

Which one should a Jow Forumsentleman use?

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sysinternals has a good tool on windows

why would you ever need one of those?

i just use top
not sure what else you need a resource monitor to do

lxtask 4 lyfe nigga

Have only used top and htop? What's special about the others?

To get a quick overview of the system. CPU RAM Net Processes Services Filesystems etc.

have color

top can do that
why is it even necessary regardless

>the autism is strong in this one
the color can help you parse the text...

at least i can get laid mate

most people can get laid. what you don't see is normal people walking around bragging about that mundane fact.

i'm not bragging, just pointing out the fact that you're an incel; but you didn't seem to grasp that

>no imhotep

Attached: imhotep.jpg (720x540, 27K)

I'm not I was merely pointing out your BS. the fact that you get this defensive about it and resort to name calling speaks volumes about who in this thread might be the socially maladjusted one..

I get laid too. Are you old enough to browse here?

look you can enable colours in top
it's fucking useless

Attached: ctop.png (906x1312, 227K)

Silly british faggot, htop is different. lol

they both do the same thing, just top is probably already installed on your system

One does it better. Top is bland and gay, though I can now see why you're drawn to it.


you're clearly the coffee sipping, mustache twirling, hipster faggot if you care that much about "UX"

>you're clearly the coffee sipping
I slam energy drinks

>mustache twirling
No, but I do have an unkempt beard.

>hipster faggot
Nope, hate hipsters.

>if you care that much about "UX"
I don't, autismo. See

when was the last time you opened a book where each word was colour-coded such that you can easier parse the text?
oh yeah, nobody does that because it's retarded.

Why wouid you faggots eve need this? It's not like any of you use your computer where you would need to look over this information.

Get a fucking job and bag my groceries you self entitled zoomers.


top. Htop is to complicated for me.
Also atop for analyzing incidents and iotop for more in-depth look into la problems.

When was the last time you used an IDE that wasn't color coded?

>when was the last time you opened a book where each word was colour-coded such that you can easier parse the text?
You've never opened a used college book? You're missing the point, retard. Reading pedantic material is different than reading condensed information.

>oh yeah, nobody does that because it's retarded.
You're just embarrassing yourself at this point, little boy.

I doubt he codes. He's just "tech savvy," and "helps" his friends and family install printer drivers and adobe reader.

every day

>top alternative written in fucking JavaScript

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i don't think you know what that meme means
i don't even use an IDE, just a text editor. used to use nano, i'm using ed now though.

>i don't think you know what that meme means
I don't think you do...

>i don't even use an IDE, just a text editor. used to use nano
Neither do I, I use vim.

> i'm using ed now though
lol okay sure buddy

>this moron uses vim

there's not that much difference between vi and ed
i don't really see the use in syntax highlighting
i'm far more into vulnerability research than software development though
i mainly find myself writing perl and c scripts

ctags in vim is pretty nice though for navigating projects

>c scripts

>i'm far more into vulnerability research than software development though
You're so full of shit.

what pros do is they fork datadog's daemon, and stream their telemetry to a local graphite/grafana instance

htop does all I need which is displaying how much resources programs take up and allows me to send whatever signal I want to them if they are acting up, and I can do this without reading any docs because htop just displays everything you need to know in the interface. top is just a display and the other ones just looks like eye candy.


too look like a SUPA LEET HAXXOR

Cookin up dope in the Crock-Pot

I'm not edgy gay kid like op

>oooooooh fuck he called me an npc im so ofended omg gotta defend myself ummm yeah ides are like for total faggots lol i am a hardcore hacker bro lol i use vim *dabs*
>lol me too haha im totally not an npc either *sips monster* damn that would suck so bad haha

Use htop. Anything more is bloat. Anything less is minimilism to the point of sacrificing functionality for no reason

whatever helps you sleep at night dude
i'm not exactly the typical definition of an npc. i have my own politics and don't generally subscribe to the status quo
neither am i a normie in the typical sense as i don't really have any hobbies, interests or a worldview that you'd generally expect them to have

i'm not offended so much as i'm a little irritated; as petty as it is
i like memes to be used in the correct context

>not just parsing from /proc
$ ls | grep '[0-9]' | wc -l ; ps -ef | wc -l

/proc/[pid]/stat has all the high level info about a proc you could need, with each other folder having much more information.

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based and redpilled

top forest view > htop tree view

>it's on termux

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-15-11-31-14.png (720x1280, 109K)

just use top
never knew about hotop, gtop vtop gotop etc


top or gnome-system-monitor

I think your brain is broken.

never knew about this; nice.

>not [[:digit:]]
POSIX yo shit, fool!

I just use top, vmstat and iostat and that usually tells me all I need to know. htop is probably nice on your own box but you can't rely on it being there if you're asked to check that's going on with some random box somewhere.

press F5 you tard

I often go topless.

But if I need to put something on, I put a htop because ... no reason. I am used to type htop.

But what does it do?

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ur mom fagit

I have htop running 24/7 in a dedicated terminal window. I can't stand not knowing which process is using cpu, memory, cores, what the load average is, and so on - I just feel naked without this information at hand. I also enable "DISK R/W/ and "IO_WBYTES", so I can monitor which process is eating IO and committing to disk.

The benefit of this is, if you see some process doing something weird, you can trivially kill it from within htop, instead of having to look up its PID manually.

killall -s 9 suspect-proc

pkill [name]

And I use conky in the background to do all that. It's all customizable and sheit.

>killall python
>all python processes killed


What python scripts are you running that you consider critical?

>meme arrows

>not knowing about conki cli
I ain't even using that shit

etc. etc.


They're right.
Once you hit ~20 it's so absurdly easy to have sex it really isn't something to brag about. Only the most autistic can't, and they have other concerns anyway.

Htop. There's no contest here

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>using screen
Just use a tiling wm.

You can't use a tiling wm over ssh.

what is x11 forwarding

atop has a daemon that is on all the time.

How is that different / why is it important compared to the others?

>using X11 forwarding to forward over a fucking terminal manager

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sora to Umi no Aida - 07 [720p]_00:07:19_01.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

>Never had to do real systems administration
Sometimes it's useful.

bloated trash

>Never had to do real systems administration
if this was true, you wouldn't complain about using screen instead of x11 forwarding either dumb ass.

>using screen instead of tmux
Go be a GNU/cuckold on

>if this was true, you wouldn't complain about using screen instead of x11 forwarding either dumb ass.
I didn't, dumbass. I said use a tiling wm, and then you lied about using screen over ssh to save face. Someone else said X11 forwarding, which is useful. Just kys.

and yet, I do use tmux

I'm not 'that' guy, was just commenting on your remark. also, most servers don't have x installed, hence, complaining about someone using screen/tmux/whatever (since I apparently have to elaborate due to possibly having another brain hemorrhage) is obviously a very likely scenario over x11 and shouldn't come as a surprise.

tmuxfag here, I only came to shit on screen

>I'm not 'that' guy, was just commenting on your remark.
So, you're an idiot. Good job.

I figured as much, I was just bitching to bitch (it's what we all do here, is shit on eachother for no reason, we're all fucking disgusting cancer... .. .. eventually, if we post here long enough) ;-P

homosexual top
gay top
virgin top
go-go top

yes, I'm an idiot for stating the obvious that you apparently missed.

Is there no top fork called bottom?

Show per-core load.

>muffin top

> not just making your work more complicated while achieveing the same
desu this is what Jow Forums does.

Install any of them and try them out. If you like it then use it. You aren't going to detonate a nuclear warhead by trying things out for yourself and developing your own taste user.

How is that going to help you in anything? A neat feature of htop, but it eats half of screen space and useful to managers who can't understand numbers and just go "red bars are bad".

Why does Glances to the trouble of mentioning "Dropbox".
It's not installed on this Debian 9 machine. Or in this context does the word mean something completely different?

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