I really fucking miss him

Jesus Christ man.. I really get teary eyed when I think of Terry.

He didn't take shit from the man!

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He was a little loopy though

reminder that if you don't go to a therapist and take medicines you will end up like Terry

Meds inhibit you ability to see glow in the dark CIA niggers.

mmm I guess he was good fun for a while it lasted

I member when we sent him pics of Diana and nignogs and he got super pissed


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Reminder, Terry was a high priest. Only commoners can't understand what role Terry had to play in our lives. He was a good man. Don't disrespect him like this. He didn't need pills or a job. He needed an open ear and a full belly. God wills it.

>He needed an open ear and a full belly.
This man spaketh the truth.

He needed medication or to be put in a proper institution, Jow Forums is pretty much responsible for murdering this man.

he was too good for this world

Conceited madman, thinks he's the greatest programmer who ever lived but he never worked on airplane operating systems. Bite me

Do you think Jow Forums contributed more to his demise or helping him?



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meh, I don't give a shit about poors and retards and he was both.

go study an ant colony you fucking retard.

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not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need

His parents had fuckin 8 babies...

At least he didn't miss the train.
Or should I say, the train didn't miss him?

RIP in peace you crazy motherfucker

Terry's on course for release from hospital in January.

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The poor man's Chuck Moore.

Jow Forums is truly a blight upon mankind.