Intel with Misleading Benchmarks

RTX cards sold out despite the pricetag, $500 is nothing.

As long as Intel can keep up with supply it will sell.

He didn't even mention the fact that they turned the 2700X into a quad core for their testing.

Attached: 1521454713502.png (1240x699, 264K)

>But Ryzen did not have a negative launch.
They marketed ryzen for games, and benchmark games that only stressed gpus, and then claimed that they were not for games, but for content creators.
>As GN said in the first 5 minutes of his video Intel had no reason to cheat and fumble their 9900k numbers since everyone knows its going to be faster if not the fastest CPU out there.
I didn't watch GN, but they're right. Intel didn't need to do this BS.

>28-core 4.3GHz chip without solder TIM


Attached: intel housefire.jpg (2048x1370, 319K)

>since everyone knows its going to be faster if not the fastest CPU out there.
I made the prediction months ago that the next AMD release will go beyond Intel's efforts. That prediction remains.

>Intel VP is a Pajeet
>not even a burger Pajeet, literally a Pajeet brought to burgerstan

I wonder if Steve will get any death threats from intelfags this time around.

>tfw 7nm really is as amazing as they imply
>tfw the 3800X is a 5GHz 8 core, 16 thread chip
>tfw it's like $300 tops

my dick.

>will go beyond

Zen 2 will be 8700k-tier but slightly slower than the 9900k. If they introduce a 10/12-core 3800X it will beat the 9900k, anything more is a fantasy and not workable with AM4 motherboards.

intel shills on suicide watch

Attached: intel on suicide watch.png (1480x744, 320K)