ITT we design the perfect Linux distro

What would your perfect distro look like?

I'll start:
>hybrid source/binary based, compile the important shit, install binaries for unimportant shit, all defined by the user
>'ephemeral' package manager mode. Install application, track what changes the application makes, revert them when uninstalled
>latest mainline kernel
>ideally no systemd, maybe OpenRC

Attached: 220px-Tux.png (220x261, 39K)

>rolling release

Shit concept

> Distro defines what userland and core is/are
> Core can be optionally compiled
> Userland applications are containerized, even desktop environments
> Flatpak as package management
> Latest genkernel, glibc, libstdc++, mesa, gtk and systemd, various libraries on the core
> If it's a GUI, it's strictly userland and must NOT be in the repo
> Core OS should be similar to Arch's base install

if CloverOS had more support and manpower it would be the perfect distro already

>dedscribes another unproductive shit for red-eyed neets to rice with anime pictures
Get a job.

Why do you feel the need to compile the "important shit"?

Personally I don't like flatpak because it apparently uses virtualisation. I want to run applications natively, not on top of a pile of virtualisation.


1. building from source
2. fastest boot loader (sysvinit/openrc)
3. all updated packages in internet
4. secure as shit
5. lightweight
6. no bloat
7. cool flexible package manager
8. cool filesystem
9. cool design
10. maxim customizible

I have a job. I am describing a distro that would make it much easier.

Compiling software on the target machine allows for more optimisations to be made.

Do you have benchmarks to back that up?

Virtualized, or containers?

I really oughtta just go and read up on this newfangled flatpack/snap shit

You can look them up if you want to. It's not like I'm making a crazy claim, it's common knowledge that if the compiler knows the architecture and features of the target CPU, it can optimise for it.

>compile the important shit
>rolling release
>I have a job
No. you don't.

Containers, I meant. It still has an overhead though. Most people jump on the flatpak/snap bandwagon because they claim they offer security, but recently someone released a blog post that proved that to be BS.

Keep projecting. It's hilarious that you think compiling things makes you jobless. Do you happen to like Windows?

I want qubesOs with debian packages

ok listen to this
what if we took all of the available package managers and combined them in one distro so we create a super ultra linux with the most available packages to download/compile

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It would be great if that was possible, but every distro insists on having its own autistic package manager. But even then, each distro has different kernels, stdlib implementation, etc. So it's not possible.

thank fucking god you people aren't in a position to make distros

so, gentoo?

Why? It's extremely frustrating that every distro has it's own package manager. Some are slow as molasses, some are extremely fast. Every distro has it's own repositories, with different naming conventions.
If more people in the Linux community worked together instead of making their 1000+1 distro, we might actually hit the Year of the Linux Desktop.

the solution to this is not conglomerating every package manager into an excessive bloated smorgasbord. what package managers need is some form of abstraction (like Ubuntu) so noobs can just search for the app and download it.
all the prevalent package managers are prevalent for a reason, but I'd argue portage is the most versatile and superior and thus most deserving of abstraction tools.

>what is bedrock linux

ok what if we give the option of putting every package manager in super ultra linux
and you can opt out any of the others
and then also during set up, every possible DE/WM is available
and you can have the choice of fixed or rolling release
but on fixed the kernel is really old and on rolling the kernel is the latest

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You don't get that much benefit from CPU-specific optimizations but sure if you do a lot of calculations or something you want the best performance possible. Even 1.01M calculations vs 1M calculations add up over time if you keep it running 24/7. I'm talking about march=native, if you have an Intel CPU and use ICC instead of GCC/Clang you'll get some nice boost. AMD has their own compiler as well but it's supposedly not very good. More important optimizations would be compiling with O3 (or Ofast if it doesn't break anything), LTO and PGO.

because there's no point of putting every package manager into a super ultra linux. it's literally a feature that's not needed and the problem you're describing can be solved with abstraction.


Linux is a kernel.

It depends on who's compiling it for you. The Debian guys will be quite reserved and not use features that aren't widely available, which means you could miss out on fast vectorisation, for example.

Replace pulse audio for starters.

But that's what Gentoo is. It doesn't force you to compile shit like Firefox

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bloated, that's what

You just described GuixSD.

What do you mean? I thought you have to compile everything.

packages with naturally long compile times (I think Firefox is the longest) have binary versions in the repository.

That's good, but I would like to have the option of installing the binaries for everything.

that's what CloverOS tries to do. I'm not sure how well they're doing right now but when I last used it, it was extremely buggy. I'm sure they've cleaned up a lot of shit by now though.

It doesn't make you jobless, but spending dozens of hours recompiling system software in bulk "for performance gains" is a pretty good indicator that you are jobless.

Source and binaries at the same time for every package, choose if you want to compile or just install.

Some flags for the system, for your architecture, something like:

Scripts on the iSO for installing the base system with presets:

>>Scripts on the iSO for installing the base system with presets:
I like this idea.

Did I say that I spend hours compiling software for performance gains? I don't recall saying I did.