Be Bavaria (Germany)

>be Bavaria (Germany)
>create new "ministry for digitalization"
>put in charge youngest woman in cabinet (Judith Gerlach) to 'represent a new start that is "young, female, digital"' (actual words used)
>she says in an interview "digitalization is certainly not my specialty, but an absolute future topic", becomes an instant meme
>she also says "she's gonna read up on it now"
>leftist newspapers praise her and claim nobody is doubting her despite her ignorant statements
>mfw your state has put some bitch in charge of the "ministry for digitalization" who clearly has no clue about anything computer related
>mfw muh strong empowered young woman!
>mfw can't wait till God sends asteroids to crush this joke of a "government"

Newspaper article praising her:

Sorry it's all in German. "Ministry for Digitalization" isn't even an official term, but I don't think there's an official translation yet.

Attached: 860x860.jpg (573x860, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't be any worse than the nips assigning the head of cyber security to a guy who doesn't use computers.

>government lead digitalization efforts of public services are a disaster

Attached: 1478301144532.png (600x595, 600K)

Digitalisierung is quickly becoming my least favorite buzzword.

>implying there's anyone with actual qualifications anywhere in politics

I would smash

I’d like to see her get blacked

In Poland we have an ex agriculture minister as a digitalisation minister but I guess its still better than that
What became of you, Germany

They are really among the worst of all the anti-German fake news media.

kys you fucking kike.

She is not a POC

Personally, I am disgusted with Germany's total lack of diversity with this appointment

This is why the alt right is rising.

Maisie-tier uggo

Good choice. The nerds go gaga over 3/10 girl next door types like her. She'll have them lining up to work on projects no doubt.

Ok where is the problem? All politicians are shit and want to ruin everything. The EU and the article 11 and 13 are the best example of this.
And this fucking word "Digitalisierung", as if Seehofer, Söder, Lindner or any other of these shitty pieces of shit even know what "Digitalisierung" means. I don't even know what they mean by this for gods sake. I fucking hate this country and it's politicians

#Neuland :^)

This is what you get when you abandon Christianity.

>"ganz bewusste Entscheidung für die Zukunft" getroffen hat, und den Aufbruch im Kabinett verkörpern: jung, weiblich, digital.

The only thing they're consciously deciding is how to fuck everything up. How does one embody "digitaliness". Fucking politicians just using buzzwords to sound as if they know what they're speaking of. When did meritocracy die?

"...und das bei einem Thema, von dem sie bisher kaum Ahnung hat."
>...on a topic which until recently she had little knowledge in.

>When did meritocracy die?
When every single mainstream party decided to abandon it
SPD, CDU/CSU and Grüne (no idea about Linke, can imagine AfD is opposed to this).

Relax Hans, the Internet is still Neuland for uns

>This is what you get when you abandon Christianity.
And thats what you will get rid of when you will accept Islam

Must have sucked the right dicks

I don't really see where the problem is with appointing nitwits to positions of which they have absolutely no clue.
Apparently true technologically advanced countries like Japan are doing the same
so we as good germans should follow suit.

At least the beach is honest, which is a first in politics.

They will have a group of new age "Sturmabteilung" (brown shirts) and "Jungsturm" within the year to monitor negative online commentary about immigrants in Germany.

Glad to see that germans are not ableist anymore.

Friendly reminder that this is the party that is pro Article 11 and 13 (Upload Filter and Linktax). This can only be a total trainwreck.

>I fucking hate this country and it's politicians
Should have won the war then.

Things would have been much better if the Weimar Republic didn't fail.


The current state of Germany is also called Ewigweimar