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noooo Samsung what are you doing reeeeeREEEEE
Lmao at you NEET losers
Samsung is kill
When will Samsung learn they can’t charge iPhone money for Android phones?
I could see them making foldable sleeves that fit on your arm with a focus on utility. (Apps crucial here.)
All I want is a phone with the form factor of a side by side note. Yes it would be twice as thick, but the screen realestate would be amazing. Why should that cost twice what the note does? Full screen replacement and second batery is what $200? It should still only need one processor and set of ram. This thing is at least $500 too much.
>full screen replacement
>on a foldable phone
In your dream
samsung is now enemy of india ok?
they wanna b appel and charge loyal peoples big money for fone then they will die
i will think to buy xiaomi as is not not expense
Press S to spit on its grave.
"I need a foldable phone" - said no one ever. Can't wait until this gimmick officially flops.
I meant to compare the cost to build.
Cost of 1 note + cost of a second screen and second battery.
Samshart is finished
Poor fags who don't realize that Samsung doesn't give a shit how well this phone sells. This is a first gen product and they're just trying to test the market and push innovation - Something that very few companies, if any, are doing. Everyone is too focused on making their phone look and function like an iPhone. Samsung just wants to make cool shit.
iPhone Xs Max 512gb is 1,500+
2,000 for a foldable phone isn't unreasonable.
>nooo my meme device is dead
off yourself
>1 million units being manufactured
>yeah we don’t care how it sells you’re just poorfags
While it's dumb in any practical sense the innovation is pretty cool. I wouldn't buy it, but the same tech could be used a lot better in other areas.
I've been waiting for Microsoft to release such a device from r over a year now.
But I guess I have to be a shill like you.
And I thought $200 for a phone was already outrageous. All these people with more money than sense.
A shill for what?
Quads confirm
>all those cuckold tabloids rushing to protect their iFag lords
If these were made by fapple at 3000$ they would tell you not to kvetch and just buy it.
What is with the autistic desire to fold things?
Seething Andrakesh
Holy shit Samsung is actually finished