Why are people on Jow Forums so bad at conversation...

Why are people on Jow Forums so bad at conversation? I swear whenever I make a post the replies are always some dumb asshole reiterating what I said in a condescending way.

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Why are people on Jow Forums so bad at conversation? I swear whenever I make a post the replies are always some dumb asshole reiterating what I said in a condescending way.


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>Why are people on Jow Forums so bad at conversation? I swear whenever I make a post the replies are always some dumb asshole reiterating what I said in a condescending way.

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>you're not fun enough for me therefore you're bad at conversation

gay thread

Show us your bleached asshole you asshole.

>Expecting serious discussion
>On Jow Forums

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WhY ArE pEoPlE On Jow Forums So BaD aT cOnVeRsAtIoN? i swEaR wHeNeVeR i MaKe A pOsT tHe RePlIeS aRe AlWaYS sOmE dUmB aSsHoLe ReItErAtINg WhAt I sAiD In A cOnDeSenDiNG wAy

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>Jow Forums

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So basically you are too stupid to have a real conversation

It’s because they have autism

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Why are people on Jow Forums so bad at conversation? I swear whenever I make a post the replies are always some dumb asshole reiterating what I said in a condescending way.

Suck it in your urethra mutt

gay thread my dick nigger

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>Expenting serious discussion
>On a topic-less board
>On Jow Forums

How can Jow Forums be so socially awkward? No shit whenever I do respond the response is always some faggot fuckboi saying what I said in a negative manner.

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it happens sometimes

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stfu you faggot LMAO

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I guess form time to time it happens. But only when the thread is interesting enough, which is rare.

because you're boring and it's more fun to shit post

No it doesn't
Stop trying to make everyone seriousfags

Calm down bro why so serious :^)


Because he's trying to take away the fun on my board

I'm not. I'm just saying that it does happen sometimes, not that it should happen more.

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Yes you are, you're so fucking serious and you push everyone to be the same way. What serious conversations do happen are Jow Forums-type trash and you need to stop having them.