania if I went back.

Perkele. jävla finnar.

Vad har Skottland med norden att göra

>Would probably move to Scania if I went back.
based and redpilled

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>At this point a swedish ethnostate is impossible

Never impossible. Hard, sure. Impossible, never. But the idea usually raises a lot of uncomfortable images and feelings in people.

But I agree to some extent. Any movement needs to start slow and move forward.

>But i will still welcome good people.

There's hundreds of millions of good people in the world. Swedes need to make their own good people so we don't drain the good people from their homes and keep our good people our people. Some good people are of course acceptable.

>I would consider returning to live, but I've lost a lot of the languag

I dunno, you seem to know enough from what I can tell Scania is beautiful outside of the cities and the small towns overrun by multiculture. I do hope you return one day, broder.

Jag förstod inte vad det var för bra saker ni bröder i syd gjorde. Jag trodde att Svearikes makthavare ville mitt bästa.
Ju mer ni gör, visa oss vägen storebror!

Sven Reporting In.


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>Jag är svensk, men också [insert nationality here]
Alltid en skön ursäkt de slänger ut.

Jag hoppas på en rejäl jävla vinter i år, det brukar rensa upp bland tiggarna iaf

tack så mycket. have another year and a half of university and I'll decide what to do then.
Scania appeals because warmer and the countryside was amazing, like their accent as well. Hated malmö, but I knew I would. I've always kept an eye on what's happening in Sweden, I've always been very proud of my heritage. As I said I hate what's happening but I'm optimistic. Seeing SD doing so well is great, even if no one else will work with them.
Keep an eye out for me, I often post in Swedish threads. Don't think there are too many people with this flag doing so.
Turning in now, hope to catch you again

Have a good night or day, bro.

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