Is this literally the only good pdf reader on winblows?

Is this literally the only good pdf reader on winblows?

Attached: sum-shot-03-full.png (554x640, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's really good.
>portable single exe
>blazingly fast
>opens ebook formats like epub and mobi
>open source

it is, but I had to install foxit reader for some files (image-heavy I guess?) that for whatever reason load pages way slower in sumatra than even in foxit

Like "Harvard Classics Book Collection" from piratebay for example

pretty much

Use Firefox or whatever browser you use.

What did he mean by this?

>windows users will never know of the glory that is which is built-in on any installation of macOS

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unironically, Edge is the best pdf reader

Is it good or are you shilling your product faggot
I need to know, adobe shit does my fucking head in

Its unironically the best reader on windows. You'll still need adobe if you want to edit your pdfs though.

>using any other browser than firefox


Get Acrobat Reader, Zoomer. It'free.

More like Acrobloat Reader.

No thanks boomer.

>No thanks boomer

What's thst for an iDiot zoomer? Quite unhinged that laddie & ready for the loony bin.

>Download Adobe Acrobat Pro 11.0.23 from the Bay & you got a Rolls.

>Pix: yellow loony bin cart, Switzerland

Attached: gelberwagen.jpg (280x180, 57K)

Microsoft Edge. Best reader + tablet mode ever i seen.

>Is this literally the only good pdf reader on winblows?

The patrician way of reading & manipulating / editing PDF files on your notebook.

Attached: Capture_11232018_162904.png (647x484, 24K)

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>The GUI is bloated and suits toddlers. It's like the MS-Office ribbon where I have to use "Classic Menu" to get the old stuff back.

>I use Adobe Acrobat for scanning documents. With DC, whenever is sat A4 as default, after each & every scan it went back to letter. So, I uninstalled DC and installed Adobe Acrobat Pro again. Now, I am just working with the last version, which is 11.0.23.

>Maybe that just was a bug in one of the first DC versions but for now, I stay with 11.0.23. Has the additional advantage that it also runs on Win XP. (For work, I use Win 7 Pro 64 bit.)

Based and keked, nigger.

Attached: 1.jpg (500x438, 53K)

Enjoy your security holes.

use STDU viewer

what pdf reader on wangblows supports highlighting (sumatra doesnt) and is not made by adobe?

Foxit, but it is arguably even more shit.

Is there some way to get Okular running on Windows? If so, it's top shelf


What's wrong with Foxit?

Are you retarded? What do you mean?

Didnt I just see a thread telling you how to crack it

It's a term idiots use that are too dumpfucked to use Windows.

It's a term idiots use that are too dumpfucked to use Windows.

seething pajeets

Here is an important hint for anyone using Sumatra. When youre installing Sumatra and the installer window first pops up, click the advanced options button and activate picture icons. That way all your pdf icons will be a thumbnail pic of the first page of the pdf just like on Mac.

I use firefox.

yeah and also completely satisfying to use so who cares

any points?

Edge is best for both pdf and epub

Attached: eX0AMC.jpg (512x408, 39K)

report submitted

whats a good ereader/tablet for a boomer? I want to read PDF's

>tfw no SumatraPDF for GNU/Linux

Attached: 86543859431070.jpg (412x351, 20K)

no, it's a fucking shit pdf reader
i honestly prefer using the inbuilt firefox pdf reader to this shit

Do you use microshaft Winblows you swine?!

Linux has Zathura which is undeniably better

Seems like edge is the winner

Get a Mi Pad 4.

>whats a good ereader/tablet for a boomer? I want to read PDF's

Can recommend a Sony. A lot of lawyers in the States got Sonys since they stimes have to submit docs as PDFs. They're a bit pricey, though.

>Therd are not many alternatives.

>It's a term idiots use that are too dumpfucked to use Windows.

Yep, zoomer.

>Pros who do real work.

>& now kleen yr rm

There is, using cygwin


If you cared about what Luke Smith is preaching you wouldn't use Windows.

>Enjoy your security holes.
It's Windows, it is nothing but security holes.

Firefox's pdf reader is fucking garbage and doesn't load 75% of pdfs properly. Look up literally any NIST publication and you'll get blank pages with headings.

>pdf reader on winblows
PDF-XChangeViewer > SumatraPDF > STDU Viever > piss > Adobe Reader > shit > Foxit Reader


Unironically, yes. FOSS keeps the normies and their Foxit botnet away.

>red block pops up
>phone home

But none of this is true?

fuck off luke you sandnigger piece of shit

I like Evince.

great for epub as well

It can't even ctrl+F though

yes but sadly the dev team got bored with it so it wont be updated again

>announcing report
Enjoy your ban

Attached: MuPDF_logo.png (90x119, 10K)

Except for printing.
It makes a laser printer work slower than a $10 inkjet

I use Zathura with the muPdf plugin and I really enjoy it, but I would prefer some of the extra features of Sumatra.

>no hardware acceleration

Acrobat DC werks on my machine

PDFs in Edge seem blurred. Text is all blurred, no crispyness. I use chrome to read pdf

>Hardware acceleration
>For a fucking PDF

Attached: 1342985079083.jpg (645x773, 56K)

evince is better.

Qpdfviewer is ok, although I wish mupdf renderer became default, but this won't happen because mupdf documentation is absolute dogshit and no one (me included) wants to deal with it.

I only install it on 8.1/7. On 10, Edge is good enough.