>using twitter
you're the real degenerate here
Is there a more based Operating System?
topkek, GNUtards really are autisic
>hurr durr I refuse to use a platform just because it has a bad rep in communities I frequent
>hurr durr microphone is non-important, access should be trivial
So you are one of those tech illiterate idiots who downloads SuperDeluxeCalculator App that requires access to your Camera, Microphone, etc on your smartphone and thinks there is nothing wrong with that?
But this would just protect me from parts of the system that I do trust (assuming a FOSS setup), that doesn't do jack shit to the issue of trusting the hardware and firmware.
I dont use a platform that is run by people who wish to censor opposing viewpoints, and sell user information. Not to mention the -20 average IQ distribution of those who use twitter.
You really dont belong here.
You unironically feel like this? You are a retard then.
Why are you even using a computer connected to internet? Remember, it was developed by an evil government on behest of military-industrial complex. Where do you shop for groceries? Where do you eat? What kind of entertainment do you consume? Even further, why arent you helping citizens of North Korea or dying Africans?
>I dont use a platform that is run by people [which] sell user information
Literally how do you think Jow Forums is making money?
OK this is fucking retarded. What's next? Needing to somehow get permission to use the keyboard? Permission to see anything on the screen?
>doesn't do jack shit to the issue of trusting the hardware and firmware.
OpenBSD devs are not hardware developers you fucking retard, is not their fault you bought the hardware you have. Alsothey have already done a lot more than you will ever do in your pathetic life to campaign in favor of free as in freedom hardware and firmware.
>De Raadt is also well known for his advocacy of free software drivers. He has long been critical of developers of Linux and other free platforms for their tolerance of non-free drivers and acceptance of non-disclosure agreements.
>These efforts have been largely successful, particularly in negotiations with Taiwanese companies, leading to many new wireless drivers. De Raadt has commented that "most Taiwanese vendors give us documentation almost immediately," allowing open source drivers to reliably support devices, as opposed to the lack of willingness from US companies like Intel and Broadcom
>But this would just protect me from parts of the system that I do trust
Except that you will inevitably install software outside of the base system like your bloated web browser and it's stupid to blindly trust something just because of the its license.
>Jow Forums makes money
it is not a conspiracy theory to say that twitter censors opposing viewpoints, there is no ebil gubbermint, this is a real company, ran by those who with viewpoints that oppose freedom, and if you use it, that means you oppose freedom as well, which forfeits all your rights to it.
Also NK is a meme, and Africa is a self-induced shithole, why would I ever care? Blame the Chinese (with Japan) and Yuro's for those two.