Why is Windows 10 such a freedom-hating abomination...

Why is Windows 10 such a freedom-hating abomination? Will we ever be able to convince the normies to switch to an OS that respects their freedoms?

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it's their fault for using it. if they are not smart enough to switch then let them be ignorant and get spied on. why do you care if you were smart enough to get away from that cancer

> freedoms

poor delusional op

Attached: 1542951406814.jpg (343x452, 36K)

Except the poojeet bugs, windows 10 is just so comfy. It's unironically better to pass through a firewall and block microsofts ips and domains than using linux.

The smart decision is to use Windows 10, because the information will probably be never used to blackmail users because that would be corporate suicide.

Windows 7 is a piece of trash, XP is the only usable windows.

You never had freedom to begin with. You're a slave. Born into bondage, born into a prison you cannot smell taste or touch. A prison for your mind.

Would you need to block their domains with a router's firewall? I'd wonder if a software firewall wouldn't catch their server traffic because it could be operating at a low level in the operating system that the software firewall can't see.

Nice try NSA.
>arguing for appealing to futility
>on Jow Forums

>it's okay for them to steal your information!
that's extremely stupid but I won't argue to you about it. have fun shill

Windows 7 is bloated trash, XP was the last feather-light OS.

It's a fruitless endeavor.

Just make system that actually works and convince software developers to support it natively. And its done. Probably that will need some corporation iron hand as freetards cannot into usability.

everyone I know has been using at least elementary OS for a long time now, I usually don't associate with Windows users

>why do you care if you have nothing to hide?
>it's okay if the company notorious for security holes in their OS stores information about my life, I'm sure it's safe in their hands
>it's fine that they distribute my data to unknown entities to serve ads to me, those firms are probably trustworthy, too!

You're free to use loonix if you want, nobody's gonna stop you, friend.

A blackmail isn't necessary, the users will leave on their own. Remember the Cambridge Analytica scandal?

This would need a lot of money and a thought out marketing plan. Two things freetards don't have, so no, you will not be able to do that.

I do have things to hide. But I trust them not to publicly leak my data because up to now no telemetry data from the billions of people using windows has ever leaked to the public. The fappening doesn't count because it was obtained by phishing through a publicly available API linked to the user's account. I try to do as much as I can to protect my data, but switching to linux is just not worth it for me. Even if my data is available to the government, I'm not doing anything that millions of other people aren't. It's too much people to send to jail for random bullshit.

I don't say it's ok. I wish it was illegal. But it's not that big of a deal unless you're into cheese pizza or hardcore revolutionary civil war shit.
I'm not shilling anything, just sharing how I see the whole issue. You can do whatever you can, it doesn't affect me in any way.

What if SJW's or nazis get into power and force micro$oft to hand over all the data?

Microsoft bypasses the network filtering engine.

See There's just too many people with wrongthink on the internet. They would have to build concentration camps and shit.
And if they're willing to go that far then they probably can guess what kinda guy you are by asking you to tell them who your friends are and interviewing them, interviewing family members, bounties for snitching and so on. Or just because you refused to go to war for them. Like in the Soviet Union.

As much as I shit talk linux, I'm totally onboard with their ideaology of free software.
I don't like or want telemetry, or cortana, or advertising in windows.
I remember Mark Russinovich once discovered that Sony released a music CD that phoned home. (and people went apeshit at Sony)
Years later MS do the same shit.


Who is talking about leaks? Who says that you will know the consequences of your surveillance?

Maybe you just won't get hired. Maybe you won't get that promotion. Why should anyone mention that you got rejected because your shadow profile contains that you browse czechoslovakian knitting boards and fap to dolphin porn?

Windows has had back doors since Windows 95 probably earlier if you had internet access back then
Look at five eyes and prism
Windows xp/2000 Microsoft has been shit for decades its very funny when I see supposed tin foil hat greyhat types praise old windows and shit on windows 10 when it's Al been the exact same shit since windows nt

Then I probably wouldn't want to work there anyway. There's nothing worse than having to pretend being a leftists while being surrounded by a bunch of só €€oyboys just to have a higher salary in paper, only to then have that eaten up by the cost of living. And again, there's only so many people that don't engage in one or another kind of wrongthink. And people who do think for themselves tend to be high IQ, and even if they hire women and minorities to show a nice diverse front, these companies need some actually smart people to keep the lights on.

Privacy respecting software and hardware is already less convenient, and if the trends we've seen are anything to go by it's gonna get harder and harder to live isolated from the botnet.
The solution isn't to tell everybody to install gentoo on their twinkpads, because it's gonna be increasingly more of a pain in the ass, and even nowadays spyware software and hardware is more or less necessary to do things like university courses and getting jobs.
The solution is laws that stop these companies from getting away with it, and people recognizing that the jews in power (aka politicians and richfags) don't exactly have their best interests in mind, and a government is supposed to be there for the good of the people, not for the good of the 1% or the 0.01%.

W10 LTSB is the best Windows I've used.

I play too many games desu
But I totally want to get a cheap laptop to install and learn linux on.

That's probably not gonna happen in the near future, so yeah, everybody should take whatever measures they can and are willing to take in the meantime. But trying to force it with the winbabies btfo memes is just childish and is gonna push people towards siding with corporations, because linux is clearly inferior from the usability aspect, and an autistic obsession with OPSEC and computers while ignoring everything else going on in peoples lives is retarded.

100% right!!!