/re/ - Reverse Engineering

>The Legend of R4ndom

libre ebooks:
>PC Assembly language

>Reverse Engineering for Beginners

CTFs and Recruitment Challenges:
>Binaries & Solutions

>ESET Recruitment Challenge

Hardware Reverse Engineering:
>(add a libre book, if you know one)



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Other urls found in this thread:


Please add anything related tutorial, ebook or high quality CTF/recruitment to expand this small list.

well, Check Point is having all kind of challenges right now
but you need to register first...

I'm sad to say this, but hackerman threads don't even last a few days until they 404, why do you think this one will be successful?


also ##re @ freenode

root-me.org has rev-eng challenges (among others).

>nothing on lena151
>nothing on Goppit intro on asm


Thanks for adding!

I will add it next thread.

But it doesn't harm to create such thread.
Maybe someone finds this helpful or gets inspirated to learn reverse engineering.

It doesn't need to be successful. It should just survive for some hours to get read.

>But it doesn't harm to create such thread.
it doesn't, but, see, we reached page 10 twice already...

btw, what I wanted to say (but didn't) is that this should be part of a /security/ general.
of course the /cyb/ + /sec/ sucks, though, so not that one... some other dedicated general.

also, bump again

How much RE should someone do who is interested in going into exploit dev?

Cool thread. Unfortunately I have no way of contributing, but I hope to see the resources list grow.

A lot. Exploit dev isnt for noobs.

>avid reverse engineer
>gave presentations at my college
>been reverse engineering drm and games and shit over on xentax lately or releasing unofficial patches similar to dsfix and or to research proprietary file times and to dissect hardware firmwares and find security holes in consoles and so forth.
>in all my years of reverse engineering it seems like it is the most elusive craft and I have yet to meet anyone as like-minded as me that doesn't become some "teach me how to reverse engineer" bitch
>little to no companionship in my reverse engineering endeavors
>every reverse engineering "scene" around a video game is for shit like ripping 3d models for SFM porn or cheating or some shit
>literally fucking every person that comes in contact with me becomes a "teach me how to reverse engineer like you do" person or some fuck that wants me to rip models for SFM porn or GMOD or whatever

at this point i just reverse engineer shit for myself but god i'd live to take on a big project with a buddy for once that isn't just someone im spoon feeding or hand-holding.

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Not trying to be a "teach me" bitch, but do you have some materials for noobs that you could share?

reverse engineering is just basedboy fancytalk for copycatting

A couple books I highly approve of:


Honestly it's going to be pretty useless to take on these books cold-turkey when you have no experience being an actual ENGINEER in the first place.

After doing asm,c,c++ for years you'll know when you'll see assembly code foot-prints for some higher level logic.

Shit like how "and rax, 127" is the same as a modulo 128 or how a "xor eax, eax" is the same as setting a register to zero or how a bit shift left or right is the same as multiplying and dividing by a power of 2 or how a vtable lookup looks like in assembly and the higher-order stuff like UPX packing and DRM and virtual machines and dynamically loading a library.

Another book on the matter, more linux-oriented:

A great way to get the hang of how C and C++ code looks like when compiled to assembly code is godbolt.org/
just type c or c++ snippets on the left and youll see the emitted assembly on the right.

Hang around this forum. We write a lot of reverse engineering challenges and write-ups here.

Just to get personal: I started out when I was 11 with pokemon ruby and an action reply and went "how do these action reply codes work?" and taught myself hexadecimal and ARM and beyond by middle school. It came very easy to me so I can't faithfully give anyone a proper "course" to learn this shit since I had a strong passion of curiosity that drove me to this point. Find yours if you don't want to find yourself giving up easy. Pick out an old favorite game of yours and tear it to pieces and find out how it ticks and maybe write a mod tool or write-up or 2.

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Doing God's work

I'm too lazy to open my folder to share some stuff related reverse-engineering.

also here nibbas.
A free version of ida pro 7. The de-facto of reverse engineering and static analysis tools.

Link will expire in about 2 weeks.


Like 7 of them at least.

Shit, this is all so interesting. It's a shame I'm a brainlet 20 something boomer

im a 20-something(23) bloomer too due

just a little 12:10am rant of mines but every reverse engineering and "hacking" scene will screen through so many different types of people and most of them are fucking elitist or nasty for the most part.
You'll get people declaring their little circle jerk a "scene" and there will always be some petty drama going on between them where they act like the coolest fucking kids at chuck-e-cheeses and dangle "rips" and "hacks" in front of the general public so that they can get their name and "brand" on everything before someone else runs into the same exploits or hacks that they ran into and goes 100% public with it or sells it off to a bug bounty.

I've seen people that hack a game and dangle asset rips over on facepunch or twitter and talk like they have a big dick while some guy on zenhack or xentax rips it in less than a day and releases tools for it.

Don't look up to those type of people beyond skill-sets and circumstance. Just look at how bad the switch hacking scene got and how much drama is going on with that. Look at the hacking scene around any game console or game and look how nasty it gets. Shit like declaring war because someone used adf.ly links over a mega link or someone making some shitty C# tool to do something and putting "[COCK FUCKER NIGGAS PRESENT]" shit on it because they want to stroke their little script kiddie dick.

Keep it's better to keep to yourself like or to a very few close knit gang because nearly every "scene" gets full of this playground-drama and it's better to just have 8 people working independently and amending a big public wiki than have them declare themselves as "TEAM ZELOHET SIGMA 777" and call their efforts "OPERATION REVENGENCE: GAMMA BONER" and otherwise.

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>le too old for X

A recent podcast that included hour long interview with an OG warez guy since the amiga days for me it was real eye opener.
He was raided and caught with 20K worth of gear and while ripping disks to be uploaded to his cracker guy,non encrypted HDDS ect. Basically they had him nailed.
These people don't care if they are arrested because they are rich basically and are only interested for the drama,"respect" or who knows what else.
The court sentenced him with 100 hours community service that he did in two days.

My mom told me never to download executables from Jow Forums.

>tfw did lena's tuts some 10 years ago
>quit when x64 became mainstream
I shouldn't have stopped

Not exactly software reverse engineering but i am decoding my cheap ass AC's remote protocol. I wrote a firmware on my AVR to record the signal from the IR LED on the remote
I also programmed an ESP8266 to repeat the signals, and made an app to control the ESP8266. Basically, i created a WiFi interface for my AC, like those high end ones have

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That's pretty cool, my dude. I've always wanted to do neat stuff like that. Do you need to know a lot about electronics to get started with that kind of thing?

Not much desu, I'm a CSE brainlet, but i fell in love with the embedded world
Some knowledge about using the components like basic resistors, capacitors, and transistors will help. You don't even need to know how they work, just using them.

Its mostly software

Nice, that gives me some hope. Do you need to learn some obscure assembly language for embedded devices, or does C usually suffice?

cool. thank you.


bumping, because this is more interesting than phone and lol windows threads

I'm sure it is you fucking faggot


By the context, your understanding of what "success" implies is rather narrow-minded.

Bite me, you feeble-minded consumer.

What are your reverse engineering tools of choice?


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the time is going to pass anyway

i wanted to learn c# for unity game programming, but i m interested into RE too, wouldn t be c++ the better choice?

You'd be digging around in assembly language when reverse engineering stuff I would have thought, and if that's the case then it doesn't really matter what your choice of compiled language is.