There are two kinds of users.
Those that have lost their data.
And those that haven't lost their data, yet.

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Haven't lost my data ever.

Ironically because even if I lost all my porn and chink porn cartoons I wouldn't give a shit. Possession means nothing to me.

Also I don't even understand the point of backup softwares. Why can't I just copy my files?

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your data isn't important anyway

My important stuff is all in the cloud

> roomate ask to reintall windows
> sure
> give him usb and backup drive
> juste use windows media creation it's easy
> he install it on my backup hard drive

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What does PSA mean?

Retard your "Cloud" is just another computer out there on the internet sitting there waiting to be compromised one day

Also don't over do it. I fell for the "one backup is not backup" meme.
>one ssd, two hdd without raid, important stuff copied 3 times
>three "offline" hdd in the closet, important stuff copied 3 more times, also whole system and "important stuff" folder backup monthly
>100+ rw media, all kind (cd, dvd, bluray, pendrives) important stuff based on size 1-10 more copy, very important stuff also goes to single write media too
If I had a lot of money, everything would be in raid and I would use tapes too and store everything in different cities, even countries.

public service announcement