intel shills on full patrol tonight
Colton Kelly
Jayden Brown
delid dis you stupid goy
Jace Flores
>the hardware vulnerabilities are only relevant for servers
Kevin Foster
Its damage control, turns out coffee lake and skylake x rebrands are noncompetitive and shit
Ryan Foster
amd epic
Brayden Ward
when it comes to gaming , get either the 2600x or the 8600k.
at the moment the 8600k is alot more exspensive for benifits you'll never see unless your matching it with a powerfull GPU and a high refresh monitor.
fighting over those shit is dumb.
there are no bad cpu's only bad prices.
Connor Ortiz
as a 7980xe owner im actually kinda salty, i only bought this a few weeks ago
Dominic Scott
Not really, I got this too
Charles Torres
dumb gaymer kid