You have to go back
FreeBSD haters are Jow Forumstards
no u
I browsed Jow Forums first anyway, before Jow Forums came out
tl;dr the project was hijacked by thin-skinned trannies
I can give you legit reasons FreeBSD sucks. OpenBSD is way more usable as a desktop OS, other than for video drivers. FreeBSD's web browsers have serious issues, and the sound system is nearly unusable.
Post wallpaper.
I don't care about SJW shit. I use software I like, not what others want me to like or dislike.
If you're complaining about Jow Forums or the fact that people shit on FreeBSD because some retarded social shit, you're unfit to talk about FreeBSD in the first place.
I would understand if even the simple reverse image search didn't return it and you don't have weeb specific reverse image sites in your head to use, but it does.
could you please stop objectifiying women when you represent the freibsd community pls
You have to go back.
This is an OpenBSD board.
This is a technology board, fuckface, not your safespace.