The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

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Other urls found in this thread: slavery&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

But we got cute anime girls, so it's all good.

Before anyone asks: slavery&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

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either we'll manage to fix it or we'll self-destruct.

Fuck off hippie

I agree, industrial society had wreaked havoc on the world. I don't think we should turn back (even if it was possible, which is not) but to move forward towards a society which is under collective ownership rather by a system that started and perpetuates this destruction.

Attached: 1200px-Industrial_Workers_of_the_World_(union_label).svg.png (1200x1200, 123K)

>even if it was possible, which is not

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>genocide 5 billions people on this planet
>set a world dictatorship to prevent current mistakes by force.
We could live with our current live style for centuries if we were only 2 billions on this earth.
We fucked up right after world war 2 when free market and consumerism destroyed everything.
only a major disease which kill everyone could save mankind from irrversible downfall.
Indead, truly a sad future...

Then go into a third world shithole and die. Not my fault you can't enjoy nearly free life with the best source of knowledge and entertainment in the world.

>pre industrial revolution way to wash clothes
Your photo contradicts you
Literally life before washing machines
Funny how you don't even realize it
You probably just googled "poor people" and went with something suitably brown and depressing looking

>destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities

"standard of living" isn't measured in big screen TVs and plastic baubles. In the 1950s 90% of men were married, divorce rates were under 10% and a singe working-class income could support a family of 4. If someone wants to tell me our 'standard of living' is higher they can shove it, our material wealth is higher, our standard of living has dropped off an absolute cliff

hi luke

>it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries
It will not. That's the difference between a developed country and an undeveloped countries.
Rich people in command of undeveloped countries explore their people.
Rich people in command of developed countries explore people of undeveloped countries.

mother fucker doesn't remember ghengis khan lol

so you're a nerd that can't get laid and have to rely on patriarchy to make women dependent on you and exchange sex for safety?

If women can choose, 100% of the women sleep with the top 30% of men. Yes, those men will sleep with multiple women. Historically, 90% of women have had kids on average, but only 50% of men have had kids on average. Do the math.

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and 100% of men want the top 30% of women so what's your point?

100% of men also want the remaining 70% of women. But women, if they can choose, don't want the remaining 70% of me. That's my point.

If you give them total freedom to choose, 70% of men will live in celibacy or be forced to pay out their nose directly or indirectly for the attention of the remaining 70% of women. Give women too much freedom and it will literally destabilize the society.

Marxism-Lenninism is based on a fallacy and an observable falsehood that the industrial revolution was somehow the be-all end-all of human wealth production and that all we would need to manage in the future was the distribution of said wealth. As we can see, we have moved beyond the industrial age and into the information age, proving that the problem of the creation of wealth did not stop with the industrial age. Does it stop with the information age? As we can see today, no, even the information age is beginning to be subplanted by yet another wealth revolution in which communications are more important.

Communism is based on the assumption that no more wealth will ever need to be created, and socialism attempts to redistribute wealth as it is created, thus ensuring that the incentives for creating wealth (e.g. profits) are no longer available; the economy is stymied, and thus both regimes are a disservice to the people it wishes to serve.

remaining 70% of men*

sorry you're a beta that's not good enough?

If it goes too far the majority of men will become disillusioned and frustrated and over time it will fuck of society and end with shitty people getting elected or riots in the streets. Men currently outnumber women by 70 million in China and India and it's starting to get ugly. That's just peanuts compared to what happens in a society when 70% of men end up childless and without the ability to marriage. We used to kill off millions of undesirable men though mass global warfare. The rich had wives and concubines and the rest used the local brothels. We don't do that any more.

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>go inside
>be part of botnet
>go outside
>be part of botnet
>send your kids to school
>you guessed it

Attached: botnet education center.png (636x943, 295K)

The industrial revolution has not been a disaster. Capitalism is the disaster.
And no, I am not suggesting communist controlled IR as an alternative. But there is a third way, as we saw in Germany in the early 1930's where industry can be turned around and in essence re-invented through nothing more than human will.
Think about it.

HEIDEGGER: If I may answer quickly and perhaps somewhat vehemently, but from long reflection: Philosophy will not be able to bring about a direct change of the present state of the world. This is true not only of philosophy but of all merely human meditations and endeavors. Only a god can still save us. I think the only possibility of salvation left to us is to prepare readiness, through thinking and poetry, for the appearance of the god or for the absence of the god during the decline; so that we do not, simply put, die meaningless deaths, but that when we decline, we decline in the face of the absent god.


HEIDEGGER: The role philosophy has
played up to now has been taken over by the sciences today. To sufficiently clarify the “effect” of thinking, we must have a more in-depth discussion of what effect and effecting can mean here. For this, careful differentiations need to be made between cause, impulse, support, assistance, hindrance, and cooperation. But we can only gain the appropriate dimension to make these differentiations if we have sufficiently discussed the principle of sufficient reason. Philosophy dissolves into the individual sciences: psychology, logic, political science.

SPIEGEL: And what takes the place of philosophy now?

HEIDEGGER: Cybernetics.

HEIDEGGER: But that is no longer philosophy

kill yourself weeb


>Muh information age.
What has the information age brought upon? Angry tweets about manspreading and high frequency trading algorithms? Get the fuck outta here.

The problem is that it assumes all information is equal. What is the quantity of "informations" in a day's worth of tweets? What is the "Informations per hour" of YouTube?

It's the same with people who talk about "the flow of information" as if all information, regardless of quality or context but be constantly flowing.

For all the punditry about the "Information Age" the only site worth caring about has been Gutenberg, and only due to the ancient texts it holds.

All the suffering in the world is caused by SUBSISTENCE FARMING. If 3rd world countries would allow modern farming, world hunger would be ended over night. Poor 3rd world'ers should no longer be coddled and treated like babies, their poverty is THEIR OWN FAULT.

>Not my fault you can't enjoy nearly free life with the best source of knowledge and entertainment in the world
get a load of this guy and all the enjoyment he is getting out of his life. so much enjoyment that he spends his time arguing with anonymous strangers on Jow Forums. such a fulfilling life this guy leads. everybody take notes.

I'm really sorry your life isn't as fulfilling, user.


>Historically, 90% of women have had kids on average, but only 50% of men have had kids on average. Do the math.
Source? I don't doubt it, I just want to read about it. Because now that I think about it, I've seen a lot more men who live on their own than women.

the real redpill is that the Luddites were right


>i don't think we should turn back
>unironically promotes communism

Fuck nazism.

kaczynski would not agree with you. Farming is good because its definition of freedom - you plant you own fruits and you eat it yourself. Nothing more pure that that

>. For example, while the techniques of
educational psychology doubtless work quite well in the
“lab schools” where they are developed, it is not neces-
sarily easy to apply them effectively throughout our edu-
cational system. We all know what many of our schools
are like. The teachers are too busy taking knives and guns
away from the kids to subject them to the latest techniques
for making them into computer nerds.

>computer nerds

Was you conditioned to care about computers? Did you fall for the system propaganda?. Be honest Jow Forums

teddy was right but it doesn't matter, nothing can stop the advancement of technology

wiw lad

Shut up Ted

kaczynski is a brain damaged moron
farming is not freedom, you life is constantly tending to your crops and if they fail, you starve

Go be a neo luddite elsewhere.

I wish you were wrong, Uncle Ted. I really do. But everything you told me was right. It hurts.

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*Top 10% of men
given the choice, why settle for less?

it's ogre

Attached: VisitGandy.jpg (297x341, 15K)

there is a roughly even amount of men and women, most people are monogomous and most men and women get married
your incel facts make no sense

That's not the same as sex you retard
most married women do not get horny for their husbands and they don't have a sex life
it's not just about shacking up with another person lol, these women will cheat and do so all the time with handsome men

just lol

>Life was so much more fulfilling when my children died before their first birthday

It continually surprises me that luddites never learn and keep grasping at some "natural" "fullfillment" which never existed in the first place. Romantic stories of our past are just that, romantic stories, written by the wealthy who never actually had to toil in filth like those they romanticized.

The fact is, the history of the human race is one where we fight against and control nature, life is better for it, and every day you don't wake up cold and hungry is a testament to that.

I sincerely hope you can find your meaning, OP.

your life was much more fulfilling when your kids died before their first birthday? wtf

>written by someone using technology that was made posssible by the IR
If he wrote this using a quill pen and ink made from plant fibers, then perhaps I'd take him seriously.

at no other point in the history of society have human beings been able to have retarded arguments from across the globe in real time. It's actually a big deal.

it's called sarcasm user...

>But there is a third way, as we saw in Germany in the early 1930's where industry can be turned around and in essence re-invented through nothing more than human will.
>Think about it.
If the end result is a genocide and a disastrous war that results in my country's women being raped by drunken Ivans, I'll pass.

There is a certain irony to the whole situation though - if outsourcing never happened, there wouldn't have been anywhere near as much suffering. Western countries should have just kept tech to themselves.

Shit, I don't catch these things.

Single people now outnumber married couples and it's only getting worse

>popculture websites about dating apps

sure, ignore the evidence in front of your eyes homo

more baseless incel facts

What were you expecting, some pubmed tier double blind bullshit done by scientists? You think they'll lay out the redpill like that? Fucking hell

saying tinder proves all women are sluts is like saying grindr proves all men are gay

0/10 bait

It's not about women slutting up, it's about the small percentage of men they do it with. That's what the other faggot was talking about

I was looking for something like Census data, dumbass.
>I'm not watching your video incel

Go away Ted.

The point is tinder is used by slutty women, slutty men, and desperate men, which skew the results

watch this and maybe the other vids on his channel for something better:

>26 minutes
no thanks


People rioted more when they had pussy you monkey, the streets are quiet because you're all raging on Jow Forums instead of doing anything about it.

>what were you expecting? anything but a blog? LoL memes
so willing to use science to prove niggers are inferior but unwilling to use it for anything else, kek

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It wont happen if they are defeated and those caused the war are held to account.

according to some environmentalists we're going to start dying out by 2050 in a rapid rate and there's nothing we can do about it with democratic politics

feels good to be a boomer, born in the perfect time to enjoy high standards of life and also see the world end when you get old

It is always funny to me that every single person who claims that technology is the downfall of man never actually goes to live in primitive circumstances instead of using technology to stand on a soapbox, just like people complaining about overpopulation who wont stand by their rhetoric and die for the better good of man.

If you believe technology is the problem, stop using it, then at least you won’t be part of the problem with one hand while preaching about it with the other. What is this, really? “Let everyone’s rights to these technological marvels be sacrificed but mine!” is pretty much what I see.

>if only we can fight off the entire world m-maybe we'll live in peace
lmao enjoy dying to a drunk russian faggot

t. edgy 15 yo philosophise

thanks user

I wouldn't say technology is bad itself, but it isn't very compatible with the people today. We have, for some reason, delegated the betterment of the world to technology. Some do still protest and fight for improvements. The masses however, who should due to technology be more and more capable of both being informed and heralding change, do next to nothing when it counts. This system that we have created is built on the premise that since some people will be very greedy, we should build upon that greed. It works, but only in the sense that you, me and anyone else can do the same thing, so it keeps most content and chasing the dream. But in this system, we just mindlessly race for the improvement of technology that works as some kind of new god. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if we had some real, long term goal for technology and the world, like being able to populate other planets. But there is no actual goal to it beyond pleasing those who will not stay pleased for more than 10 minutes. And now, beyond some new cures for diseases, you can say the next generations will have a better life, but mostly in the sense that the fridges will drain less energy, and phones will have higher resolution screens. But the same generations will have to deal with much more frequent birth defects due to all the smog, radiation, etc. and the fact that people are quite old nowadays when they have their children. They will have to deal with a world where people use resources inefficiently, are increasingly corrupt morally and do little to see the wrongdoer punished. All their appliances will be connected to the internet and their behavior analyzed so that the country can be run without incidents like a much needed war. Nothing needs betterment if you can post selfies on the internet instead.

you mean the OP?

we cant trust technology anymore because we can no longer even see what its doing, its all closed off. software needs to be free as in freedom if we dont want to live in an orwellian cyber dystopia... oops too late. YOU DIDNT LISTEN

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We live in a time where I can go wageslave for a day, then come home and hand that money to a college girl, that'll just let me bareback the fuck out of her and dump my cum in her in trade.

Yeah life sucks, but some things are good about it.

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>he thinks prostitution is an invention of modern society

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>100% of men also want the remaining 70% of women
I don't think so. The bottom 30% are pretty undesirable and will have a hard time finding anyone who wants them, regardless of sex.


Fuck off luke smith

>Can't replicate looks
>most of the men in the video are muscular
what the shit? the guy who made this should start lifting weights...

>deliberately missing the point
thanks man
Shall I prove you wrong, laddie?

>Shall I prove you wrong
Not sure how'd you'd go about doing that, but feel free. I think you'll find a lot of even pretty average-looking women that are past their mid 30s or so that are effectively incels.

Bummer since I work and play games and am generally happy. I see no problem with modern life.

t. NPC drone

All the freetards on the planet can't manage to audit some System D, let alone audit all software ever provided it were FLOSS

Keep whining

keep sucking the deep state jewish cock