/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Friendly GNU+Linux Thread.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% --help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: 1457029773526.jpg (2272x1704, 742K)

Other urls found in this thread:


from my e-book

Attached: firefox_2018-11-24_01-55-08.png (1431x415, 70K)

GNU bless

Attached: Ignucius.jpg (400x404, 49K)

>open source
>Linux desktop

How do I make my KDE window decorations translucent witout making the contents translucent too?

is there are an application menu applet for tint2?
not sure if applets like whisker menu (from xfce) or anything alike will work or not

tint2 is typically used with wm's like openbox, which have their own application menu
tint2 has an option to pass-through these menus when right clicking on empty parts of the panel

>tint2 is typically used with wm's like openbox, which have their own application menu
i see
>tint2 has an option to pass-through these menus when right clicking on empty parts of the panel
can i use launcher instead of right clicking on panel?
i remembered i saw that somewhere on internet (maybe arch wiki?)

>can i use launcher instead of right clicking on panel?

i use openbox and tint2 myself, and personally, i don't really use the openbox menu
it's useful if you forget the name of something you have installed, but that's pretty rare for me
instead, i use rofi (also popular: dmenu), which is a launcher where you pretty a key combination, then search for what you want to run
so to say, open geany, i would do; "win+r, gea, enter", which is faster than moving to mouse to tint2, right clicking, moving to development, then clicking on geany. it also eliminates needing to remember which category the program is under

webm related

Attached: a.webm (923x717, 96K)

I might be dumb, but how do I set up alt+tabbing in KDE so it scrolls through every window I have open, no matter what virtual desktop it's on or how many windows in any given program I have open?

Nevermind, I figured it out

Dumb question, but if I'm using i3 does that mean I'm not using a desktop environment?

You can still use apps from other DE. I use eog, evince from gnome and thunar from xfce. You're just free to chose the tool you want.

I am trying to boot to a linux .iso from Ubuntu 18.04 (not vm or emulator) using GRUB2. I barely know what I am doing, just following instructions. I get

hd0,3 not found

And I realize I have no idea which hard drive or partition my .iso is on. So i go to

sudo fdisk -l

and get a whole bunch of stuff I have no idea what is.

I suppose I'm looking for a show file location or the equivalent so I can hopefully make it work. Any help appreciated.

systemd is hard

Put manjaro with i3 on my laptop this week. It's preforming worse than f29 with gnome.

Turns out the minimalism meme is a scam.

You seem to be lost, here are some direction to where you wanted and should go:

Linux is only avaiable as tar ball.

Good thread.

VMs use a lot of RAM, right? I am trying to decide if whether to use Xen and run different VMs of distros, or go one at a time and dual boot. I ave a 2016 Xeon, so that limits the usability of my 64GB of RAM.

Quebes + all the distros?

I know there is a slight performance hit for the OS to be virtualized, but I like the idea of snapshots, Whonix, etc.

I still don't know if Docker is something used witin a hypervisor or replaces it or what just that it can make a container for your website server.

Okay, so I always used Debian after hating Ubuntu. This was maybe 2014 or something. Someone is telling me to try Kubuntu or Xubuntu. I think I'd rather just use Linux Mint when lazy, then later on figure out why Devuan forked and go back to Debian.

Why is openSUSE (is Enterprise not any good?) memed so hard?

Why is here the only place I see Gentoo mentioned?

Looking at damn maybe it was distrowatch, ranked by popularity I learned some new ones I never see mentioned. I think it was NixOS that is designed to be slimmed down to barebones if you're using it for a server, and I didn't know Slackware still was that popular.

So, I forgot which one starts off with runint not systemd, but it said it was badly documented; think it was started by guys from Oracle. Devuan didn't like systemd. What's the big deal?

You said GNU so why do I never hear anything of BSD? I would think the opensource/foss zealots would be all on FreeBSD's nuts. Why do I never hear of shit running on OpenBSD?

I don't know whether to give Gentoo a try or OpenSUSE (enterprise?) or go back to Debian/Devuan. Probably keep Linux Mint for its compatibility with some Windows software.

But okay xeon e3 v5, 64gb ram, quadro gpu; naturally I wasted money on that RAM. Any reason not to run Qubes and a million VMs? I don't understand why dual booting is still a thing as doubtful you need that level of access to hardware.

So, openSUSE or Gentoo? Which is the meme?

you need to go back

Good post.

how can I check for the existence of any jpg in bash?

if [ -e *.jpg ] returns an error if theres more than one .jpg file

Why do you need a wildcard? That's your error btw, post the related part of your script.

Thanks /b/

Jesus y'all start drinking early.

x='meme.jpg'; [[ "$x" =~ .*jpg ]] && echo 'Wee lad, an jpg!'

didn't read, lol

shitty hack:
# returns true if called with at least one argument,
# and the first one is a path to a file that exists
exists() {
local f
for f in "$@"
do [ -e "$f" ]; return
return 1

if exists *.jpg; then ...

All the Pajeets came over about 18 months ago to practice their shitposting and have killed this thread. If you're still there, try to install to an external first and go from there.

You're in bash, so use [[

that's the default look of rofi launcher

it is. i don't go out of my way to rice things anymore. the default rofi theme is fine.
my wallpaper also hasn't changed since 2012

Trying to make the shortest Jow Forums thread downloader, I came up with this:
x(){ wget $(wget -qO- $1|grep -Po 'a href="//\Ki.*?[^"]+'); }
Usage: x
Whatcha think? Can you shorten it further?
>Only works with GNU grep.
>Variables should be quoted for daily use.

mpv gnu.org/music/markushaist-free-software-song.ogg

what is a good alternative to axure available on loonix? doesn't need to be open source, just available natively

thanks user, this worked.

1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 exists() {
3 local f
4 for f in "$@"
5 do [[ -e "$f" ]]; return
6 done
7 return 1
8 }
10 move() {
11 if exists *$1
12 then
13 numberMoved="$(ls -1q *$1 | wc -l)"
14 mv ./*$1 ~/Pictures
15 echo "moved $numberMoved $1"
16 fi
17 }

Mounting my hdd takes two seconds in systemd.
~ % systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 5.431s (kernel) + 5.729s (userspace) = 11.161s
graphical.target reached after 5.729s in userspace
~ % systemd-analyze blame | head -n 2
2.031s dev-sda3.device
1.012s NetworkManager.service

How can I lower dev-sda3 time?
Is it possible to lower also NetworkManager?
Plus, kernel startup can be lowered through custom initramfs?

In i3 how do I make a command to open something in floating mode? I want to open xfce4-terminal normally with mod+enter, but I want mod+shift+enter to open it in floating mode.
I know I can just do
>for_window [class="Xfce4-terminal"] floating enable
but that will open it in floating mode all the time, and I just want it to do that sometimes.
Is this even possible?

Use another binding for floating terminal, something like this
for_window [class="FXTerm"] floating enable
bindsym $mod+Mod4 exec xterm
bindsym $mod+Shift+Mod4 exec xterm --class FXTerm


the terminal bell is the most obnoxious thing in the world

disable it then.

I shoudln't need to. There's no reason to have it enabled by default.

thanks for the helpful answer friend, i hope i'll get to help you too someday

Is fish posix compliant?
If not has it bitten anyone using it in any way?

Somebody suggested this before to me and whenever I add --class NameOfClass after a bindsym the bindsym does nothing.
Maybe it is a deprecated method?

You can add
for_window [workspace="5"] floating enable
to your i3 config file. So you can go to workspace 5 when you want to open something in floating mode.

It's a config line coming directly for airblader himself. So be respectful.


Not completely, devs intentionally omitted some stuff.

Attached: jimmy-wales.jpg (1360x907, 102K)

does someone have a guide on how to set up an inline firewall on debian? I'm having some issues, especially with having two interfaces open at once to let traffic flow through the box

Attached: 1529600867897.png (400x400, 91K)

Appreciate the input, but I really want it to open in floating mode whenever/wherever I want.

That's what I asked to airblader, and he gave me that line. I think today it's impossible to achieve that without patching i3 (if you do it, tell it, because it's an awesome feature).

Or you can switch to notion, but notion suck on a lot of points compared to i3.

Since kernel 4.15 I've had issues with my gpu drivers. (amd r9 380)
The only option to boot is "nomodeset" in grub config to use the cpu integrated graphics. Anyone faced this?

Some tools require you to install the entire DE package though on Arch, because the way things are packaged in Arch is insanely retarded and bloated. So be careful.

I tend to stick with tools from one DE if I use them, and usually go with gnome because they work nicely with i3 and gtk3-classic.

it should be something like
bindsym $mod+shift+enter exec xfce4-terminal ; floating toggle
but there needs to be a slight delay between opening terminal and executing floating toggle
If you know how to you can also have the terminal execute the command i3 floating enable

>Some tools require you to install the entire DE package though on Arch
Yes, but you're still not forced to use all the tools of a DE.

That's because the guys who maintain the i3 CE think it needs a ton of bloat to "function" properly.

Install Manjaro CLI and install i3 without all of the Manjaro packages for it. It's absolutely pointless. I run around 800MiB memory with a web browser and IDE open. Load average: 0.21, 0.74, 1.45 on a Ryzen 3 2200G.

37 exec --no-startup-id urxvt --name=dropdown
38 for_window [instance="dropdown"] floating enable;
39 for_window [instance="dropdown"] move scratchpad [instance="dropdown"] scrat chpad show; move scratchpad

51 bindsym $mod+Return exec urxvt
52 bindsym $mod+n [instance="dropdown"] scratchpad show
53 bindsym $mod+n+n [instance="dropdown"] move scratchpad

stolen from one of Luke Smiths videos. I remember having to fiddle a bit to get it to work.

Attached: file.png (575x804, 671K)

By why install all the bloat when Debian doesn't force you to?

I got a question regarding lemonbar if anyone uses it. I want to use ttf and otf fonts with it but default lemon bar in debian archives only supports bitmap fonts. I would prefer not to build from source github.com/krypt-n/bar/ cause I want to use my package manager to update. Am i fucked?

>By why install all the bloat
Because non running bloat is not bloat.
>when Debian doesn't force you to?
I like to have updated software.

# ./mktab
# doesn't actually support comments
out/${PWD##*/} src/?*.c -lpthread
out/someutil src/someutil/main.c -lm
out/another src/another/main2.c
# ./build.sh
warnings='-Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wpedantic'
while IFS= read -r line; do
read -r dst rest

Do we use desktop icons?

Some people do, most people don't.

Took the time to write and perfect my arch install scripts.
Basically with 3 scripts I can completely replicate my setup from scratch including setting up an encrypted LVM and asking if I want the drive to be wiped with urandom or not.
very comfy
I'll probably adapt it to gentoo in the future

Attached: resolutions.png (1920x1980, 2.76M)

now make it configurable using dialog(1)

The only input they need are
>size of root volume
>user pass
>if I want the drive to be wiped
read is more than enough for that, and the last one runs in a simple if statement.
The whole point of all of this is to be portable between distros and OS's. I tried the last "stage" of my script that fetches dwm injects some configs etc on OpenBSD it worked perfectly there too.

is it possible to have an i3 bindsym change depending on which window is currently focused?
the main idea is that depending whether or not mpv is the current focused window then i wanted the media keys to be used for mpv otherwise if mpv is not the focus then the media keys would be used for mpd
would this be possible to do? if so how

You can change the binding via i3-msg, but I'm not sure how you'd trigger it when a specific window is focused.

I have the same card and don't recall any issues with 4.15. Sounds like maybe you're missing a firmware file or your distro really fucked up their kernel build.

>mv ./*$1 ~/Pictures
No way that could go bad, no sir.

what's a good way to maintain two directories in two computers synchronized? i want to have my LoL directory on my laptop updated at all times, minus the logs directory

You can use i3-msg to get the workspace name and then just run conditional statements that run a command to change the bindsym depending on the workspace.

i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq -r 'map(select(.focused))[0].output'

besides powertop, whats a good way to save battery on mint cinnamon?

so i'm trying to use dd to write an iso to a flash drive in /dev/sdc/

in specific i'm trying to write kali to it, and kali is in /home/kubuntu/downloads

how do i format the command so it just werks? i'm trying to do net install of a amd64 image to troubleshoot my issues

another dumbfuck redditor. Can you retards finally go back to your shithole?

Here is a parting gift:

dd if=/path/to/iso/file/kali.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=2M status=progress

2M is a good choice for bs (bytes to be copied at once), some people use more like 4-5M.

well if you must fucking know
i am curious, the other guide i wrote had me do bs=512k


and for your information the last time i went on fucking reddit was to check if t_d really put my pic on sticky to support my postering campaign. i then went back to the active Jow Forums general
will smaller/larger bite size affect accuracy? I'm having a lot of trouble installing kubuntu and backbox to my laptop that, rn, has 0 OS on it and is only runnable from live USB's i have lying around and i'm trying to fix it with kali light through net install

Always quote your variables.

trying to get my wireless mouse to work on Mint

lsusb shows the device: Bus 003 Device 006: ID 046d:c52f Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver

lsusb -vv info: pastebin.com/PHAERbGC

Attached: mouse.jpg (425x416, 21K)

oops, it's device 10 now since I unplugged it a few times

Bus 003 Device 010: ID 046d:c52f Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver

>Unifying Receiver
Go to arch wiki and search this

finally got it running. had to SUDO command it since i'm from a live kubuntu copy RN. went with bs=512K for safety since that's what kali.org said. i'm hoping that running this from net install will fix the issues i've had with kubuntu/backbox. Each install from USB ends with a crash and no error code outisde of "exit 10" or "grub3 failed loading" or "amd64 not found" or some shit like that.

what kind of god cursed mouse is that to not work out of box with gnu/linux and ecks.argh? I mean, seriously.

thanks I installed ltunify and got it working

i use a mouse like that. it's purple and pretty.

The universal reciever's pins are too low and frequiently come out of contact while in the usb port. bend the bottom or put some card stock in it.

hey you doublefaggot

thank you, i got that shit loaded and now kali is running. Once i figure out how to go to kde or something other then this superminimalist i'll be golden, but at least now i have both INTERNAL WIFI CONNECTION and AN OPERATING SYSTEM ON MY FUCKING ONLY LAPTOP

seriously, thank you.

if anyone want's to boost his bash prompt into showing git branch: there is a command defined in git completion for bash that reports it, just insert $(__git_ps1) (or escaped $ if in expanded string)
can be replaced with some oneliner that extracts it from an actual git command

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-11-24 20-44-31.png (194x54, 5K)

I would like to buy a very small (11) laptop for no more than 300 bucks so I can put my fave distro on it. Lenovo is out of the question. How do I know I will get the drivers so it werks at least at 90%? Is there a list of current laptops that work best with linux or do I just assume what works with windows will do??

Attached: 15428331650890.jpg (1920x1080, 1.3M)

I actually found a photo of the exact mouse I'm using, got it at goodwill for 50 cents. It's a interesting design, not something I would buy new though

I haven't had a problem with the USB dongle yet but thanks for tip, I may need it later :)

Attached: mousie.jpg (338x550, 34K)


Glad i could help someone else in this thread kinda

How do i switch from xfce to, say, KDE or another more windows-like system? I have no goddamm start bar and i like the start bar and stuff like that.
i kinda liked windows 10 since i grew up using windows an shit, and i liked how it shrank away when i didn't want to see that shit. and i'm super fucking happy i have an OS on my laptop, but this baby does have 4gb of ram so i can handle a slightly more intensive GUI

also, what does ctrl-alt-delete do on linux, and what is the equivilent command to look at all running processes and general "oh shit, this shit is fucking crashing an shit the fuck is going on" command.

i got a 15 inch laptop with 1tb, 4gb ram and a i3 for about 300. it was like pulling teeth but if you go in with a USB loaded with your distro of choice you can pressure the guys to load it on there. esp if it's a big box store. i got mine at office max with windows 10

>just restored Grub after a wincucks installation in 5 minutes
>failed to do it twice
>wiped my OS twice
>all you had to do was install for bios and not for uefi, cj

Can you use a tripcode so i can filter your retarded posts, please?

how do configs works?

I was playing around on someone else's linux setup and like the keybindings and such

Do i just replace my .config with theirs?

not the first time i been told that shit tho

good luck user!

Seriously, all your shit is easily answered by reading the arch or gentoo wiki

you too need to go back


just got a 1TB nvme drive to replace my 120gb ssd / drive + 1TB hdd /home drive
what's the best way migrate everything over? dd?

yeah and i'm learning. i'm googling shit as i get more comfortable.

this isn't the expert questions for expert users. you have to tell people how to chamber their leg before they can understand the vital nature of the upwards pointing heel or the absolute nature of pivoting on the ball of their foot before they can sink their heel with glute power into the back of their opponents head.


hell i just upgraded my kali light to kali full from the terminal. did i fucking bug you about that?

>using kali as desktop distro
Thats the problem there retard.

You type all this irrelevant bullshit, are you indian?