Intel hired Principled Technologies to do totally misleading "benchmarks" and published the "data" on their own website. Why are they so desperate?
Intel with Misleading Benchmarks
please stop
They have nothing.
Intel is copying the worse parts of amd's ryzen launch. They're completely out of touch with reality, and this time it's going to hurt them.
I should make a version of that Boondocks image with Intel and a book on business ethics. Not able to right now.
Tell that to the clueless manchildren that will buy the 9th gen housefires in droves.
>Not able to right now.
Don't bother. It doesn't seem like it would be funny.
>Tell that to the clueless manchildren that will buy the 9th gen housefires in droves.
I've been trying to tell them that $500 dollars is just too much for a mainstream cpu.
>i7 is now i9, i5's are now i7
>16 pcie lanes
>no ecc
>no avx-512
and etc. It's fucking trash, and everyone knows it. Normalfags really need to skip these for the most part.
You're right.
But Ryzen did not have a negative launch. It had BIOS problems and that's about it.
As GN said in the first 5 minutes of his video Intel had no reason to cheat and fumble their 9900k numbers since everyone knows its going to be faster if not the fastest CPU out there.
RTX cards sold out despite the pricetag, $500 is nothing.
As long as Intel can keep up with supply it will sell.
He didn't even mention the fact that they turned the 2700X into a quad core for their testing.
>But Ryzen did not have a negative launch.
They marketed ryzen for games, and benchmark games that only stressed gpus, and then claimed that they were not for games, but for content creators.
>As GN said in the first 5 minutes of his video Intel had no reason to cheat and fumble their 9900k numbers since everyone knows its going to be faster if not the fastest CPU out there.
I didn't watch GN, but they're right. Intel didn't need to do this BS.
>since everyone knows its going to be faster if not the fastest CPU out there.
I made the prediction months ago that the next AMD release will go beyond Intel's efforts. That prediction remains.
>Intel VP is a Pajeet
>not even a burger Pajeet, literally a Pajeet brought to burgerstan
I wonder if Steve will get any death threats from intelfags this time around.
>tfw 7nm really is as amazing as they imply
>tfw the 3800X is a 5GHz 8 core, 16 thread chip
>tfw it's like $300 tops
my dick.
>will go beyond
Zen 2 will be 8700k-tier but slightly slower than the 9900k. If they introduce a 10/12-core 3800X it will beat the 9900k, anything more is a fantasy and not workable with AM4 motherboards.
intel shills on suicide watch
delit dis goy!
So, everything moves to patreon now?
oooooo shieeeeeet
holy shit they actually got an interview
imagine some awkward, unkempt neckbeard knocking on your door a bit before closing time? that's gotta be spooky.
intel in the oven
Where are the actual numbers? Did they sold out because they sold a
million or a thousand? Seeing how RTX is using the biggest GPU to date, I don't even want to imagine their yields. What were their stocks previous to selling?
On top of that, there's a huge difference here. Nvidia has no competition in that segment of the market, if you want high end performance, you have no choice but Nvidia. Intel on the other hand? Nah
These kikes are putting the likes of Monsanto and Bernie Madoff to shame.First the attempts to tank AMD's stocks, now this and still selling their crippled, vulnerable,junk. It's over. Even retards won't fall for their tactics anymore.
I would unironically switch to AyyMD
i would happy if it reaches 4.7ghz . AYYMD scales really well with frequency.
I'm surprised they actually let him in considering he shat on them and called them all sorts of names for 25 minutes. Unlike Hardware Unboxed he didn't shit on Intel that much.
They probably haven't seen his video and if they did I highly doubt they'd entertain him.
>I'm surprised they actually let him in considering he shat on them and called them all sorts of names for 25 minutes.
Steve states on the video where he shat on them that it wasn't gonna be up before they went to Principled Technology's office.
So yeah, they didn't saw it.
If they let him in and entertained him for half an hour they probably know who he is.
I meant to say that they haven't watched the video before the interview.
They probably know who he is and will watch it eventually.
>I'm surprised they actually let him in considering he shat on them and called them all sorts of names for 25 minutes
Noticed how there was a Tweet saying he was going to edit the video and publish it but it never appeared and Steve was never heard from again? It was a trap to get him into the dungeon
It's almost impressive how they managed to do literally everything wrong.
I used to believe Gaymans Next Ass was pure Intel shill but I guess times have changed. When the kikery is this obvious even the biggest of shills (Outside of anonymous oven dodgers) cannot deny how bad it has gotten.
Fuck Intel and fuck Nvidia.
you're the shill, tech channels aren't as biased as you think
Based Steve
Thanks for the beer glass
it depends on the channel, some of the smaller ones are real quick turn totally biased for a free product, it's pretty disgusting
"X sent this Y for me to review and it's totally awesome and you should absolutely buy it" is pretty common for small channels who get a free review sample for the first dozen times
bigger channels tend to be able to afford actually buying products and care less if someone stops sending them free stuff to review
>A few viewers pointed out that...
You can read the exact same thing in the comments of the video, just saying.
Is it because they pointed out why the 1800x was retarded?
Tables are turned, and intel is doing the same faggot ass shit as amd did during ryzen's debut, so they are getting called out on it.
>$500 mainstream cpu
>Poos in intel's CPU
He's been replaced now by an android version that will shill for intel exclusively.
biggest computer website in sweden ( aren't covering this issue
really gets my noggin' joggin'
>long sleeves and hotpants
They did see it partially The CEO came to their Car even before Steve got out.
Intel stands behind these benchmakrs where the 8core ryzen had half its cores disabled
fuck intel and they are gonna get fucked in 2019 when amd epyc 7nm brutally rapes shintels 14nm dumpster fire
Principled Technologies are gonna claim "we are new to this, sry :^)" just like CTS-Labs did when they fake news published fake AMD flaws (it was in the ASmedia chipsets, which Intel uses for all of their motherboards aswell but they didn't mention that)
>80 year old boomer in charge of testing computer stuff
yeah, I'm gonna claim gross incompetence with a batch of purpusefully batching results in order to cash out some extra pension funds
Let's dispel this fiction once and for all that Intel doesn't know what they're doing. They know exactly what they're doing
80 year old boomer in charge of the company but not the testing. He didn't want to throw his employees under the bus
It's clear through out the video he has no fuck clue about the testing methodology
>Gamers Nexus
Intel probably offered him a fat cash money bonus if he became the fall guy since that old man is going to retire soon anyway
Oh god this is looking really bad for AMD when the amddrones spend 30 minutes crying about how the new intel cpu is better than ryzen
I can't take this guy serious anymore.
>hurr they used a noctura fan on the intel cpu and just stock on the amd cpu
>they should've not used any cooling for the intel cpu to make it fair :)))))
Yeah let's see how long a cpu will run without any cooling.
What a unprofessional hack, no better than linus at this point.
This is just AMD coping with the incoming onslaught 9900K is gonna do to their market share. They still have no response to Intel's 10nm
It still amazes me that anyone watches retarded assholes like this let alone posts about it on Jow Forums.
Post meritocracy has been here for a decade at least.
>instead of releasing their own benchmarks they are just cry that people shouldn't trust the numbers
>tech shills not realizing that boomers are testing the stuff and Intel marketing department are also run by boomers who do old-school fake and misleading advertisements
They literally outright stated that the workloads favor intel cpus. But apparently that in the video doesn't care about it because "INTEL IS EVIL AMIRITE GUYS?"
>small print mentioned it
>not meant to be misleading
Everyone with a brain knows that the 9900k will be faster than the 2700X so why did Intel feel the need to pay for fake benchmarks?
Is someone sabotaging them from the inside? Did nobody from the chain of command suggest that releasing misleading, fake benchmarks would only get them negative PR when if they did nothing and just let the product and reviews release normally they'd get tons of positive PR?
10% more frames for 40% more money doesn't sound as good as 30% more frames for 40% more money.
>fake benchmarks
They aren't fake though
That one wu-tang album they only made 1 of also sold out. I guess you could say it was extremely popular despite the million+ dollar price tag, why are normies so fucking stupid to buy albums like that? Fucking retards, stop buying! Retard!
they are under review embargo non-disclosure agreement you fucking zoomer. And it will lift on LAUNCH DAY (october 19th).
So intel published fake news review numbers and if any techtuber or tech journalist outlet do their own testing ahead of NDA embargo lift, they will be sued into oblivion by Intel for breaking the NDA.
You see the problem here?
>they are under review embargo non-disclosure agreement you fucking zoomer
Nope not all of them.
Said the Intel shill with a shaking voice.
> keep up with supply
They don't want to.
Nah, more like they're keeping stocks low on purpose during the first month to drive demand and then they normalize stock 2-3 months later when they are sure people are going to buy or have already preordered their shit.
They don't churn out their CPUs en masse anymore like before, they rather have artificial scarcity with overblown prices.
Straight from memory makers' playbook.
They halted the prod of 8th gen for over 2 months in Europe.
Your excuse doesn't stand.
They killed production for 8th gen CPUs to give way for the 9th gen ones.
They're not a big fab like TSMC.
the madman actually did it
i love this guy
True. You'd imagine that spending several months focusing your production on a given product would somehow allow for good stocks.
Intel is on 90% of systems today. Customers should expect it not to be a luxury.
>this time
There is no "this time", it's "yet again".
It's at least the 4th time Intel has lost a swathe of customers for their dumbshittery in the past year.
this fucking retard is a self important bitch who believes his less complex legos and his benchmarking are hard and you need skill to fucking run a benchmark. manufacturers should blacklist him so he gets an appropriate burger flipper job
>he thinks manufacturers are onion-skinned snowflakes
They only ban journalists/reviewers if they did something heinous or somewhat hurt their bottom line. Intel isn't going to lose sleep just because Youtube tech reviewers called out on a commissioned bogus benchmark.
Just like Kyle from HardOCP becoming an AMD shill out of necessity because Nvidia stonewalled him for publishing GPP and in turn third party vendors ignored him.
What are the odds Intel reached out to like 10 different companies like this to benchmark the systems, then only published the one that had the most favorable results?
They doubled down on their benchmark and basically paid lip service to the independent review community
If they had other companies do benchmarks for them they'd publish them too and stand behind them
No, what I'm saying is that the other companies might've conducted their benchmarks properly, so Intel didn't use them. Then Intel capitalised on PT's negligence and published their results because they were the most favorable.
It's either that or Principled Technologies are a bunch of immoral paid shills.
>They still have no response to Intel's 10nm
TSMC's 7nm process is in volume production already.
a code monkey friend of mine said the 9900k might be slower to the 8700k because of how Intel's Ring Bus scales poorly with more cores.
SO intel's BS benches might be used to hide the fact the 9900k might be slower than the 8700k.
intel's BIGGEST advantage right now is core to core latency is better than Ryzen. but that's mostly due to lower core counts.
so wait, core parity but higher frequency might actually make it perform WORSE?
The Incel shills are trying to push the narrative that AMD do it too, so it's okay and this doesn't matter. It's not going well for them.
No, he's dumb. It won't perform worse than the 8700K per clock or per core. The only potential downside is it not clocking as high due to the extra cores. There are already suggestions that you NEED active cooling on the VRMs to overclock it AT ALL on Z390 boards, and that many Z370 boards require that active cooling even at stock. Which is hilarious.
>intel's BIGGEST advantage right now is core to core latency is better than Ryzen
Well he's wrong, cause intel used bingbus in Haswell-E and there were no latency penalties seen in the 10 core 6950X let alone 8 cores
I‘ve never seen a company more BTFO than intlel.
>he has no fuck clue about the testing methodology
watched half the interview so far and pretty much ever answer is "I have no idea what we were doing" while waving hands up in the air. Even so, got to give him points for actually doing the interview as best as he could