/wdg/ - Web Development General

/wdg/ Thanksgiving edition. I'm thankful that someone other than me understands that socket.io a shit.


>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Frontend+Backend learner-path suggestions

jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org/ - Use this and post a link, if you need help with PHP/HackLang

>PHP resources

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Other urls found in this thread:


not exactly, PHP

Glad to see things are getting better seing how many foss web projects use php.

Is there a site that shows the differences between php versions like that?

I'm trying to keep up to date and it's hard.

Well js is taking over many of the rolls of php. Even wordpress, which projects rely on php, interally use js instead of php.

So I see some stuff about sockets where it allows like 100 sockets at once.

Is that bad if you have a popular site? Do sockets send info and then close themselves or is each socket in use for each current visitor?

Like if I made a chat app do the sockets stay open per person or only open when a message is sent?

php.net ?
- keep track of release notes ( secure.php.net/releases/ )
- check the RFCs ( wiki.php.net/rfc )
- subscribe to the PHP weekly mailing list ( phpweekly.com/ )
- check the PHP internal mailing list ( externals.io/ )
- subscribe to PHP-FIG mailing list ( groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/php-fig )
- follow the php community ( phptherightway.com/#community )

>imply wordpress is actually part of the php community
wordpress think of themselves as a whole different community, they don't want to be part of the PHP community even tho they are using it lol, and desu, even tho the php community welcomes everyone and any project that relies on php, no one like it, and no expert php developer would ever use it.

if you are using twitter, just click follow all here : followphpdevs.com/

Thanks for the info.

Work just upgraded from 5.6 to 7 the other week so I need to brush up on what's new.

>imply wordpress is actually part of the php community
>no mention of facebook
They're not anymore, but that still doesn't invalidate my claim that php is dying and js is taking over. Have you ever had to use a framework that relies on php5.6? It's a pain in the ass. php is old and needs to go the way of perl.

> no expert php developer would ever use it.
Almost none of which are under the age of 35.

This. It's time to let old things die. Kill it if you have to.

>framework that relies on php5.6?
yes i did, in the past, now all frameworks require 7.1+
>It's a pain in the ass
maybe you just found it hard to use ?
>php is old
it's not
>>>no mention of facebook
what ? facebook is too not a part of php community, they used to be, when they introduced HHVM and their support for PHP, but now they won't support PHP anymore on HHVM and desu, we don't need it anymore, PHP 7.2 have a better performance without using JIT, PHP 8.0 JIT will 100% kill HHVM ~

>they are not anymore
yes, because when php community choose to move on and start using better practices, WordPress didn't like it and stuck with PHP 4.

>my claim that php is dying and js is taking over.
yea, they said same shit about python and then ruby ~ but its gonna be the same result in the end, only 1 framework is gonna survive from the JS hype, and its gonna be used by minority , while php continues on developing.
- i challenge you to give me 1 thing that JS does better than PHP ~

>Almost none of which are under the age of 35.
just proves the point that you don't know anything about the php community or what it is and how its being used the right way, you just looked at couple of articles about php 5 and started screaming "PHP IS BAD", you should have linked me the "PHP: fractal of bad design" article desu, its been a while since someone did ~

>yes i did, in the past, now all frameworks require 7.1+
Making a Jow Forums clone isn't a real project. Work with a framework that's ~1.5 million loc, and get back to me.

>maybe you just found it hard to use ?
No, php5.6 is only supported on older OSes. Do you do any professionally development?

>yea, they said same shit about python and then ruby
We're talking about web development.

>i challenge you to give me 1 thing that JS does better than PHP
backend, frontend, UI, basically everything.

>just proves the point that you don't know anything about the php community or what it is and how its being used the right way, you just looked at couple of articles about php 5 and started screaming "PHP IS BAD"
I didn't read any article on php, I've just had to use it; that's why I dislike it. You have to 20 something, only a young, and inexperienced fool makes generalizations about other people when they don't know.

>Making a Jow Forums clone isn't a real project. Work with a framework that's ~1.5 million loc, and get back to me.
do you think that Jow Forums clone i talked about once all i did in my life ? kek

>No, php5.6 is only supported on older OSes. Do you do any professionally development?
i was talking about php in general, not PHP 5.6, also if you need 5.6 just `phpbrew install 5.6 as php-5.6` and `phpbrew switch php-5.6` there you have it
relying on the OS php version just shows what old practices are you using

>We're talking about web development.
php, is for web development, even tho that you can do anything with it, its main purpose is to be used on the server-side

>backend, frontend, UI, basically everything.
php doesn't run on the browser ~ just a reminder
what exectly in the backend does js do better ? give an example
no actually, if you are gonna talk about electron, that's just a browser and you are using HTML/CSS for the UI, but if you are talking about this ( github.com/parro-it/libui-node ) the same exist for PHP ( github.com/krakjoe/ui ) and there's 0 differences as both rely on LibUI
give examples kiddo

>I didn't read any article on php, I've just had to use it; that's why I dislike it. You have to 20 something, only a young, and inexperienced fool makes generalizations about other people when they don't know.
if you had to use PHP 5.6 in the current year, i feel sorry for you, specially if you are not using a framework ( eg. symfony ) , but here, you are blaming PHP for a mistake that you made
1 . if you don't understand php / actually use it, why would you take on a PHP project ? i guess you are the inexperienced one here, not me
2. if you started the project - you could have used a proper framework
3. if you are just working on a project that someone made in the past, blame them for their shit tier code

Many thanks php guy, you responded me in the last thread about start learning php.

>language dick wars

Any node.js help here?

I'm trying to set up a node.js web application on a Pi Zero. I installed node.js and apache2 and firefox. I can see the main page when I use firefox locally to go to the web server locally and it grabs all the top-level crap and displays the page. BUT NOTHING WORKS.

Do I have to go in on a different port? Do I have to reconfigure Apache to execute node.js in the background? What am I doing wrong? What questions do I need to ask that I don't know enough to ask?

Long term intent is to set up the Pi Zero as a USB gadget so that the user can carry this thing around to client sites and be able to log his stuff while talking with them. That should be a five-minute task once I can get the goddamned app to run locally on the Pi Zero when it's hooked up to a monitor and keyboard.

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It doesn't sound like you know what you're doing. Node.js can be a web server on its own. You only need to use Apache (or better, nginx) if you're serving other content or have some other use for a reverse proxy in front of your node app. When you create an http server in node, you tell it what port to bind to. That port can be 80 and you can hit the node app directly, or the port can be something else and your reverse proxy (apache/nginx) can forward requests on port 80 to whatever port your node app is running on

Node is not generally used like a CGI language, where the web server executes your script whenever it gets a request. Node IS the webserver.

Which is why I stopped.

This guy right here. Nginx > apache

>It doesn't sound like you know what you're doing.
You're absolutely right when it comes to what I know about node.js. This was a favor to a friend and it's taken me way too long to get it working for him.

>Node IS the webserver.
Mind. Blown. Thanks. I've been going at this all wrong.

That makes sense since I keep seeing that it can't listen on the same port as Apache.

Is there a daemon that I should see running in the background so that I know it's up and working? What process name should I look for? Is there a standard way to start it that I need to configure?

One tutorial I found says something about how the application should have a port number set in it, but I'm not finding that set anywhere.

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Day 7 of plowing through web dev lads, trying to make shit with react right now, I'm literally spending all day just learning web dev

If anyone else around is learning as well I'd be more than happy to exchange contacts and keep up with each other

My goal is to go from NEET to freelancing or getting a job in webdev (assuming I don't get a job in regular software development before, which seems unlikely without a degree)

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How are you running node? Also, you just be able to see node running on the port you specify in you {main}.js file
lsof -nPi

Why doesn't firefox set style of one of my components, but it does for the other. Is it a clip-path bug?

>Is there a daemon that I should see running in the background so that I know it's up and working?
You should see whatever you ran to start it running.
People usually start node daemons via systemd nowadays, and it'll automatically restart your process if it dies. You just set "npm start" as your ExecStart parameter in the unit file and set Restart to always. Systemd will tell you if your shit isn't working via systemctl status.
>Is there a standard way to start it that I need to configure?
The most "standard" way is to create a package.json that defines an entry point, and that way you can start it with "npm start", but you can also just start it with "node script.js" if you want. Nothing wrong with that.
>One tutorial I found says something about how the application should have a port number set in it
Yeah, the port that gets passed to the .listen() method of your node webserver. Usually there's a default and an environmental override, so you might do server.listen(process.env['NODE_PORT'] || 8080) and then you can set the port it listens via an environment variable, either from the command line or in your unit file.

>How are you running node?
I've been pointing the web browser at the directory that the node.js application is stored in. It shows the front page but nothing executes on it when clicked.

This is the same behavior that [the live, running, example system that the original developers set up on some website somewhere] showed if javascript is turned off in my browser (NoScript).

If javascript is turned on in my browser, their website showed a running full-featured application, but my RasPi still only shows the front page with no functionality.

Unfortunately the website dropped dead when the domain registration expired. This was a student project by some kids at a high school. My friend uses it for his business (he provided the specification to the teacher for the kids' class project) and needs it long-term.

>you just be able to see node running on the port you specify in you {main}.js file
If I grep all the .js files in the project for the word "port", I should see something turn up, correct? Nothing does. It mentions a module called "passport" repeatedly. I don't know if that's some sort of common tool that defaults a bunch of variables or what.

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Here's a small example

const http = require('http')
// start a node http server on port 8001
http.createServer((req, res) => res.end("foo")).listen(8001)
// start a second node http server on port 8002
http.createServer((req, res) => res.end("bar")).listen(8002)

Now if you start your node.js app with node server.js, you'll be able to go to port 8001 or 8002 and see the different responses, without any apache/nginx at all.
But you probably want your app accessible from normal web addresses, so you'd use nginx to reverse proxy

nginx.conf (snippet):
server {
listen 80;
server_name yourdomain;

location /foo {
proxy_pass localhost:8001;
location /bar {
proxy_pass localhost:8002;
Now if you to yourdomain/foo, nginx will forward the request to your app over port 8001, and if you go to yourdomain/bar, nginx will forward it to your app over port 8002


I see this shit in this threads constantly, the fuck is that

>I've been pointing the web browser at the directory that the node.js application is stored in. It shows the front page but nothing executes on it when clicked.
That's not how node works lol.
/* If you're speeding up development */
sudo npm install -g nodemon
nodemon {main}.js

>If I grep all the .js files in the project for the word "port", I should see something turn up, correct? Nothing does. It mentions a module called "passport" repeatedly. I don't know if that's some sort of common tool that defaults a bunch of variables or what.
You should see something like app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);
Anyway, the default is 3000. Also, you should probably spend sometime learning about nodejs first... This book helped me, though there are probably more modern examples and learning materials.

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ooii PHP dude, I've seen many companies asking for PHP/Laravel lately
redpill me on Laravel and why are companies asking for people with knowledge of it instead of Zend/Symphony/CodeIgniter

it's a conspiracy so nobody understands javascript
>you see?
every time, in this example it's quite clear though, and well used I'd say

basically laravel is so easy to easy / learn, you can hire cheap developers to do the work that's why companies ask for it, if you live in Europe, learn Symfony / Zend, laravel is built upon symfony and if you have really good knowledge of symfony, it will take you couple of days to figure out laravel from the core. so yea. that's it.

would it be better for me to learn laravel (to get the job) and then symphony?
what about the other frameworks like Zend and CodeIgniter? I used to see companies asking for those years ago but now only 40% of companies in my country are asking for those

if you want to get a job asap, do that.

CI framework is dead, they are kinda of planning a comeback with version 4, but we will see about that.

Zend is more focused on Zend Expressive now, its a really amazing framework for doing Middleware based applications, i have been using it on couple of projects now, it leaks a lot of features ( translation, cache, file system, queues .. etc ) but you can grab any Zend Component and it works out of the box with Zend Expressive, ingratiation for other packages is really easy, all you have to do is create a factory and register it in your dependencies , i done an integration for almost all symfony and PHP League for Zend Expressive and i have been using them in my last 2 projects. also if you are thinking about doing async php, zend expressive is the answer.

>half the devs on that list have their preferred pronouns listed in their bio
wtf I hate php now!

how long will it take me to learn Laravel from now? and how can I bullshit on my interview when they ask me about the projects I worked with it?
Right now I:
- Know HTML/HTML5/CSS(basic)/JS(basic)
- Know moderate PHP and a bit of C#
- Know about OOP and the concept of MVC arquitecture

that's laravel in a nutshell, and you can't do anything beside MVC in laravel, but it should take you about a week ~

get started :
- laravel.com/docs/5.7
- laracasts.com/

Thanks php dude
Please answer my question about bullshiting in the interview

Thank you, thank you all in this thread.

I'm starting to think that the source code he was given (which he gave to me to install) is either a partial copy or maybe isn't even related.

I'll grab the O'Reilly book and start reading. I may end up just having to tell him to find someone else. Sigh. :-(

Thanks much. This has been far more helpful than the last couple of weeks of trying to decipher tutorials that Google turned up.

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well, i haven't done that many interviews so i can't really help you much with that ~

I've been in a couple of interviews but they always asked what projects did I work on. the truth is I've only donde CRUD with PHP/Mysql and a bunch of Forms and nothing else.

there's so many project built with laravel on github, just fork one of them and try to change the code ~ you'll get used to it, laravel is easy and fast to learn ( to that fast when it comes to responding to HTTP requests tho )
but if you wanna build something yourself :
idk why but every time i try a new language / framework that's the first think i build, laravel already have authentication system so all you have to do is an admin page where you delete/add/modify users.
create a Article model
CRUD that + Markdown ( laravel already supports markdown ) AND YOU HAVE A BLOG

Hey I wanted to build some small project of mine, and I wanted to do just the frontend side for now. I didn't really know much about web development, so I read up some, did some courses and watched some videos, and I learned about Bootstrap and Jquery and I think I can do what I intended.
But then someone told me "Dude use Angular".
What the hell is Angular
Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I don't know much about these frameworks.
From what I gathered with Bootstrap and Jquery, it seems enough for what I needed (just using the Bootstrap examples available on their website and JS and Jquery to add functionality).
How exactly will learning Angular benefit to me?
Will it make some things easier, or am I taking a completely wrong approach with BS+Jquery only?
And assume for a moment that this is some serious project (even though I'm just screwing around for now), I'm just trying to understand what's the best way build frontends

Someone once told me the same advice when I knew next to nothing about web development. I tried it, and it was terrible. Use bootstrap/jquery until you find a need for a framework like angular.

Any good books on designing and deploying large scale backends?

firefox is a bit sensitive when it comes to camelcase

You don't really need to worry about it.
Angular/react/vue are ways of creating more "advanced" front-ends, where you focus more on modularity and reusability, and making certain single parts of a page rerender instead of the whole thing.

If you continue on you'll more than likely want to pick one because the "dev experience" of using them is way better than vanilla JS.

And no, it won't make things easier (initially), you'll have to rethink about how you make an app, learn LOTS of stuff, then do things the angular way, learn modern javascript up to a decent level, then learn how the actual framework manages things, use framework specific tools, learn state management, etc etc etc.

If you want to continue on with front-end then look into all 3 and see which one you like the most, and of course consider jobs and what's popular around you, then take your pick.

But for right now, if you just wanna make something and you're learning the basics, stick with the basics

is it faster to just code websites from scratch or just use Wordpress?

I find that Wordpress doesn't really allow much unique customization and the UI can be fucky, but I'm not experience enough with HTML, CSS and JS to actually put together a good looking site in a reasonable amount of time

Obviously, even faster if you just use something like squarespace or wix, but you have to understand the limitations of these things is very tight and you're basically stuck with "basic" things.

Depends. Is it for yourself or a client? Do you need more than just simple posts and pages?

>I find that Wordpress doesn't really allow much unique customization and the UI can be fucky
Not exactly true, if you know what you're doing with PHP then you can hook into almost anything on WordPress and control it, especially when it comes to themes.

So I'm trying to build a web app that does something cool with a user location (with their consent of course), currently I just use js/HTML5 geo location API and grab the latitude and longitude, however even with high accuracy truned on this only gets me within 5km of their location. How would I go about getting their exact location (like their address)? For example how would I utilize the GPs in their phone? The site is currently made with django so in guessing I could "compile" it with Apache cordova and then use the GPs?

the geolocation API will give you direct access to the device's GPS coordinates

Uh ok so you have to have SSL to get coordinates and how you get phone coordinates is the same way you get browser coordinates.

Hey. I might be moving to another country soon for a year and I'll be needing a laptop to keep working on my wd. As much as it pains me to say it: I need a MacBook because of the Unix environment. I know Jackshit about MacBook. What's one that it's good and cheap? I really don't wanna pay the apple royalty fee. Really just need something that'll open up VSC and Chrome without slowing down.

Guys can you recommend me a good Udemy course?
Which one you like the most?
About the business of web development or how to get a job or git, machine learning.. Which one could be useful?
I already have 2 about web development

Get a used 2012 MBP and upgrade whatever hardware in it you can (put an SSD in the optical bay, add some more RAM)

for data science and ML
for django web dev
I like this guys courses, maybe there are betters, but he keeps things short and to the point

Data science and machine learning is where it's at.

Machine/deep learning people make like 200k a year. Data scientists do too in general. Extremely high in demand.

All the machina learning jobs require PhDs.

Unless you can say. "Oh I'm the guy that build x project with machine learning."

>Really just need something that'll open up VSC and Chrome without slowing down.
Why specifically UNIIX?

Every time I have a problem, I google it and the solution is conveniently yet another javascript package/webpacker/taskrunner/helper thing with its own documentation and userbase.

Attached: just like make website.png (1533x255, 112K)

because it's the most widely used programming language

I'm using Vue but I'm not using webpack or any kind of "build" tools, just using Vue for some stuff inside a normal .js file, (not using .vue files). Can I just make a component seperately in another .js file and import it into my page with the Vue instance? What's the export/import syntax for that, and can the component (like MyComponent.js) be a normal .js file or does this only work if it's a .vue file and I'm running all the build tool shit?

I am already good enough at HTML and CSS, but how do I become good enough at JS to get an entry-level job?

I don't know any place that does vanilla js for anything.. at least not that I have seen

Shouldn't I learn vanilla JS as a foundation? What do you think I should learn instead?

yeah a brief bit of js, then jquery then a javascipt framework maybe lol

anyway gonna bump with this useless app i made using a c++ web framework lol

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Yes, you should have a good grasp on the fundamentals of JS as a foundation. Then probably learn React or another framework.

As for your original questions, "how do I become good enough", basically just do projects and learn new technologies, features, design patterns, etc. as they come up.

Is vue worth learning or is it a dying meme? React and Angular look like a mess

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Are there any good courses for Node with SQL? Mongo is fucking shit

What's it like using C++ for a web application?

it's good advice if you are looking for a job though

>a dying meme?
Where do you get your info from?
It doesn't appear 'dying' to me at all
Neither do react/angular, but vue is going pretty steadily as well

Is there a good book/course that focus on learning stuff making projects? I got tired of the intros to everything, and I dislike FCC format.
Any ideas?


>tfw it took me an entire day and a morning to do this shit in react

a-atleast I'm finally getting the hang of it

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React is not made for simple web apps.
You already failed.
For that case plain JS works.

>learning stuff making projects

Actually I just want to try and build this one thing, not really looking for a frontend developer job per se.

But out of curiosity - and this is strictly hypothetical - if I want to make this little project of mine into a real-world app, and lets say (again, just hypothetically) that this app will attract a huge number of users (like a hundred million), I suppose in this case the frontend should be built with some framework like Angular, or is it still ok to use plain BS and JS/Jquery?
And assume that this app isn't something too complicated, i.e. assume that it actually is something that can be built with BS and Jquery - should I still switch over to Angular or not?
Will it give some advantage regarding maintaining such an app, or scaling it properly, making it easier for deployment/Docker, etc etc... ?

Then why buying an udemy course about machine learning if only PhD people can get a job in that field?

How the FUCK do i make a relation between two collections in Mongo DB, like if i have a rental movie site, i want to be able to assign to the users from collection CUSTOMERS the movies from collection MOVIES

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>make django project
>setup static files
>works fine

>make another project
>has identical settings.py and directory structure
>makes call to 127.../static/app/file.js
i don't think i've found something i hate more than django. it genuinely makes me fucking mad how incompetent some people are to release this garbage.

How do you komment your kode, /wdg/?

/** I use JSDoc-style lines like these for everything instead of the plebeian double forward-slash */

Install NODE

Saying this unironically

I don't comment my code because it's self documenting

You shoulda gone with a relational database system...kid.

use // for single line comments

Use PHP retard

I think i will, but how the hell do people use noSQL databases without wanting to pull their hair out

they don't - nosql is bootcamp-inspired resume-driven development shit

the fuck?


What does stack trace mean?

> Stack trace:
> #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\mvc2\public\user.php(8): Router::route(Array)
> #1 {main}
> thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\mvc2\app\core\router.php on line 29

>What does stack trace mean?
Stack trace means all the functions that were called, in descending order, before your program threw an exception/had a runtime error. These functions are on the stack, which is why it's called a "stack" trace.

Now you also posted some greentext gobblygook, I think you want us to look at that, but then why did you ask us what stack trace meant? Is it because you're broken-english speaking foreigner who should go read some English language books and literature before conversing with Americans?

Shut your whore mouth faggot, NoSQL is for playing fast and loose when your app or situation allows it. You can write your DB calls in Javascript, that's a pretty nice thing to be able to do when all your devs are writing Javascript every day.

keep grinding user, you got this. never give up and keep on the path.

the best thing you can do is get a job in the field however you can. Try and get a junior developer job by hustling. If you get a job you can hop into a production codebase and start playing around there. It's going to be a good place to learn. If you really want to read a book, go for Agile Web Development with Rails 4. It is completely project-based.
>inb4 it's not Javascript
at this point do you have the luxury of picking your language/framework? I would say, no.

You don't really need a course for that. You could probably start using SQL with Node from a node command line that has a connection to a SQL database on the same machine. You should install postgres and get it running on your machine, then you should install the postgres bindings for node... command will look like `npm install psql-node` or something like that. Then run `node` and then `psqlLib = require('psql-node')` and from there try and use the methods of the `psqlLib` to connect to your database and start running queries on it.

thank you.

My everyday english is alright, I only fall short on more technical topics ;)

Where do you guys find freelance job? I'm kind of desperate right now, and I need to make some cash fast. Even if I make $25 a day it'll be okay, since I don't live in the US and live with my parents.

Learn vanilla JS, but learn the ES6 standard. You will need to set up a webpack or Gulp build system to use your code. It's a pretty big pain in the ass, but development jobs will all be using ES6 in some React or Angular framework. You can also just dive into React with `create-react-app` and the documentation. That's a fine angle to take, and you will be able to get a job once you fill up a portfolio with projects.

If you're not using a build system, the import/export syntax should just be a `require('./path/from/current/file/to/other/file.js')`. However it seems like you should really get your build system up and running. You need to be comfortable with those tools. But you should also be able to use require as usual.

This. You don't even need a Bachelors for a 150k-200k/year dev job if you have clout from a big project. I have personally seen very young men out of HS score 150k-200k/year lead dev jobs with equity included simply because of the publicity/name they had made for themselves.

Hmm. Well I don't know about the books. But I do know about the tools you'd be using. Are you going to have multilpe EC2 instances? Are you going to run a single, big server? Depending on those scenarios you want to have a lot of experience in the cloud hosting provider of your choice (GCP, AWS, or Azure) and also experience with Terraform or something of the like to deploy infrastructure programmatically for your dev/staging/production environments.

Then there is the question of your language and framework of choice, which itself is another can of worms. If you're going to write your backend in, say, C#, then just read a fuckton of C# books and write a ton of programs. I don't know how you deploy multiple instances of a C# app that has to synchronize or multiple time zones or whatever. You don't have to worry about that for a long time though.

just convincingly pretend you're not shit and steal some shit to your github

That's tough. Your best strategy is to take on the American mindset of hustling. How many times have you tried to sell your skills today? How many people did you email today? Do you have a nice portfolio website? Do you have good personal projects and job experience for people to see? You need to put yourself in the mindset of a business owner or employer. Understand what they want. And then go and talk to people constantly. Act like it is do-or-die.