Convince me to use Debian over Ubuntu

I'm a desktop user, I cannot understand why anyone in my position would use Debian. It's Ubuntu without PPAs, older packages (not testing), and extra work.

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People just use Debian for the netinstall or to look slightly superior to ubuntu users in desktop fetch threads. Just keep using ubuntu if it works for you.

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I used to be one of those people. Then when I got more into CS I needed to get werk done.

This is where I'd tell you to use Fedora, but it's cucked now

>Using ppas
You are already compromised

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But why even before? It has less users and packages available. I'm just looking back at my old days of using Gentoo and FreeBSD etc in cringe. There is no reason for a Linux Desktop to run anything other than Ubuntu. If you're not, then you're a hipster that can't see the big picture.

You sound like an 18 year old me.

Because sooner or later Microsoft it's going to buy Canonical(Ubuntu)

Debian is maintained by a fellow Jow Forumsentooman who was also an hero.
It is your civic duty to use Debian.

>It's Ubuntu without PPAs
you don't need ppa
>older packages (not testing)
ubuntu is debian testing frozen
>and extra work.
download the CD-1, not the netinstall.

Oh no, major Corporate backing. They'll probably end up like GitHub. Where literally everything everyone feared never happens.
Best reply so far

A lot of programs are a pain in the ass outside of PPA or any Ubuntu repository. Have you tried installing Steam on Debian, it's a fun project in itself.

>apt install steam

university is retarded
university is bloat

are you retarded?

its easy even on devuan
use gdebi if you're retarded


Linux is not for running desktop software, silly

Kek, can't imagine people like OP trying to use arch or gentoo

Maybe OP should install TempleOS actually

I don't know why anyone would use fucking apt shit.

based and rpmpilled


LFS is the best distro, try that. Way more customization than even Arch.

Either is fine. Both have gotchas. Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS + Linux 4.19 LTS is a good choice for a desktop right now.

it still just works, it's not terribly much more work
it's like, 15 minutes more of changing settings/installing shit and then that's it forever

I've also had a handful of machines that for one reason or another don't feel like booting Ubuntu, but Debian installed perfectly on 'em.
There's no reason for OP to use Debian.