How do i disable it?

>TFW brainlet

Attached: 1504956159120.png (254x199, 7K)

>extreme alert
>severe alert
>presidental alert
What the fuck is all this alert deluxe bullshit?

Ok so I had 3 phones setup for this. My main, wifi only, and dead but otherwise no wifi and no sim.
To note, you can disable it. I blocked it on my main by editing CellBroadcastReceiver, xml file with True/False values for alerts.
Weirdly though, I didn't get it on my wifi only phone either. I have a theory that, since most alerts are configurable through the messaging app (amber and weather), that you need the messaging app enabled/installed to get the alert. I don't have it on my main nor wifi phone due to using a different app and having no service respectively. Can anyone else confirm using a different messaging app and not getting the alert?

Flood alert
Typhoon alert
Nuclear ICBM alert

Is it so hard to understand?

>I didn't get it on my wifi only phone either
It's sent to your phone via cell towers. It doesn't just magically appear on your phone.

Attached: 1470960361002.jpg (640x342, 29K)

throw your phone in trashcan

there, it's disabled

Land of the free

if you can't figure out how to root a device, especially if a root method exists, you need to leave this board immediately