What is the best coding language to learn first? I assume html is necessary so that's what I'll start with...

What is the best coding language to learn first? I assume html is necessary so that's what I'll start with, but I am looking for good 4chanhaxxor-tier resources to learn from.

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try harder fuckin cia nigger

>coding language

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unironically java or C#

install gentoo
real answer: whatever the hell you want/whatever is easiest for you to write pong in, since that is the first "I am competent at this language"

I'd recommend C#. It's a mix of:
-Having good resources aimed at teaching
-Being good for making things
-Pretty close to the "common" C++/Java/etc syntax and grammar that MOST languages stick fairly close to.
And if you end up hating Microsoft, you can just move to another language. No matter what language you learn first, 95% of what you're learning are universal concepts of variables, formal logic, and control flow.

But really there are no wrong first language to learn. Except HTML. HTML is not a programming language. It's a language for defining how something looks.


Obligatory -

I'm assuming that if you say HTML is necessary you're going the front-end developer route. If you're looking to make websites, webapps, etc, this is your route. In this case, you should know that there's a differentiation between different types of languages.

HTML is what's known as a markup language - It's not a 'coding language'. It basically just defines and presents text on the screen - and that's it.

The next thing you'd learn alongside that is a stylesheet language called CSS. This describes how other things are presented - in this case, you could hook up a css file to a html file to make a specific box red, this specific text bigger, etc.

From then on, you'd want to look at Javascript for actual 'coding'. It's what's used in web development for almost anything front end, from linking up buttons to do something to an entire framework that makes single page applications click.

Learn HTML, and understand the markup. Then learn some CSS to style your sites. You've now got a static website. Then, learn Javascript to bring interactivity into your website.

freecodecamp is a good resource for getting started if you have absolutely no fucking clue what you're doing at this point in time. Some user will probably post the github list of webdev resource links, feel free to browse through on that once you get a basic understanding of HTML/CSS/JS.

start with c.
it will make you appreciate lots of things that are in other languages: classes, garbage collection, setting up a tool chain, etc...

Thank you

ty, noted

ty, noted

Ok so now that I know what I need to study for front end competency, what do I look at to get an idea of my study plan for back end coding?

C if you want to understand how computers work
Python if you want to prototype shit

C, but python is ok too.




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start with C
then learn whatever you want

If you're looking for 4chanhaxxor-tier, definitely go with CSS

I see you’re trying to kode with karlie also


I think you mean 4channelerhaxxor-tier*

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if you want to get an actual job that you can live off of, learn powershell. it is by far the best, most productive language to learn.

you misspelled "koding"

Learn how memory works and you have learnt C.
Also python

C# like anons said. Java I would not recommend.

>if you end up hating Microsoft
You'd only do this if you were an autistic neckbeard. Their compiler (roslyn) is open source, and mono (another, separately maintained compiler project) exists for all platforms roslyn doesn't compile to.

I get paid to program in R, ask me anything

You should learn a statically and strongly typed language like C first. After that, you can learn other languages with ease.

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C is not strongly typed.

You're right, my bad. idk why I fucked that up.

do you work for government or for a big company? I get "big data" vibes from an initial look at R.

breddy fun, desu

cd code
cd ..
cd code

I started with C++ and then HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT BASH and python,
Exactly in that order

woah, thank you! html and css java integration is pretty cool. lots of possibilities. that book has a lifetime worth of study in there...

Learn c++ or holy C

>holy C

>baiting this hard

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Nah dude, I'm just a dude. I specialize in something that is not tech. I checked the catalog first and was very upfront about the 'ITT.'

this post is such a sign of the times.

Apparently, Terry Davis died in a train accident on August 11, 2018, the same day as the Great North American Solar Eclipse.

both checked, and thank you for making me aware of templeos

HTML structures a website. CSS defines how it looks.

ooh, thanks

Karlie, is that you?


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VB.NET is godly, but in terms of jobs and common use C# wins.