
Fucking idiot, did you even read OP?
>My friends told me to try Spotify
That's why I mentioned friends in my post.

Meh, who cares? I didn't link any accounts or give the app more permission than I want it to have. It gives me recommendations based on songs I like.

As for the DRM, I also don't really care because after I use Spotify I also download the songs locally so it doesn't really bother me.

I use mpd +

I’ve been using Spotify for quite a while and it’s honestly very much worth the $5 a month, plus it comes with Hulu and showtime, before I used to torrent my music and put that shit in iTunes but it’s a pain in the ass

>Spotify doesn't have all the music I listen to.
That's because they are so awful, that a ton of artists refuse to license their music to them.
>Spotify always tries to give me shit I don't want like podcasts from Amy Schumer.
What did you expect from a communist service from Swedistan?

>How are your impressions on Spotify?
You're on Jow Forums, buddy. Only summerfags use that shit.

Please, let's put aside the security and DRM concerns and discuss the practical use of the platform. Everybody on this board knows Stallman and his opinion on everything. Stop making this board your own secret club with MUH 4CHANNERS SHOULDN'T HAVE FRIEEEEENDS

The Tuss is actually pseudonym of Aphex Twin, and he surely has his works on Spotify.


You do know that you can download all your music from Deezer as mp3's or flac's for free, right?

You are still using nonfree software

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