I can have secret sessions on windows 10. can you do this on your loonix?

i can have secret sessions on windows 10. can you do this on your loonix?

Attached: win 10.jpg (1366x126, 26K)

"Secret session"? What's that?

I can not send all of my data to Microsoft on Linux, can you do that on Windows 10?

systemd is a CIA backdoor

Wow, MS finally catching up on window management, after all these years! Welcome to the club guys!

These are called workspaces, faggot. They've been on both Linux and macOS for longer than Windows ever has.

>secret sessions
All your session reports are sent directly to FBI, NSA and CIAs servers respectively.

my internet is not that fast to sen ALL my data to microsoft, and even then im happy to share good hentai and dojin music with people at microsoft

Where's your proof?

itt: wintoddler thinking virtual desktops are new and only available on windows
GNU/Linux and macOS have had this feature for years.

thanks for beta testing nerds lol

Over a decade, even, for Linux at least.

>can you do this on your loonix?
Virtual Desktops?
Yes, these are a pretty ancient feature, but I guess finally Microsoft has managed to implement them.

1998 actually. OSX got the in '09 if memory serves.

Wintards catching up as usual

>itt: wintoddler thinking virtual desktops are new and only available on windows
itt: people falling for obvious bait


If I press Super+Shift+Escape I switch to workspace -1

Unlike your babby windows desktops mine is actually secret as it can only be accessed by pressing the correct keys, whereas your windows baby os anyone can come along and press Super+Tab and see all of your "secret" desktops.

p.s: for you windozers, super = windows key ;)

>im happy to share good hentai and dojin music with people at microsoft
mind sharing some

p.p.s.: for you macOS users, super is the cmd ⌘ key.

but what if i use openrc, anonymous?

seconding this fellow
i mean get

This feature was implemented on windows for few years and on other OS for like 15 years
Are you a time traveler?

Linus is smiling upon me, wincuck. Can you say the same!