/csg/ Chink Shit Dynasty 中国垃圾

Fake generic samsung headset

Nah, just get the cheapest listing.

My guess is that they either got a lot of legit sales or had them inflated a bit [review services for chink stores exist]. Either way, that generally enables Chinese sellers to sell more expensively than the competition because some people just get the models with most ratings as long as the price is not exorbitant.

And should I go high or low impedance? I always chose the lowest I could with the ideia, low impedance, low power requirement.

Have I been wrong all this time?


Attached: Electro-Shock-Metal-Male-Penis-Plug-Catheter-Electrical-Stimulation-Cock-Ring-Urethral-Dilators-Soun (800x800, 173K)

BTW in very few instances, the free shipping method is faster on expensive listings. Not usually small items like this battery, though.

Only women and fags care about camera.

TRRS is a 3.55 jack plug variation, the iron rod at the end. TRRRS means tip ring ring ring sleeve, because the TRRS has three rings.

SPC is , silver platted copper for your interconnects, the cable that links A/V.

Long lasting archive link to the previous thread:


Attached: Archive.jpg (1200x900, 294K)

High impedance is mostly for audiophiles that want to avoid catching electromagnetism into their music and that then use amplifiers to provide enough power to hear the actual music.

Low impedance is for everyone else, really.

Isn't 64 ohms a tad too high impedance for some cheap headphones? I'm talking about the VE Monks.