Jelly Jow Forums? ;)
Jelly Jow Forums? ;)
I'm not underage
idk who's a bigger faggot: the original poster or the reposter
The reposter is a massive faggot. The original poster is fucking based.
All that equipment and then you buy a budget psu
>Nazi books
>Jewtel hardware
Not really.
The original owner of this picture will be hyped to see what his machine can REALLY do.. and find nothing but virtual casinos with upscaled PS4 graphics that are no fun at all, then just go back to playing indie stuff that could possibly run on an S3 virge.
Only of the 970, but even still it's not a Pro.
Did your mom bought this to your birthday?
How many cocks she had to satisfy for her little angel's dream PC and a chinkphone?
Which is the unfortunate truth.
Everything good enough to justify even it's space requirements can be ran on ten year+ old hardware.
Why do you keep getting the shittiest stuff? If I were a baller I'd get a ryzen, a gtx 1080 ti, and a much better keyboard
Terrible keyboard, I bought one from the shop and after a week the keys started falling out for no reason. I emailed logitech which took them ~4 months to reply and managed to finally replace my keyboard for free, which I thought was nice. Little did I know, 2 weeks later the keys started falling out again. Never buying logitech keyboards again, their mice is the only good things.
>LV belt
Shit taste, no wonder you suck german barbarian cock.
why do you read National Socialist literature and appreciate disgusting Western technology? Are you one of these retards who think Hitler liked Western civilization LMFAO
>Your house is going to burn down
>No tentacle dildo.
Wait a second, there are processors in those kind of boxes now? Are they trying to make it look like some kind of sci-fi space ship crystal processor is inside what the hell?
You again.. Stop it!
kinda,i'd like to have all this basedboy bullshit so i can sell it.
Are you intending to follow vice niger advise and put two tubes of thermal paste on cpu? Because you know, noctua cpu fans include whole tube of paste...
Also fucking repost. sage
Huawei is Chinese government spyware
Replace D15 with Dark Rock Pro 4
Should've got a Seasonic-brand PSU
9900K should be replaced with 9700K
You got suckered into buying a 2080ti but I'm guessing you didn't have a choice (1080ti would be better)
Honestly the only Corsair products worth buying a LPX ram and their keyboards
its a nice belt though
Fucking brainlets think you pluralize words by adding apostrophes.
Dude is obviously a turbofaggot 9000, but he does have good taste in beer.
Isn't that the same guy adding details? I don't remember it having chinkphone box, intel housfire-9 or a fucking belt lmao.
Yes I'm jealous that I won't have a such good heat source shown in your picture for winter
just from your pics it feels like you give people chills when they even slightly touch you
>MSI mobo
>msi mobo
>romer gee switches
>rtx housefire
Not even once.
Faggot can hang himself with it.
Good luck paying back the interest on those loans, shitskin.