What is wrong with qbittorrent?

Why would I want to disable updates?

Nope. Before I dumped it I'd have torrents with several seeds stall right out the gate, or stall in the middle of a download. It was really fucking annoying since if you didn't notice, stop, and start, it'd just sit there stalled forever. This shit has NEVER happened with transmission, deluge or rtorrent. They just werk if any seeds or peers are available.

Because uTorrent was sold off and 3.x is when it was changed from "a tiny bittorrent client" to, "Let's bloat this thing with ads so we can monetize it."

deluge Ui looks identical to qbitorrent

Attached: 1507753816298.png (1004x570, 62K)

dont know about you , but for me it always goes to max when i downl , never had problems with it.

rTorrent is the best

deluge ui looks cuter

the only problems I had with qbittorrent are related to source directory missing on the network the moment the pc booted and qbittorren tried to verify or continue to upload torrents. I was too lazy to fix this

Now that you've said that I can kind of see that.