Is the official Jow Forums OS guide accurate?

Is the official Jow Forums OS guide accurate?

Attached: Ospicker.png (1559x1107, 220K)

Where's openbsd

are we doing this thread again

where's windows hacks


Where do I even start

this info is absolute autism.

...Mods put this in the sticky

>No bedrock linux
>Not even basic shit like NixOS/GuixSD.
It's complete trash. Someone should make a new one.

Are you sure?

ugh fuck you who the fuck is supposed to read this flowchart? ants?

Ayyy I followed it and got almost the exact OS I have

And the lines and turns are so fucked up. Also who starts in the bottom right middle

>implying MacOS isn't Unix->BSD-based kernel->GUI on by default

>implying it doesn't belong under glorified shit


No, here's a better one.

[start here] --> [do you want to install Linux] --yes--> Void

No. And there's no need to list a bunch of specialised OSs. If you need a penetration testing OS you don't need a fucking flowchart to find out which one.

>I want something that just works
Linux Mint + desktop environment of choice. If it doesn't have your preferred DE then Ubuntu + DE you want.
>I want a non-Debian Linux because I feel special
Manjaro, Solus, Fedora or openSUSE/Gecko + whatever DE you want
>I want to use a non-systemd distro
Void or PCLinuxOS
>I don't want to use GNU
Android x86 or Alpine Linux
>I don't want to use Linux
Donate 5-50$/month to ReactOS and use it when ready.

>>I want something that just works
>Linux Mint

>I want to use a non-systemd distro
MX Linux is the hottest non-systemd distro bro.

The official Jow Forums os guide is install Gentoo.

>Debian unstable
>bleeding edge

Where is templeOS?

the chart can be simplified massively if it wasn't making a point to list every god damn distro for every niche option, a lot of the distros it lists are basically dead projects too like ututo xs or blag linux
some of the paths and options don't seem terrible but it's an awful chart for somebody that isn't already well versed in linux distros

I followed yes after experience with GNU/Linux, where the fuck is macOS? It's not under BSD based kernel and GUI on by default. This chart is BULLSHIT.

This. My daily laptop driver

>Where's openbsd
Look again


>It's not under BSD based kernel
Because that wasn't a category. The category is BSD not BSD based. Darwin has seen many changes.

Then how does an intelligent macOS user get to macOS? Because it's not only fucking normies using this shit. There's many features in this OS I use daily that normies have never even dreamt of.

>macOS user
Pick one

I found two acceptable paths and both ended on a tile that includes Debian.
Works for me

You don't have the slightest clue

Also traced a server disto path. ended up on Debian too


Imagine being OP, not knowing shit about Linux distros and other operating systems and making a dogshit chart like this one just to appeal to Jow Forums hahaha... Just imagine wasting time with this shit lmaaooo
aaaaaaand saged :^)

kiss your mother?

Arch is not minimalist.
Arch is minimal, as in minimal effort.
In fact it's quite bloated since the devs really try to minimize the effort needed to maintain it. For example install pandoc takes fucking 1gb since it pulls in like the whole of Haskell. That is why, install fucking Gentoo you fags

Nice bait

>just works

Attached: interdasting on Tumblr.jpg (222x260, 9K)

VMS is not Unix-like.

>I dont want to be jobless retard spewing bullshit and masturbating to anime

Sure buddy. You not acknowledging that there are genuinely people who know what they are doing with computers and still prefer macOS makes you the unintelligent faggot.


Hehe xD! Got him GOOD!!!

I know right!

edit: thanks for the gold stranger!

It's trash. Does nothing that Linux doesn't for an average user.