Jow Forums
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Technology #685
Which one is less shit?
Pie update available for mi a2
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
If my ISP is slamming me due to torrenting, should I get a VPN or something? I'm a fucking poorfag. Send help
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
ITT: Post pics of moot
Isn't it remarkable?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
There is a regular practice of development software on multiple platforms...
Be software engineer
John Carmack
What icon theme do you use?
OOP is the gender studies of software engineering
List your top 10 websites
Should USB type C be the standard for everything?
Why does nobody talk about pirating anymore
They see us, how fucked are we?
/sm/ - software minimalism
Is Go worth learning? I only know pajeet tier languages like Java, PHP and Python
Installed windows 10
What’s your DAC carry combo of choice?
The only browsing software not driven by greed
So Jow Forums how many laptops do you travel with?
Apple gets $80,000,000,000 loan
Why is there currently only 1 device this size left with proper keys like this?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What are some interesting things to do with raspberry pi zero?
N about OLED burn in is hilarious
Anyone done the CompTIA? Would you recommend it for someone relatively new in the IT field?
Emacs hate thread
Is it a good idea to start this show?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Oldest tech you have and still use
These things should be illegal
Casually open visual studio
Ockel Computers Sirius A
Free software is ethical
Best windows IDE for C?
Education never ends. What have you learned in last 7 days?
Your thought on the Oculus Go?
Why is watching old timey math lectures so comfy /sci/
>tfw you revive your dailydriver PC from almost two decades ago
Laptops Similar to XPS15
.cxx > .cc > .c++ > .cpp
AMD Prices Intel Out of The Game
I'm trying to learn C right now but it is frustrating the hell out of me
Who here is still rocking an FX processor? 8320 here
What antivirus does Jow Forums use?
Man learns C# and develops landing page in 1 month project
User i think your macbook is sick
Techpill me on trackballs Jow Forums. I want one because of desk space. are they good or is it just a meme?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Is SSD cheap enough for you now?
C++ vs C# for Gaymes
He uses a monolithic kernel in 2018
Data Hoarding General - /dhg/
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Can anyone tell me why people love ryzen?
Why was vega 56 and 64 such schizophrenic memes?
There's only two people on Jow Forums right now that could implement an isometric 2.5D game from scratch
ITT: Unpopular Wishes For Technology
"The physical cookie"
The most awful connector ever designed
Is there any way to ethically monetize a website?
Why the hate?
What are some OOP languages (with GC) that compiles down to native and not bytecode/VM?
Which will shape the future of backend services and web in the future? (besides .NET and Java)
The year is 2025
What do you think of permissive free software licenses?
I really like GNOME, honestly. It's the most simple and elegant DE out there...
What are some Jow Forums aprobed program lenguages?
This is why the UK and Europe will remain a technological backwater forever
What law does this violate?
Create a parts list
Please help me out
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Nice os faggots
What super lightweight Linux distro could I install on my 15 year old pc...
Certain combinations of pixels and 1s and 0s are illegal
Legacy media files are compatible with macOS Mojave, but they won't be with future macOS releases...
Despite the fact that AMD has obviously won and is leading the CPU race now...
Stop using Microsoft Windows
People meme on arch and gentoo all the time but once you know what you're doing having a text based installer is a...
First I have t warn you - I am indeed a retard...
Wheres the YT replys gone?
What's the largest file you've ever downloaded?
Rate my future PC setup
Ree come back up
Don't expect too much from Navi
Let's face it - you're only not using it because of unfounded privacy paranoia
Hello from pre GPU driver install low resolution land
Be myself
VirtualBox has touch UI now
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Anyone uses sleep-tech?
Can we discuss this shit? Apple’s fucking language for apps is becoming a serious contender to c
Linux vs Windows
Are you respected by your colleagues for your IT-related accomplishments at your workplace?
Audiophile thread
New rig
How does OpenBSD manage to use so little ram?
Apple music or spotify
Protonmail Hack - Now leaking top secret data
Should i upgrade my Ryzen 5 1400 to a 2600? Is it worth it?
Funny computer stuff
Why do people hate goto statement so much? It is a really powerful feature...
I found this Jow Forums guy in my uni today when I went to the bathroom. Is this what you all look like in real life?
Why aren't you a digital nomad?
What projects can I do to actually learn data structures? And by learn I mean in a practical way...
Android poors can’t ssh from their phone
When do I get my boy his first PC? Do I let him run wild with it and the internet?
Why should i use plan9?
Prebuilts are now cheaper than building it yourself
This laptop has a larger processor
Linux in music production
Gentoo Benchmark
Does anyone know any good programming podcasts?
Fuck you all Jow Forums
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Non-cucked open source code of conduct
Personal Website Thread
When did technology started making our lives worse instead of better?
Can we actually speed up single thread performance with 5nm?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
My 4 year old CPU is still almost as fast and Intel's latest 14nm abortion
Would you join this startup?
This is an unabashed statement, from a technology company...
Is arch linux good?
E-Readers are technology
Why do we have to give up so much for freedom?
Best language ever created
I'm about to get $13k. What technology should I buy?
Magic image
Linux help anyone?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How Tech Literate Are You?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Jow Forums has always wanted their own distro of linux for years
Uncle Luke's GNU/Cabin
I felt existential dread when I finally realized what these things that suddenly everyone was using were fior...
Why are you still using TrannyOS?
IBM Mainframe
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Joins CS college
Insert the onahole sleeve into the hole cover and then place this inside the piston unit...
Was there ever a reason to use Windows? Photoshop is way less of a sluggish waitfest in Linux than Windows ever was
Me again, I'm ready to buy a nice 4K tv. Budget is pretty flexible, I hear it needs to have HDR...
So did you manage to get one before they stopped production?
Why do we need more screen area on our phones?
Since Facebook is dead, what is the new normalfag social media? Instagram? TikTik!
Is there a phone under 120
Why does gnome software get more shitty and bloated looking with every release?
You guys will fight for anything
>haven't plaid videogames in a month
Itt: birthday gifts you got as a kid
Career Thread
/ptg/ Private Tracker General
Cripples of Jow Forums what's your "disability"?
Can we all agree that anything that costs more than 1000$ should not break this easily?
How can normies see this shit and think "Wow, my smartphone sure is smart...
Why do you have two laptops user?
Can I use a backdoor to hack my little sister's laptop?
Coding without a mouse
Advent of Code 2018
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is LaTeX dying?
Hi Jow Forums, I know, this is probably the most stupid thing you will ever read, but I always had this doubt:
Things that you would have done better than him
Ubuntu hate thread
High throughput micro computers
Jow Forums horror thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
ITT: Post Jow Forums truth bombs
Kakoune thread
Always sanitize your inputs
Redpill me on not .com (the self hosted one)
Desktop thread
>he browses Jow Forums
/hpg/ - Headphone General
An Analysis of the ProtonMail Cryptographic Architecture
Why there are no phones with upgradable RAM? CPUs are fast enough today. RAM is the limiting factor in phones
G Tiers
Thank you based Apple
QBittorrent 4.1.4 is out! Keep uTorrent 2.1.2 instead of this STALLED GARBAGE
How come technology failed to make home ownership affordable?
Why doesn't actual high-end hardware say
Thoughts on Adguard DNS?
Is this accurate?
If you owned one of these growing up, you are bourgeoisie scum that have never experienced true struggle...
Workstation or nah, Jow Forums?
"Self-driving cars are dangerous technology!"
Transparent webm thread continued
How to crack a wifi?
Ungoogled chromium where
Rtx is a failure
Life without pulseaudio
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/v/ starts talking about technology
Mechnaical keyboards are a MEME
What do you think of Haskell?
Fuck Lenovo
This computer is lightning quick and that is all the RAM it requires
Plasma/KDE Thread
What do you say, is he right?
My vagina when I see him typing stuff into a command window on some loser incel operating system
What's the best music player for manjaro?
Tfw 130 applications
Worst CEOs of the tech industry
Remind me why it is so bad Jow Forums
If hiroshima is going to put the worksafe boards on the domain to maximise ad revenue...
The absolute state of European uni
Wtf why is this allowed
All computer components look like gamer garb-
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Anyone still rocking this bad boy?
> They're not using an Android One phone with 2 days battery life
Which is better?
I just made a video on my computer and now I see why people need such good rigs...
Knowing what you know about internet browsing habits growing up...
Things that don't matter in technology
What gives? is this something to do with
/spg/ - Smartphone General
External SSD Storage
Have you ever felt bad for a piece of hardware?
Is there real technology to make a benis bigger?
Which toothbrush should I buy? Sonicare?
Explain to a wangblows fag what systemd is and why you Jow Forumsuys hate it so much
Is fiber a scam?
Change game settings from "low settings" to "medium settings"
Stop the bloat. Install Arch + Suckless Now!
Would a gtx 1060 founders addition 6Gb bottle neck under a AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor...
Is social media ever a good thing or just narcissistic trash and ads?
The only purpose of Ray tracing was to prevent fags like me with an RX480 from maxing 1080P games for the next decade
Profiling Jow Forums
Where the fuck are the uncompetitive new grad developer jobs?
These are the assholes who kept 6C/8C away from us on mainstream sockets when they were capable of delivering it
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What did I miss? Why is Hiro doing this?
"why would anyone use anything other than Windows? It just works, anything else is a waste of time"
Why are they so good at technology?
Cs department requires differential equations
Transparent webm thread
What the fuck, YouTube?
Ryzen with Windows 7 or 10?
Computer Science PhD Thread
What is there to do on Linux?
Untraceable Twitter account
Was the second half of 2017 the worst year to build a PC?
Racytracing Opengl homework due tomorrow
Windows 10 is so comfy
Already guys Black Friday is almost here
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Chilean Army should fire their IT dept
Tryit Editor but offline
What apps do you use on your android phone?
Where are you going now that Jow Forums is kill
Rock Band .mogg decryption
How do you organize your home directory?
I'm building a gaming pc on a budget...
Take OOP class
Hei guys. Long story short, I did everything...
Which will yuo be
What is good a area to whip out a laptop to learn coding or just write code in general...
The day of cute girls on GPU boxes is over, now it is the day of cool robots on boxes
You were born too late to buy any decent, let alone good, domain mains
Why is nobody buying the new iPhones?
What language to use?
Tfw all the qt girls own macbooks
If you could talk to Dennis before he began work on C and UNIX, what would you say?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's the best Capture Card for vidya?
Nvm fixed it :)
>when your program compiles without any error
Shell Scripting
/BFG/ - Black Friday General
Have you guys ever bought one of these Chinese SSDs? they are ridiculously cheap on Aliexpress
Newegg hacked
/spg/ - Smartphone General
He browses Jow Forums
"Program on Linux" they said
W7 Upates
Is this a meme? Why?
Is Linux still CuCked?
Why is Lincux so badly designed that you can delete all your data accidentally without so much as a warning or...
Ah yes windows vista. The thinking mans windows 7
This video game right here is the biggest technical blunder of the 21th century
Sup Jow Forums, just nabbed my first job as a .NET backend dev, get to choose a work laptop, what should I get?
Redpill me on Krita?
Things you fell for
Why aren't you working at Google yet?
Uh, guys??? am i kil?
Hardware backdoors
What's the best NEW laptop under $500?
Linux is becoming popular...
Is it worth learning C if I want to get started working with malware?
I was checking some phones and I saw this. It's clearly a lie, but I got curious...
Superior Linux font rendering
How did we go from this
You will never be as comfy as this
Is there a window manager that runs on windows that resize windows automatically with a margin ?
/ptg/ Tracker General Private
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Damn.... Windows 10 be looking like THAT?
Would you buy an eInk phone?
Is there a tool that lets me disable most of windows 10 """"functions""""just look at this shit...
Red pill on DDG? Is it really "free"?
What's the best terminal for Linux?
Based or shit?
Hi everyone what is best hackings command in CMD for be like Elliot the robot?
Why did Lisp fail?
How can I remediate a Trickbot infection?
/hsg/ - Home Server General
Unless you are a gaymur or a NEET scum, you shouldn't have a desktop pc in your home
What is your opinion on the ongoing jewish conspiracy to kill the headphone jack?
Buy amd
DACs aren't a meme
With uncle Google shilling this thing everywhere it will probably keep on growing in popularity, is that a good thing...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How many of you own a domain name?
Anything worth buying on black friday this year?
Text editor for windows
Have they given up trying to one up nvidia? this is embarrassing
Radeon what the fuck are you doing?
Just Nothing
- Where does Jow Forums go to get their torrents
Jow Forums humor thread
Even data entry wants 2 years of experience
Ios is basically a walled garden which also has kids. Ios isn't meant for adults doing adult things...
What do you use to host your websites Jow Forums?
Happy 30th birthday, louis
Can you run Linux on the playstation 3?
You do realize the government can straight up see everything in your computer remotely, right...
Please tell me this is fake
Terry thread. never forget
Updates disabled
Are you shitting me?
Was he right about technology?
Quantum Computer Science degree
Hair removal is technology
Just rescued a 2011 Macbook Pro from the trash at work. Literally. Someone threw this computer away...
Ps2 revolutionized the gaming market, and is a fucking masterpiece(for consoles). Change my mind
When did everything become a black botnet rectangle made out of glass?
Who green lit having the logo upside down when the laptop is open?
Report: Microsoft’s enterprise products covertly gather personal data on users
What is the perfect dream pc? Parts,mods etc
Anti Discord Thread
How many speakers are optimal?
What is the best coding language to learn first? I assume html is necessary so that's what I'll start with...
All jokes and memes aside, is Computer Science a meme degree? I'm starting to realize that I don't have the passion...
T-Mobile is giving away the iPhone XR for free
Good email provider?
Are there any phones left with user-replaceable batteries?
How can we improve console controls?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
The Future of x64
He has green bubbles
Why is it so comfy, bros?
Is it still the king?
What is the worst thing you had to endure?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Worth 35$?
If both these cpus cost marginally the same (around 300€ where I live) which one would you pick?
I-It's not stealing, it's just borrowing
Is buying my child an Android worth them being at risk of bullying?
Gf wants to learn php as her first language
GTX 680 and 780Ti buyers remorse thread
Are programming socks a meme?
Desktop / screenfetch / neofetch thread
Anyone else really disappointed about Google killing Inbox?
Give me any piece of technology, and I'll tell you it's a botnet
Debian Support Thread
Thoughts on Python? Is it overrated?
Needing a gpu
When was the last time you used a multimeter and a solder iron?
What VPN do you use and why?
Dubs decide what distro I install
Is it true that most South Koreans still use Internet Exploder?
I am 29. I went to grad school. I work at Google in Mountain View, in the original Googleplex. I know...
/sm/ - Software Minimalism
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Are we Jow Forums or 4channel?
What will it take for Linux to become a useable desktop OS?
Anyone know any websites you can go to where you get people to do your CS assignments and homework for you...
I really fucking miss him
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboards General
Jesus Christ
Underrated tech thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Share ratio
So which possibility you think it might come true anons?
Does Ublock Origin really only hide ads while still loading them in the background?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Redpill time on keyboards and why we have been getting scammed for a decade
Post hardware that turns you off
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Debian or arch?
Where does your GPU currently shit?
Be me
Switching from not working urxvt
What's the coolest hack you've done, Jow Forums?
Sudo apt remove *microcode*; reboot
If Pornhub can make money off smut/advertising why can't Jow Forums?
Startpage has been re-designed in the spirit of onions. Gone is the old, problematic design...
Linux casual here. What is really so bad about Gnome?
So Univ pajeet from India reporting in
There are no modern smart phones with good aesthetics
Oregairu is written on Microsoft Office 2016 running on Windows 10 that is running on Surface Book(tm)
Who /os9/ here?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Hey there my new fellow 4 channelers!
Where do we go when Jow Forums/g/ is no more? I am sure es hell not going to 4channel cuck shit
Should I go through with it? What should I expect?
Programming a Coinbase for Europe
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I'm tryna upgrade from pic related to a legit NAS during Black Friday/Cyber Monday
What's your favorite programming language and why? Mine's python atm
Used AMD GPUs in 2018
Memes aside, the absolute state of community around it aside, is this shit actually worth your time in any way?
Mods are asleep post feet
/spg/ - Smartphone General
I have choosen to finally learn for real programming so naturally i want to "start"(not a complete newbie) with a...
Anyone else jumped ship off the IT meme?
List pre-2003 software you still use
Not having Mojave installed on your non-Apple laptop right now
Amp recomendation
Bruhs, should I learn c# or java?
Is it literally impossible to torrent anonymously in 2018?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What's your experience with password managers and which one would you recommend?
What IRC clients do you use, Jow Forums?
Red Hat Developers Working Towards A Vendor-Neutral Compute Stack To Take On NVIDIA's CUDA
How do we fix the captcha so NPCs wouldn't be able to pass it Jow Forums?
Buyer's remorse thread
Speccy thread
If you need more than 4GB of RAM for standard daily driver tasks, you really need to reevaluate your life
He still uses ssds on sata
/ptg/ - private tracker general
What's your opinion on Sci-Hub?
Why do people like him again? I haven't heard so many misconceptions even in an LGR video
Sad and shocking news here, guys:
Desktop *fetch thread - weebs get the rope edition
So apparently there's a filter company in Texas that uses a 1948 IBM computer to run the company
Where will you go when hiroshimoot finishes transferring Jow Forums to a malware domain?
Some of you guys download some weird shit
What OS would you choose for a vintage system? I was thinking windows 98 but wanna hear you guys' opinion
Do you prefer pre-2006 or post-2006 Internet Jow Forums?
Should we?
AI will overtake the worl-
ITT: botnets Jow Forums fell for
Roughly how many web browser tabs do you have open at a given moment, on average?
Not compatible with 200mm silent fans
I can see why you guys find him annoying
You have no reason to actually hate systemd unless you're a sysadmin. You only do because it's hip
Wtf could I do with 2 Wii’s?
Rust code of conduct entails this
Just got my first mac, and its great. Fuck you Jow Forums
The Great Debate
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What does Jow Forums think about the current state of Linux?
Why does everyone hate PHP?
Why are monitors such shitty technology? You're always making a compromise no matter what
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Would a Vega 56 age better than a 1080ti?
The guy who usually makes these is asleep edition
Did you ever draw your own icons / mouse pointers?
Break up the tech giants?
Do you actually have a Github or Gitlab account with actual contributions either to other repos or your own?
WTF is Tor
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
AMD Powered Handheld PC SMACH Z to Enter Mass Production in Early 2019
Jow Forums jobs
Who makes the best motherboards and why is it Gigabyte?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Tablet Thread
What did hero mean by this?
Plan 9 General
Time to jump ship. 8ch is cancerous but active, and Lain is cool but dead. Which one
Programmers are overrated
Who here is still faithful?
Linux on macbook pro
26 years later and he is still butthurt
Clover won't work for 4channel. Rip phone posters
Did I choose the right thing, god?
Fucking freetards
Job satisfaction
Post the oldest desktop screenshot you still have saved
Is this the future of image detection?
AdBlocking on mobile
Try doing this on a iPhone iFaggot
Swedish man reacts to Jow Forums live
Will the migration kill Clover since it's never updated?
What is the very best utility boot CD?
Ramnode and dozen others are offering 128mb ram VPS for $15/year with public IPv4
What music do you listen to while programming?
What do you want to see in version 2 of the ErgoDox? USB-C, Zip Diskette port, RGB?
*p++ // same as *(p++): increment pointer, and dereference unincremented address
Daily reminder that when a game is coded properly VEGA 64 is nearly as fast as a RTX 2080
How much do you think I could get for my build?
Well /g? which of this growing behemoths in back-end webdev is better?
Learned to Kode today
There is nothing wrong with rubber dome
The Social Network
Decentralized chan proposal
I switched from Inconsolata to IBM Plex, it's like stepping out of Plato's cave into the light of a clean pure typeface...
30% faster than Linux 4.20
Is it possible to train a neural network to determine the race of a music artist based on its name?
Happening: Node.js creator regrets creating Node.js
All-Around Good Linux Distros
What is the technological reason for this?
Friendly reminder to install adblockers when browsing the web
Show us your good ones /g
How many years did it take you to realize you hate programming?
Jow Forums
Is this a good laptop for 600€?
The Great Debate
Change a few registry settings
What did Hiro mean by this?
What should I do with all these iPhones? Can i make a server farm?
Why does nobody talk about pirating anymore
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Apple steals
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
When was the last time you used this key user? Give your End key a push now and then, she's lonely
How much of a meme are these colorimeter? got the pro version of pic related for 99€ from amazon flash sale...
Is Jow Forums's recommended search engine really just a proxy of Google? They pay Google...
Certified Java professional here. Ask me anything
GPUZ + CPUZ thread
Post hardware that turns you on
Solve image verification
What is the best C and C++ IDE?
Are Indians really good at tech?
IPhones literally crash when exposed to helium because of apple's cheap engineering
Has anyone successfully installed a keylogger on their SO phone or computer?
When will freetards stop defending this literal garbage? It's so vastly inferior to every single alternative it's scary
How can a program delete itself?
What if Jow Forums worked together with Jow Forums to create the simplest language you can make...
SK Hynix Develops First 16 Gb DDR5-5200 Memory Chip, Demos DDR5 RDIMM
Are phones intrinsically addictive?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What VPN does Jow Forums use?
Linux 4.20 is 25% slower than 4.19
Is there any point to learning LISP today other than for fun...
He is not working on his 24hstartup idea rn
Does someone see whats wrong?
If: New to programming Then: Start with Python
He still uses a software solution for cloning hard drives
Since Linux is just a kernel and not an operating system, would it actually be possible to get Windows to run on Linux?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
"Microsoft employees are stup-"
Yay or nay to the new look
This is a $300 plastic rubberdome keyboard with missing keys
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Are there any tablets out there capable of running Linux?
Why aren't you using dwm yet?
You have 10 minutes to draw a swastika in your favourite language. No exceptions
Anyone else running Win10 and get this stupid fucking update KB4023057???
Post quality software combinations
I made it in CS. Looking for a job? Come in here
Oh fuck off
Intel CPU
What the fuck can i delete that won't fuck my shit up?
I finally got the wireless working
/ptg/ - private tracker general
How do we fix C?
/hpg/ - Headphone General - Shitthoot edition
Are IPS tablets really that bad to read manga on?
Advent of Code
The Social Network
I'm not going to buy pic related because it's $200 and, let's face it, it's made by Zucc himself
[LINUX] Horizontal ripple effect when scrolling
New desktop thread
/mg/ - Monitor Purchasing General
What's the easiest way of making money on the internet...
no cell phone signal in bedroom
What's Jow Forumss opinion on the OnePlus 6T? Upgrading and was looking into that phone
/mpv/ weekend thread
Year of our lord 2018
Name better speakers for $200 than the G560, except you cant
Been autistically googling haskell terms all day
It'll flop right?
Do Western Digital HDs really last the longest? Non-server use
Is it still worth it to install third party android roms if you want to get more functionality (and maybe extending...
PC Gaming is dead. Phones are wayyy better
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Worst Optimized Website of all time?
Pictures of old server rooms are strangely interesting
Which hardware purchases did you regret?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
The perfect operatinng system doesn't exi
Intel + Nvidia BTFO
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but open house design is cancer and It's slowly driving me insane
I'm looking to upgrade to a dual monitor setup with 2 144 Hz monitors. I'd like to spend about $200 per monitor...
Do you own a 4k monitor and if so, what are your thoughts on it?
DXR runs better on the $400 Vega 64 than the $1000 2080ti
Do you 'member?
If learning a language is too difficult for you, you don't belong on this board. A language is a language...
Redpill me on functional programming
Samsung: We're developing the first foldable tablet
Be Bavaria (Germany)
How come every faggot with a computer these days needs an autistic mic setup like they're recording The Dark Side of...
How long until lighting your home with RGB panels is a viable, maybe even common, thing?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What does Jow Forums think of my new keyboard?
Can't relocate individual files inside a torrent
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Best linux distro for daily use and why? Not for games
Is it just me or does AMD reek of poverty? Every time I see a Ryzen build...
Note: AMD no longer supports Radeon HD2000 and HD4000 series graphic processor units (GPUs)
Why is windows 10 horrible?
What are the cia niggers going to do to Jow Forums?
But isn't Apple supposed to be the overpriced one?
Hi. I want to switch from Windows to GNU/Linux and i don't know which distro I should pick...
Sound cards
Remind me again why you constantly bitch about them so much Jow Forums?
How are Russians so good at hacking?
Its literally called "slack"
Variables vs functions
Im running this code on an image that is 135 by 200 pixels. thats 27000 pixels...
/csg/ - chink shit general
Non-mainstream OSs
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Use emacs
What does Jow Forums think about it?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Speccy thread?
Was Windows Vista really that bad?
Drm is everywhere
Arch is fucking shit, you need another computer just to read how to insta-
Please try again
Anyone own one of these? how has your experience with them been?
The absolute state of applefags
Is this the end of notch
Windows 7 users pls help
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
7-8yr old PC
Jelly Jow Forums? ;)
NoVideot GayForced ReTardedXo
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
DDo you follow programmers on Twitter?
Has a new challenger appeared?
Say you wanted to make a politically-based hidden service that would likely come under a lot of scrutiny...
You gotta be kidding me!
What are you going to buy today?
Is there even a single good search engine that doesn't spy on you?
Jow Forums unironically worships a commie
Buy rtx 2070
I want to make 3D engine on C++
After so many years, Whatsapp finally adds stickers
What actually really went on with steve in the mid 80s and 90s?
Is OpenBSD a meme?
How to deal with bluelight effects from screen?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Google now allows registering domains with .onions TLD. This is not a joke
Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Why did Microsoft fail despite spending billions of dollars on:
Windows 10 outwards appearance is reworked
Take me back Jow Forums
14 million rpi sold worldwide
Why don't you install gentoo Jow Forums, are you some kind of cpulet?
Mouse Bungee
Why's Kotlin so based?
Brother wants to learn programming
After its all said and done with the CURRENT backend languages in a couple of years which ones will prevail or which...
The absolute state of Japan
What went wrong?
What is the beverage of choice for the average Jow Forumsentleman?
Chrome vs Firefox
If you got one for free
Is XML dead yet?
Android Tablets General
Help with something strange
Windows in a linux vm
I think my neighbor is using a sniffer
I bought this NINE YEARS AGO this month, have kept it overclocked at 3.8ghz on an X58 chipset all this time...
That professor that thinks that his class is the only one that exists
Gods of cs and software engineering are getting old, Jow Forums. Post some of your heroes in the field
What can I do with a Commodore VIC 20?
/ptg/ - private tracker jeneral
Why is Internet and Telstra so expensive in Australia?
Where can I learn more about the fundamentals of how computers work? Electricity, binary, logic gates, transistors, etc
What's the comfiest way to program Linux desktop apps?
What do people use for video editing these days?
Uhh alright what now?
/sci/ is laughing at us again
Rust shills next level
Name a better browser than icecat
Post your programming books Jow Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
The V30 already suffers from bootloop woes
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I think your mechanical keyboard sucks
SK Hynix has finished the first DDR5 chip
Well, /technolojee/?
Why does the amd shill fear rtx?
God Tier Tech Tubers
Well, Jow Forums?
Lol BTC has finally perma died today what is best 4x Sli or crossfire motherboard for money now?
Do VPN services actually work?
C++ / Is it worth learning in 2018?
Literally everyone else uses 1000 byte kilobyte
/homescreen/ thread
Oh no no no no
Press ctrl+a for a challenge
Paypal banning upstarts
Convince me to use Debian over Ubuntu
LTSC 2019 > LTBS 2016
What was the thing that made you say "I will never buy a samsung phone again"?
What are you gonna do when replicants come out?
Why are Canadian tech workers so underpaid compared to there US equivalent...
Shill me a good non-autistic workstation mouse
Oh nonononono
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship