Ramnode and dozen others are offering 128mb ram VPS for $15/year with public IPv4

ramnode and dozen others are offering 128mb ram VPS for $15/year with public IPv4

I bet they dont know it is more than enough to run high volume website thanks to this guy

Attached: go.png (291x519, 62K)

wut, too expensive

daily reminder that this is a fully functional https web server in go. not to mention it's a single statically linked binary.
package main

import (

func main() {
cert := "cert.pem"
key := "privkey.pem"
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServeTLS(":443", cert, key, http.FileServer(http.Dir("./www"))))

>import thing
>run thing

High volume hello world website, that for sure
If you want anything useful that has DB than it's not enough

you don't know what you're talking about do you?

I know cause I run server

most of such providers are offering SSD too
sqlite reads will be very fast
there are also things like boltdb+blevesearch

>not to mention it's a single statically linked binary
it's not, libc for network code is dynamically linked and on winblows you have to dynamically load timezone file which only exists with Go compiler toolchain installation
just saying

Also what sort of pleb hard codes variables? Good luck with those default timeouts.

you're just jelly because you're already rust'ed.

>providing commonly known facts
>you're just jelly

>not using fasthttp

>having external dependencies

fasthttp is almost the best performing http library ever existed in any language, that includes also Rust frameworks and libraries

according to some benchmarks on github net/http serves two times as much req/s with empty response compared to nginx
and fasthttp library gives additional boost.

it is very impressive

Attached: 1542421020288.jpg (640x512, 53K)

there is no way that go reverse proxy can be faster than nginx even though they both use epoll on linux

To serve empty responses? Sure there is. Nginx is tuned for real-world useful tasks. It's not all that odd to see it perform a little worse than optimally on some stupid artificial benchmark

By that logic, this is a fully functional web server in bash:
python -m http.server

Go has a complete http server in its standard library, thats the point.

Basically there is no difference between calling fmt.Println to print text and http.ListenAndServe to start a http server.

Aye, and Python includes a HTTP server. If you'd prefer, you could invoke the HTTP server from a 3-line python script.

you get what you pay for. get random network dropouts on my 3.5$ ramnode vps all the time. of course for that price i'm not complaining.

AWS's smallest instance can go for just over a dollar a month when using spot instances, excluding bandwidth.

Name other services
and will this be able to run my experimental website's in php and mysql?

you cannot really compare python http server with go in terms of performance

No HTTP/2 support. It's basically ancient.