>decide to build a new pc
>os is restricted to windows 10 only

Defend this right fucking now. I'm serious.
>dude, just adapt lol

I will because I have no choice, but I'm not going to go quietly. Fuck you, Jewcrosoft.

Attached: 1542580804968.png (321x217, 27K)

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stupid weeb

First you'll have to post more of you know who.

>Decide to build PC
>OS restricted to windows
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you retarded?

Fuck off, moron. We're not talking about Linux.

You can probably run W7 on the newest chips with some effort, and W7 still gets drivers. I recommend looking into GPU passthrough if you have the budget, though.

Attached: 55780008_p3.jpg (856x1200, 104K)

>os is restricted to windows 10 only
What are you talking about? You have until 2020 before Windows 7 support ends and you have until 2023 until Windows 8.1 support ends.

>Windows OS restricted to Windows OS compatible with new hardware

Aren't most of you gay retards buying hardware from 2014 anyway?

Wow, it is like you really are a faggot.

Fucking retarded zoomers.