Jow Forums
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Technology #686
Linus BTFO geekbench and name99
Anti-pollution masks
How does something like this happen?
How is job hunt going? Got that offer from Google yet?
Is it possible to make a shit-proof touchscreen?
Friendly Text Editor /fte/
Why are most internet forums so fucking cucked?
Get sent encrypted email using microsoft office
University is a shitshow
I wasn't sure where to post this and I figured this was the most fitting place...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Old one ded
Black Friday/Cyber Monday Haul
Give your best fizzbuzz
When you realize all of the smart/creative people you used to sometimes meet online have all vanished into obscure hard...
I'm going to legally pirate this shit and run it on wine
Microsoft more valuable than Apple
Newfags shitstorming over the domain change
Do these things record everything you say?
Learning python3
Should I be using win 10 or win 7?
I can't be the only one that thinks this is shit
Whats the best way to block those pajeet scam spam callers? my phone company has said straight up, too bad...
Thank you based AMD for another qt mousepad!
LineageOS drops support for 30 devices due to inactive maintainers
AMD unleashes wraith max
Post images that represent a programming language, I'll start
Can we all agree Vue is good?
What is better, Microsoft™, or Google™?
What's a good alternative to notepad++ on windows?
What's the best browser for android Jow Forums?
AMD EPYC Rome (7nm/64 Core)
Not once had Jow Forums addressed any of her points instead of just calling her ugly, jewish, scam artist, cunt, bitch...
Why are they so bad at technology?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
School Network
How does this make you feel?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
100% of donations received go towards funding diversity programs
Sticker thread
I'm a doctor and recently I turned down a very good job offer to become a radiologist...
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
Framebuffer tools
Is this what the Linux community is like?
Jokes aside is Internet of Things getting out of hand?
How are those tabs going?
Post you at your battlestations
Plato said god geometrizes continually
No no an evo 212 is a perfectly fine cooler nothing wrong with it at all
/hpg/ - Headphone General
If you use your phone for anything other than:
Redpill me on 5G Jow Forums
Galaxy flex
Outlives your SDD
I hate flatshit so god damn much
Columbia Med gave me a budget of $1500 to build a deep learning rig for research (MD PhD program)...
What cool shit can I do with one of these? I've had one sitting around for years
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is Elon /ourguy/?
These are gay prove me wrong
How come every time pic related is mentioned, there's a huge shitstorm about it being bad and unusable...
Finally got a good tech job
Is this the ideal body type for using GNU/linux?
Trips decide if I keep or sell my Acer A715, and for what exchange it
Why don't I see more people shilling Alpine?
He uses the web version of Jow Forums on ios instead of sideloading TheChan
Is CloverOS the most based and redpilled Linux distro?
Americans, how the fuck do you people get fast internet...
Why havent you sprayed WD40 on that noisy case/laptop fan?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboards General
M.2 Meme
If Thinkpads are the basedboy/cuck laptop, what would the Chad laptop?
If I put, say, a 1000W PSU in a PC that will only be drawing about 250 watts from the wall...
Apple rant thread. What are you biggest complaints of the company? Everything from the past, present...
What is the Freetard's position on GoG vs Steam?
*leaves your expensive hardware outside your door in winter*
Close the lid on a Windows laptop and unplug it
I wanna become a game programmer. Can majoring in CS help me get in that profession?
I've been lurking Jow Forums the past few weeks.. So what exactly is Linux...
Redpill me on the vim vs. emacs question
Debian is the best linux distribution to ever exist prove me the fuck wrong
So what's new in the science technology world?
>Open source
Reasons to use Firefox in 2012
Create a parts list
Passive income
How do we fix the smartphone problem?
Apple sucks
If money wasn't a constraint, what phone and laptop would you buy right now?
When your PC suddenly restarts itself while under high load
What are some alternative apps to pic related? The ads have gotten way too intrusive over the past couple of days...
When the subject is applications, which one is better?
Learned about Terry today
Help me decide Jow Forums
Jow Forums humor thread
What's the most redpilled build environment?
How often am i supposed to defrag?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Wtf is wrong with quora?
How do I make friends in my CS classes? Nobody will talk to me and I think it's beginning to affect my grades
What are these worth?
Remember this list before buying PC parts
Is CS actually this much of a meme?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Wats the best cheapest laptop i can get for 772.14 dollars. wanna play as much games as i can
Why do pajeets love java so much?
Zen "3" won't be ACTUAL 3, but Zen 2+. Also, AMD already has Zen 5 added to the full pipeline
I haven't seen a guts thread in like three days, so
What are some beginner programming projects to start on?
Ah, *sips* 1280x1024 now THAT was a proper resolution. They just don't make 'em like they used to anymore
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Do developers really put this many fucking stickers on their laptops?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Who here /coffee and code/
Uni professor puts on YouTube video
Microsoft is back at it again?
Hated by all of Jow Forums
What the fuck is this shit?
Samsung makes galaxy book to compete with micro$oft's surface pro
His monitor is less than 32 inches
Has anyone actually switched distros because of SystemD?
Looking to buy a new laptop for college
Is there any point preparing for interviews?
What do you guys think of personal electric transport vehicles like bikes, scooters, skateboards?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
SHould I install Devuan? I'm new to Linux, but I'm already redpilled on SystemD and botnet programs/spywares...
He puts layers of bitumen into his computer casing
What happens when extended support ends?
I program without wearing socks
Claim your programfu
Speccy thread: zoomer nostalgia edition
Oh no no no, is Intel ready for this?
How many hours do you usually spend in front of your PC?
Gentoo, void or arch?
What is the cheapest monitor in existence that:
Why don't you have 4TB of storage, Jow Forums?
My fucking god, how is it even possible that decades later...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Hey, I'm a 4k tv receiving a 1920x1080 signal
Home server general - /hsg/
What's the best 10-inch tablet under $200? I'm choosing between Samsung Galaxy Tab A and Lenovo Tab 4
How do I hack in to the mainframe of my school and dl a bug to the system from a backdoor?
I Just fell for the 4K meme and bought a new montior on cyber monday
Upgrade old PC to AMD Ryzen 2600x
The web is fucked in 2018
/csg/ - Chinese Shit General
RIP Open Sores
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Apple is finished
/v/ and Jow Forums need to go
Is a career in IT and programming really a fulfilling career Jow Forums?
Apple is giving shit away for free!
I have brought OneeChan back to life and it also supports 4channel
Nostalgia thread
Is docker a meme?
Live in UK
Retro thread...go!
What did qBotnet mean by this?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Redpill me on React? Is it as good as people say?
This is why no one likes rustfags
How does Jow Forums hold their SSDs in place?
>see a dude with a x220 in real life
Cave Virtualreality fuck up
The customer won't accept my mspaint drawings and would rather have something more "professional looking" to explain...
Redpill me on Vivaldi
Deleted Facebook 3 or 4 years ago and they made me a new account
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is SLI worth it?
How far are we from self-aware network AIs?
Absolute state of javascript ecosystem
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Im assuming the nuclear launch system uses linux
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Which is better, G502 or G403?
If Jow Forums's so smart how come this hasn't been solved yet
Windows 10 on desktop
How good are the Schiit line of products as entry into external DAC+Amps?
In one of my cs classes the teacher said that “clock speed doesn’t matter”
So you bought a chinese phone made for indians?
Been using windows since 98, been using win10 for a while and want to give Linux Mint a go
32" monitors
Put immense effort into my own open source projects
Tfw too much of a brainlet to use emacs properly
What is to the 2020s what Bell Labs was to the 1970s?
If anyone can guess how i did this, i'll give you $100 BTC
Whats the most blackhat thing you have ever done?
Buy Z97 LGA 1150 Mobo in 2014
;; Exercise 1.3
Why is everyone taking a shit on Apple right now? Not that I'm complaining
Is it just me or is Android getting worse with each new version?
Consoles exist because exclusives. Nothing else. There's no other point. But the exclusive are fucking great though...
Name one thing you can do with Raspberry Pi that you can't do with an old PC or laptop
Hey Jow Forums... we were wrong...
/sm/ - Software minimalism general
So what's the verdict on google's new image search design?
What does Jow Forums think about fusicha os?
Which side are you on Jow Forums? Which side are you on?
Anyone recommend a decent open back headphone for gaming / watching movies and tv...
Stack Overflow Common Misconceptions
Sweat a shit ton while building PC
Still vastly inferior to photoshop, affinity, procreate, etc
Firefox menu is a fucking mess. Don't they have anyone with a brain to make sense of it?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Honestly, has anyone ever called a customer support/tech support line...
AMA - Fired Microsoft System Architect
Why aren't you using Manjaro KDE?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How do you pronounce GNU?
Is this SSD worth my time? It's a deal from Newegg on eBay
I'm dicking around with electron and the Jow Forums api. What are some features you'd like in a Jow Forums desktop app?
Portable Desktop with Full-power graphics
My fucking goddamn neck is killing me
Bought used pic related on amazon
What’s your favorite distribution and why?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Mind = Blown Architecture
What browser do you think he uses????
Why do Americans buy crap like this?
What's a quick, discrete way to scan a 300 page book? Just take pictures of it with my phone?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Multiple Monitors
Nano is the best text editor available. Suck my dick
Cringe thread. Tech edition
The ABSOLUTE state of BSD
Just bought a 2080ti RTX, how stupid am I?
NASA uses Linux with KDE
This is the greatest iPhone we've EVER made
Windows is bloa-
Christmas lighting technology
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Damn... this looks great.... you're rocking it Microsoft™!!
/hpg/ - headphone general
Does Jow Forums use a shit browser?
Will the Supreme Court BTFO Apple?
So I wanted to start learning java (havent learned any programming language before), but I dont know where to start...
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Let's be real, these meme languages + Python are only languages that will land you a proper job with good salaries today
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
*cockteases you about his forum coming back for a solid month and then removes all traces of it without saying anything*
How do I know if I have been infected with a keylogger? I have scanned my entire C drive where my OS is installed
For the longest of time women had the easiest time making money on the Internet via camwhoring and taking their clothes...
What text editor does Jow Forums use?
Are there any good open source video editors?
Please explain me why is this shit
How does Jow Forums feel about the Microsoft Surface product line? Too artistic-oriented for Jow Forums's liking?
User you are on that computer of yours every day arent you?
ITT: We honestly post our IQs and how we know
Npm package event-stream tries to steal your bitcoin
Interview THIS week
*fetch thread
Intel Management Engine has a Linux kernel driver
Mpv general
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Live in """first world""" EU
What is Jow Forums's preferred Web Browser? What do you guys consider a good option (preferably open source)
ITT: programming languages that are impossible to write good code with
Mobile plans
Does Jow Forums play on linux? What do you usually play? What would you like to be able to play on Linux?
Make another discord
AMD Rome has doubled the cache RAM
Does any other program even come close to this for drawing?
/ptg/ - private tracker general
Please convince me to not buy this
Install some software on GNU/Linux
Do you dualboot? if so, why?
In half a year, I'm going to get a Dell XPS 13 with the following specs:
User, seriously? It's called GNU/Linux, Linux is just the kernel
I put my laptop in sleep mode almost every night instead of turning it off...
/hmg/ - hackerman general
How do I setup this thing to protect my privacy when browsing?
/erg/ - E-Reader General
At wich age is "too late" to start a Jow Forums career?
You won't abandon her a year from now, right Jow Forums?
/ag/ Audio General
Toothbrushes are technology
/cmg/ - Cyber Monday General
What kind of people piss you off, Jow Forums?
ITT: based languages
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Any idea what this big building does?
There are people on Jow Forums right now that don't use Cookie AutoDelete
Jow Forums humor thread
Do you like Python Jow Forumsbros?
Tfw spent thousands of hours perfecting the art of my programming. learned the syntax of thirteen different languages...
Beautiful chassis
What have you done today?
Theoretically, can you get so good at using ffmpeg from the command line and btfo any guifags doing video editing?
What's Jow Forums's favourite C compiler? Also what's your opinion on TCC?
I had a slight fuckup
Firefox isn't a botne-
Neighbours hoarding internet bandwidth
Best one-handed device, <6"
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Get to work
Be nokia
Install arch, reboot
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Take open source project
Do people in America actually say "Cyber Monday" in casual conversation?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Sexually attractive technology
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I wish the fucking internet was never invented
Quick, write a "compound" function that takes a function, an init value, and predicate, and returns a the list
Why doesnt anyone make a new operating system...
Itt things young people never experienced
Yeap, Thinkpad T60. Now that's a laptop! Great for clearing exif data!
Is there a single piece of technology that has made a bigger impact than the iphone?
Is there ANY reason in 2018 to not crossdress while programing?
/hpg/-headphone general
What is the worst Linux distro
IOS users, what do you use to post on Jow Forums on your device? I just got an XS Max and there are no apps anymore :/
So is there a replacement yet?
The Just Works OS
Building my first PC
IPhones are secu-
Please help, so this is what appears when I turn on the pc...
I really wanna buy it
Get an ultrawide user
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Who could have guessed that a toe-fungus-licking gommie would turn out to be a seething no-coiner?
Supporting real-time ray tracing instead of real-time path tracing
Looking for help
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Post and discuss superlative mice
AMD circle-jerking on Jow Forums needs to stop
Name 2 things wrong with C++
Who is the smartest person on Jow Forums?
Do you guys use a modem, modem+router or both in one?
New desktop thread!
Imagine actually paying double the price
Just rolled into the shop
/bst/ -Battlestation Thread
Brave is the best Android web browser
What VPN does Jow Forums use?
What the f*ck is with this coaxial sh*t?
Who else is still running windows 7 in 2018?
/nsg/ Network Security General
I agree, but why is it everywhere like herpes?
/hpg/-headphone general
Should I do it? Or is it a meme?
Is a robot cleaner a good technology or a meme technology?
Fuchsia OS
For the past 6 years at least, maybe 8 years, I've wasted almost all of my free time while aimlessly the internet...
New RTX feature!
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Does Jow Forums use desktop icons?
Set Top Boxes
What is the best wm and why is it dwm?
Job description clearly requires experience
What is wrong with my script?
I..i need privacy you guys
Jow Forums I need your help
Why does this trigger the intard so much...
Jow Forums here
Why do majority of you people suggest buying an old thinkpad when ever someone wants a NEW laptop...
Critique my budget build pl
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
10 year long linux fag here
I'm pretty proficient with computers, but I don't understand
Every time I look into NFC payments, it seems more and more like a gimmick
What does Jow Forums think the 2020s will bring in terms of technology?
"man those NASA folks are so dumb, writing all that HARD code just to launch a satellite...
People using white or bright colors as their backgrounds in code editors
They going to win in next day or two :( only 70k left
/spg/ - Smartphone General
*Crashes Premiere*
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
Thanks Jow Forums
The thinking mans phone
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Is it worth it buying the best power supply?
What do you miss from ye olde Linux
Anyone use waterfox here?
Our lock is unbeatable, even an iron man champion can't cut it with appropriate tools!
Fell for the ryzen meme
Thoughts on React Native? Seems pretty fucking cool
Why are you still an sRGBlet?
It all went wrong with color
Font Licensing
I absolutely hate all of these "content creators" and internet memes...
end of statement is ;, not
Why haven't you joined the tabletposting master race yet?
Stats edition
He still use the terms, "master" and "slave"
I am looking to buy a used PC that can last me through my IT education...
Tell me Jow Forums, why isn't there a neural network yet that changes clothes into skin? Imagine the potential
The PC you're enjoying so much at the moment will end up in the dumpster one day
Linux fags on suicide watch
/hpg/-headphone general
Suicide lines on hold 24/7
Replace small part of your brain with an artificial component
Fuck this slow ass garbage. Nothing below 9900k now
Let's all thank ccd0 for putting back the full board list in Jow Forums x so we don't have to use custom board...
Recommend me a good antivirus
Ale mam kurwa ochote wyjebac tym anonkom z 4chuja kurwa mac wkurwil mnie Jow Forums dzisiaj mocno jebane smiecie...
What's the easiest/most brainlet BSc
Sick of gnome3
Fennec is best android browser
I want to become super tech savvy
/hsg/ - Homeserver General
Can we finally settle the debate as to whether the botnet meme is real
This is the best doc reader right?
What are some Jow Forums pills?
Will foldable catch on?
Live in """first world""" EU
Name one feature lacking on a device that has runined it for you
The state of 4K content
Linux is only good if you don't value your time
Does Jow Forums has it's own IRC channel? If not why don't we create a new one?
Techmology, What is that all about? Is it good or is it whack?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's your Black Friday haul?
I can't take it, I need my fucking videogames, I am reinstalling windows
My school has "free" visual studios windows and shit from microsoft using dreamspark...
How many tabs?
Will you ever forgive me, Jow Forums?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Things that need to be more common
How close are we to actually replicating a consciousness using our own technology...
The numpad ruined my life
No homescreen thread?
4chanx still bugged
Certification or Degree?
Which framework will be the one to rule the next years...
Daily reminder that Debian is the only non meme distro out there
Friendly linux talk/chatroom
Yes, dumb attention whoring pedo scum, you got it right. This is not your "anime website" anymore
/sm/ - software minimalism general
Facebook before full public access
Wine can run more windows applications than windows 10
Saw "crashes Premiere" threads many times on Jow Forums
Why do you hate systemd anons? It works, it does its job, every distro uses it and its the future for sysadmins...
First time Android user
Trackball Nation General
What did Apple mean by this?
What FOSS projects do you support?
You fuckos told me to install this linux shit
Any of you nerds have crazy examples of hidden cell towers?
What happened to Sachiko????
This board has a real problem with racists
Program Files
New name: garbage
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hey Jow Forums
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Are SSDs a meme?
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
Is Social Credit the greatest innovation of the 21st century?
Tinder does not work on LineageOS without Google Play services
What does Jow Forums think of the 8 bit boomer?
Hyper terminal
Install slackware
Air Cooling vs Water Cooling
AMD has allowed China to reach Exascale by licensing their ROME Processors, why is this allowed...
What is the best BSD for an old laptop? I basically want to put KDE on it and do basic tasks (email, web browsing...
Daily reminder that both PulseAudio and systemd works like a charm
Have you invested in Bitcoin?
Grow up with little friends
Where do the extra KBs come from?
How do i get into maleware programming
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Muh encryption
I just bought this. I plan on installing Mac OS on it
/hpg/-headphone general
Can't wait to buy super cheap GPUs
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Does this turn into a satire of le anonymous or is played straight the whole way through
How can I log into my Jow Forums pass with this fucking gay new domain? It's not working. sys.Jow Forums...
3.8 GPA in CS, 2.1 GPA in math
Are you sleeping correctly Jow Forums?
Click the Start button to Shut Down
Is it really worth spending $350+ for a DAC, AMP, and headphones when I can just headphones for like $90...
I miss it bros
Post cats
I just got an offer for a junior dev position. The place uses a lot of Scala and i'm not really familiar with it...
/G502G/ - G502 General
Did the people who made the technologies we use get rich?
SSD Drive
Windows is bloa-
Why aren't you running android 8.1?
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
So, what does Jow Forums use to code?
AMD + AMD = Poorfag
Ctrl - V thread
Richard stallman is a violent socialist cuck
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Should I get a 12TB NAS for 400$?
Huawei's 3D scanner
Is it safe to use wireless headphones on a regular basis?
Can't browse any more sites until you update firefox
/spg/ - Smartphone General
No maximize and minimize buttons
Line disciplines
Tries Mint
Post your desktop and I'll try to fix it for you
Amazon (JEFF BEZOS) spreading malware
Shaving my balls and every tiny hair on my penis is such a chore. What technology do you use to shave them?
Okay, give me your password
Unity >>>>> Gnome
4channel hate thread
Seagate VS WD. HDD thread!!
Windows 10 problems
My school is forcing me to use this piece of shit IDE. What do Jow Forums
Name something C++, Rust, Python, etc. can that Java can't
Best Linux Distro for Old Laptop
This kills the winfag
Sell me on RUST. Is it good? Certainly can't be worse than C++, but can it beat Go?
Well Jow Forums, why aren't you writing in Rust?
You were just magically given an 8TB hard drive. What do you do with it?
I feel like every distro sucks
Corsair ML120 vs Noctua NF-P12
How to tell a person is tech-illiterate
I’m in a strong new of a new password manager, what would you Jow Forumsoyim recommend ?
Just fuck my shit up
Can ISP's see what posts you make on Jow Forums? or do they just see someone connecting to the website...
Fuck these adapters...
Post ghost town websites that are still up
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Chair Technology
Red pill me on the current state of bitcoin
Can anyone find a strix 1080 ti 11gb for sale online (Not ebay)
E-Readers are technology
Newfag on a budget and thinking of buying the Lenovo IdeaPad 330-15ICH, i5-8300H 8GB RAM GTX 1050 4GB
What is the most NPC friendly software?
How the hell do I rip songs off a DVD in bulk?
/ptg/ - private tracker general
MSc in Physics from Stanford University (Undergraduate was at Michigan)
Anyone else find it extremely stressful to buy things? So much angst. I haven't upgraded my computer since 2009...
Hiroshimoot finally did it!
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is this product legit??
So what's Jow Forums's recommended web browser? I've been using Chromium but I want to escape the botnet...
Jow Forums is now two different sites. Discuss
Brave, duckduckgo, etc
Go on tinder date
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Never used Linux and had a spare laptop laying around so I thought of installing Arch since that's the worst one to...
Its been 2 months since the CoC arrived to linux
Ordered 5 hours ago
Help me finish this sentence Jow Forums
Is this the end of Microsoft?
I design graphics and clothing and this is my setup
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
"I heard you're real good with computers, user. Can you teach me how to hack?"
Praise Costco
What's the general consensus of Angular?
How do we disappear off the face of the internet
You are running the latest Android, right Jow Forums?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
ITT; security and encryption apps for android
Arch Fags
Posting is slow as shit
ITT: JUST tech moments
Builds expensive PC
/erg/ - E-Reader General
What's some software that doesn't have a good foss alternative?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Is there actually a way to see who views your Facebook profile? I don’t want my crush to think I’m viewing her profile
Advent of Code 2018
How many of you still follow this meme?
Bitcoin dies GPU becomes cheap
/mpv/ Blacked weekend thread
How long until we get something like appchan x/4chanX for 4channel?
OK, so do these fucking NIGGERS of companies have some kind of JEWISH DEAL with cd drive companies?
Logitech MX Revolution (1st Gen). 11 years and still works great
White mans android
Audio/Stereo/Amps - /ag/
SSD manufacturers
4channel only shows SFW boards
Battle Station Thread
Are there nice OLED monitors with response times under 5ms? Asking for a friend [spoiler]who also happens to be me...
Motherboard De-Gaying
Pls share details about feminist CoC in the linux community
You are now oldfags here. Think about that for a sec
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What do i need to learn if i want to make a site like Jow Forums?
Black Friday General
Why is being a programmer outside of the US so shit?
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
Out of all the generals on Jow Forums, which one do you like the most?
What would be better to get for the money? ($500-$600 leaf bux), a iPad Pro 10.5 or a surface pro i5/8gb? (Both used)
/hsg/ - Home Server General
I got this little bastard as a black friday deal for $119. I'm going to use it as a router configuration laptop
Jow Forums X
Jow Forums X is broken
Are there any scripts or extensions that fix noscript captcha on all sites, like Jow Forums X does?
Does anyone in the fucking world actually enjoy those cringy """cool gamer""" designs...
Relatives coming over for thanksgiving
Guys! CephFS/Nas boxes!
Want all your boards back? Here's how:
Just bought a NITRO+ RX 580 8GB in the $210 BF sale. I know I can't Max out at 1440p...
Its GNU/Linux. Don't direspect the hard work that went into GNU by calling it "linux"
Is Docker the best thing that happened in IT this decade?
Tech gore thread
Backing data up
Why the fuck do people have 16gb+ of ram...
So now that all the boards I borwse are on 4channel, how do I get Jow Forums X to work on here? Pls help...
Is Appchan X gonna be kill now? I doubt it will be upgraded to the new 4channel domain...
What to chose
Hey nerds, how do I get rid of this without buying a product key or using a different OS?
So my dumbass got my ip exposed
Why cant i boot into my kubuntu usb?
Libretorrent 1.9 Released! Remove the Flud and uTorrent botnets today!
What does Jow Forums think of this special snowflake?
So I'm still using a standard Galaxy S7 and I finally decided to make a worthy upgrade
Click on a tread in Jow Forums catalog
Just tried Mint
Trips decide which distro I put on this guy
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Desktop *fetch thread
My girlfriend wants a cheap laptop to "watch movies and browse the internet"
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
The Jow Forums/4channel split is now complete
/hpg/ - Headphone General
More than 4 years have passed since its release and we still don't have a better air-cooler on the market
Just ordered this
Is Jow Forums dying?
Stop using technology
Daily reminder the 2500k and 2600ks are the colt 1911 of cpus
Fuck SumatraPDF DRM
I'm an adult
What do
ITT we design the perfect Linux distro
Press R to roast kike in an oven
Why do we bully applefags?
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
He uses an IDE
QBittorrent 4.1.4 is out. Remove uBotnet today! Happy Thanksgiving!
ITT: your favorite or most used aliases
Why is Windows 10 such a freedom-hating abomination...
Why the fuck are all phones so huge nowadays? Why does nobody make phones under 5 inches anymore...
Really best anticapitalist email provider
What are some counter-arguments against a Right to Repair law?
Is it worth having? The fuck software even uses it?
This is what peak comfyness feels like
Why would anyone in their right mind go out of its way to install other than the BEST DE on modern hardware?
I'm struggling to find current manufacturers of 4:3 crt monitors. When did these suddenly stop existig and why...
Google is tracking you. Even when you're in Airplane Mode
Guys help what do I do I’m not a tech guy and I tried to clean out my computer off a online tutorial and now my...
What went wrong? Why is it so dead?
Is this literally the only good pdf reader on winblows?
Any OLED owners here?
/nsg/ - Netsec general
Why don't you wash your motherboard from dust?
How to prevent an imageboard from degrading?
Why would anyone use ubuntu when debian exists??
Imagine spending twice the price so you can open windows 1 second earlier than usual
Imagine being Intel
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Ask boomer for career advice
Poorfag and newfag here, I'm thinking of getting this, opinions?
I'll never understand faggots that use pcs with Intel ME and Windows
RAM in Linux
Have you noticed that having a smartphone is almost required to be a functioning member of todays society...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Emacs = bloat
Which Android versions are equivalent to Windows XP, 7 and 8.1 Jow Forums?
What grip do the real alpha males of Jow Forums use?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Zoomers will never experience the most aesthetic decade of design
Usb cables are technology
Is there a better music player?
Black Friday General - /bfg/
Do you have an Jow Forums related tattoos?
Redpill me on Airpods
Rx 590 undervolted
Which one do you use?
Woah, fuck technology
"oh hey bro, my phone died and I wanted to use your laptop for a sec...
/x/ here, image on /x/ gaining some interest
Lineage OS or iPhone
/mkg/ - Meme Keyboards General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Whats the point on multiple ethernet ports?
Hey Jow Forums, poorfag falling for the VR meme here
Opensuse is objectively the best distro:
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
forgot a semicolon
What is the Unix/Linux version of ctl+alt+del?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Can we talk chairs?
What's Jow Forums's side hustle? Cool tech things only
He chose the programming path
Any advice on aptly learning assembly?
What's so bad about raw pointers Jow Forums? Why are so many of you cunts shitting on C lately?
Why aren't any legit tech manufacturers copying the Apple aesthetic for laptops and undercutting the price by $1000?
Well, shit's dented. Do I toss this laptop in the trash now
Mice For Keyboard Enthusiast???
Do you own a color calibrator? Are they worth it?
Heavy eyestrain from motion blur
Jow Forums makes a PORTABLE WORKSTATION with OS being hardware compatible
Whether you play games or not, you have to admit this mouse is absolutely amazing
What is you go-to "just werks" distro?
At thanksgiving dinner I said I am grateful for God’s blessing, the transistor...
Notice anything Jow Forums?
Good old Desktop Computers
Another tech board ruined
Sell me on Linux, Jow Forums. Why should I use this over Windows?
Why is Jow Forums separating into two chans? What's the point in moving all SFW boards to another domain?
Does anyone know how I can pour water into a cup without getting the inside of the cup wet? this is so fucking annoying...
Microsoft BTFO
NUC Thread
I got memed into buying one of these
/ptg/ - Private Feets General
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
Remember when a 720p phone screen seemed like overkill?
You have a budget of $1000 to design and build a tickle machine. It must have the following features:
Pro tip, you cant
Why is Jow Forums ALWAYS right?
Why you don't use Whonix yet?
Alexa/Siri trigger keyword intel troll
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
*I take out both of my laptops at airport security* Random guy: *scoffs* "What do you need 2 laptops for...
This kills the autism
How the fuck is it possible for Microsoft, after all these years, to not be able to make a competent browser?
So user, what is it you do for a living?
How do I into LaTeX
VPN download speed
Not having diamonds in your computer
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Who else fell for the self-taught programmer meme?
OneDrive vs GoogleDrive vs Dropbox
How's your battery aging?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Today, I'm thankful I installed gentoo
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I know this isn't 100% tech but I rather post this here because this board is my life
Without help, write a bubble sort in C
Did you fell for the (((mpv))) meme too?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship