Casually open visual studio

>casually open visual studio
>it immediately starts 6 node.js servers

thanks microsoft

Attached: Screenshot (120).png (1366x768, 116K)

Get yourself a better editor

but im using c#.the microsoft jew doesnt give me any IDE alternatives to use

>inb4 using c#

Use Jetbrain or Eclipse fucking retard

Are you forced to use C# or something?

If so:
>using c#

what is vscode
what is atom sublime or even just vim

If this isn't bait, Jetbrains* is a company, not a product.


unironically hang yourself fat autist.

Use JetBrains Rider, it's a million times better.

I'm planning on learning C++ very soon, and a friend of mine who did it in hs told me they used a compiler called dev c++.
Is that good enough to learn on Windows, or do I have to use a huge IDE like Visual Studio?

>thread complaining about node.js
>suggests electron garbage
Are you fucking retarded?

It's a great editor and works perfectly, also Atom is electron too user

Dev-C++ is old garbage but you definitely don't need a huge IDE, any modern text editor should do the job, would probably be easier to learn too if you got ones with autocompletion like anons above mentioned.

This is what happens when you check every single box in the installer. The IDE is expecting a node workload because you installed node language support you mong.

Do text editors also work as compilers?
What's the difference between IDEs and text editors?


Attached: 011 - vA78PMz.jpg (279x304, 28K)

>Are you fucking retarded?
most on this board are

no i did not.only c++ desktop development is checked.

Works on my machine. Maybe it's that you're a cuck liar.

Yeah, that's fucking bullshit and you know it.

>30mb of ram usage
ok fuck this. uninstalling

doesn't on my machine
what the fuck did you install?

What did Asuka mean by this?

Youre using C# in VSCode? Why dont you just use visual studio?

While you're at it, disable the telemetry options. It's in the Help menu.