/spg/ - Smartphone General

>he doesn't have one of the last two smartphones without planned obsolescence

Attached: lg-v20-g5.jpg (768x432, 111K)

Yeah, until... *bootloops*

Doesn't happen on those two


I mean it must have happened a few times.

s9 doesn't have touchwiz and you should put a screen protector on every expensive phone you buy you dumb cunt

>doesn't have touchwiz
Same shit with a different name

>it doesn't have TouchWiz
>implying SE is anything other than that pig TouchWiz with a new coat of lipstick
Delusional samshills everyone

Putting a screen protector is not the problem, the problem is that the only good screen protector for the meme curved screen is 45 dollars and needs a fucking UV light to install it.

>Not TouchWiz

What calendar app should I use?
