Wine can run more windows applications than windows 10

Wine can run more windows applications than windows 10.

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I don't think that's true, do you have any source to prove it?

Here's your sauce

Hmm. You never used windows 10 did you? It's like Microsoft Blacklisted older Applications in favor for (((new))).

Such as...?

ha! with windows defender enabled everything that uses a keygen or copy protection patch. and with it disabled you still left wondering what compatibily-mode is for when many apps still wont install/run.

>Hah if you turn on a virus scanner then these notoriously infected files will get blocked!

Thanks for the update, Lintard.

>implying it matters when the OS already spys on you and sells all the info


i cant right click on anything though.
wine is a mess.

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Are there people on Jow Forums who actually defend Windows?
Jesus christ even on Windows 10 you're going to inevitably run into GUIs that are literally from the 90s. Pic related for example.
In before some zoomer Pajeets try and claim you will never see this kind of window ever, an obvious fucking lie.

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Underrated post


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>Brainlets don't even understand what "moving the goalpost" means.
Figures you're Windows users.

>install bioshock infinite on win10 laptop i use for work
>no sound at all

>install it just now on my desktop under wine
>works perfectly

user, Bioshock Infinite runs on Linux natively
Unless you mean you explicitly did it under WINE despite that, in which case how does it compare to native?

I still play games on Windows 10 in compatibility mode that I played on Windows 2000.

Other shit is just either absolutely outdated, like old Photoshop versions, runs on specific hardware like CNC machines or can be replaced with five lines of Python code.

>many apps still wont install/run.
Such as...?

I tried to install chromium and defender freaked the fuck out, idk if that counts

If you include XP applications and now some windows 7 applications then it makes sense.

yea, i heard there was a 'native' version after downloading the windows one
the linux version uses eON, a translation layer, i'm unfamiliar with it, so i'm not sure how it compares to DXVK, which i'm currently running the game with

in any case, the windows version runs great on Wine with DXVK

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you carry around a printed out coc in your fanny pack?

I played the native version a few years back and it ran okay on an i3 4160 and GTX 750Ti, good to hear DXVK compares well

>tfw don't even need to fuck with system locale to play touhou
don't get too jealous, winfags

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I get it, windows is bad. I hate it too. But tell me user, which is more 90's? This is for an SMB share like your pic related

>1. Open File Explorer
>2. Go to This PC
>3. RMB>add a network drive
>4. Type \\servername\sharename
>5. Type credentials


>0. install cifs-util smbfs
>1. cd ~ && mkdir .smbcredentials
>2. vim .smbcredentials
>3. fill out form like
>4. save; sudo chmod 600 .smbcredentials
>5. sudo mkdir /media/nas
>6. sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old
>7. sudo vim /etc/fstab
>8. enter this line to bottom of file
//servername/sharename /media/nas cifs uid=username,credentials=/home/username/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 0
>9. save
>10. sudo mount -a
>10b. trouble shoot w/ -v flag if doesn't go and fix

Don't get me wrong dawg, I love Linux and its the only OS in my house, but don't try to act like normie mounting network drives is harder or less pretty on windows. You can argue network and user permissions are less logical, and you can argue the steps I took provide more robust security, but DON'T YOU EVER LIE TO MY FUCKING FACE AGAIN YOU DOUBLE NIGGER LOVING FAGGOT REEEEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I use MacOS. I do not have this problem. MacOS is like Linux with all the bad removed. Fuck, you can even replace your kernel if you really want to. AMD Hackintosh users need to do it to even get it to boot.
Apple doesn't stop you from doing this, but they don't give you any documentation what-so-ever either.

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interesting. do you have any good reading material? I need to brush up on that OS, its been like 10 years lol

Reddit is unironically the best place. There are no good guides. Just don't use TonyMacx86.
This seems to be okay, but don't be surprised if you have to use other guides as well.
It's annoying to install, but once you have it working it should run fine. You can even update and stuff like normally. MacOS isn't as fast as Linux or Windows when it comes to raw computing, but it's by far the best user experience out of the three, at least for desktop use.

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its sort of a joke, but technically true. windows 10 64-bit removed support for 16-bit applications while wine has retained that support.

thanks for a good post user!

How can I install Wine on Windows?

>MacOS is like Linux with all the bad removed.
More like the other way around kek
But since you seem to know your shit, and so many meme companies fall for the macbook meme these days that it's hard to avoid, do you know if there's a way to change the display server/compositor/window manager/whatever that monolithic thing is? A Mac without Aqua would be 100x more bearable to me.

nice wallpaper 10/10

I have no reason to care if those are programs I don't use.

Just install Gigolo, you fucking mong. It mounts Windows shares and ssh like Windows, literally point and click. Learn your shit before posting misinformation.

>Apple doesn't stop you from doing this
t. didn't read the eula

Can anyone explain to me why the CUDA enabled wine versions stopped getting further developed?

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>Wine can run more windows applications than windows 10.
>Wine can run more windows applications
>Wine can run
Fuck off with that shit.


good point and you're right, much more 1:1. But its unfair to say I don't know my shit BC I didn't know of a GUI way to mount network drives haha

Understandable. The command line way is old and hard to understand, but there's still a lot of people that get the old, incorrect picture of Linux because they read old tutorials with difficult commands. I still see people complaining about having to configure xorg.conf when this has been no longer necessary for years.

It's important to point out that the terminal isn't necessary anymore, even most distros include an App Store lookalike.

Just because Apple says they CAN do something doesn't mean they actually will do it. What are they going to do, get the Internet police to take your computer away?
People have been running Hackintosh for nearly 15 years now. If it goes away it's only because Apple switches away from x86.

Thanks, here's the full version if you want it.


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Apple does a lot to make Hackintoshes harder to mantain. Even installing the OS is a fucking mess, specially if you don't have Apple hardware. I know because I managed to do it, but I don't think it's worth the pain. It took me two days of tinkering and downloading macOS images. From driver blacklisting to being careful with updates or having to deal with kernels like you mentioned, having a Hackintosh is literally forcing your way to use unsupported software on your unsupported hardware. And it's against the EULA.

At that point, why don't just use a libre OS instead? Just torrent the iso and install, no bullshit.

again great point! I'll start looking around for GUI fixes to further document Linux for my friends and peers, that method seems a lot more sustainable for a novice user.

Does this mean I can play all my 2hu games with wine, unlike windows where I need a vm?

>Windows 10
There has been no support for 16-bit applications since at least Vista 64 bit.
Even then, on 32 bit versions, support was pretty shit. For whatever reason, 16 bit apps would take up 100% of whichever core they would run on.

There's still a long way to go to make GNU/Linux distros completely user friendly, but I think a lot of progress has been made in the past years.

Thank you for understanding.

No they don't. The last time they actually bothered was when they had TPM chips, but they got rid of them because like you said, installing MacOS on a normal computer is a mess.
But you're wrong about the hardware. You don't need custom kernels, you shouldn't even be using anything other than a vanilla install. The most you need to do are find the EFI drivers for your hardware, and install Clover as your bootloader. That's it.
AMD isn't worth using with MacOS because it has too many issues.

I was only quoting what you said. Other operating systems don't have problems running on AMD CPUs, it's just Apple that decided to have their own walled garden and not support other than Intel hardware. That's OK if you don't mind buying Apple computers but it makes it a pain to have a Hackintosh.

no prob, we'll make it work :)

Apple doesn't do anything to make it harder or easier for people to install MacOS on non-Apple computers. They just don't support it and don't care as long as you aren't trying to sell prebuilt Hackintoshes. They sue people who do that. They don't care about everyone else.

>but it's by far the best user experience out of the three, at least for desktop use.
No,no,NO,NO,NO! When will this meme die? There is nothing beyond installing software, that is any easier on MacOS. I used it for years,had a month long fling with Windows 7, and switched to Linux.Linux is the best of all worlds,it may not look as good, but overall, it's easier to manage if you're even remotely interested in anything beyond Facebag.

hmm, I know of a case where apple (or their lawyers) send a letter to virtualbox developers because snowleopard started to run in it. since then virtualbox actively prevents, goes out of their way to make sure it doesn't run.

It's a bit broad but I count this as non-apple computer.

Also, given the current state of Intel,you'd be a dingus to willingly take the performance and security penalties.Especially given the piss poor hardware Macs ship with.

>There is nothing beyond installing software, that is any easier on MacOS.
Who said anything about "easier"? It's just plain better.
>Hiding windows of a particular application with a hotkey
>being able to drag things to literally anywhere and expect it to work (even dragging an image from Chrome to a terminal will give you a URL)
>perfect high PPI support
>most of the terminal utilities you'd want out of the box (homebrew package manager for the rest)
>doesn't hide things under multiple layers of GUI like Windows does (try finding a device ID on Windows. Pic related took 3 clicks.)
>gestures that aren't complete garbage
I could go on, but those are just a few that I could think of off the top of my head. Windows is god awful when it comes to UX, and Linux can be okay if you only use DEs and applications supported by them.

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Yes, they legally bully others, but the point is they don't actually make MacOS harder to install. It's just hard to install because they don't tell anyone how to get it working.
It's easier than installing Gentoo with a working GUI. Literally.

Besides PPI and gestures, Linux is perfectly capable of all of those.I will admit, it's just my opinion, but gestures are shit, I don't even use them on mobile devices.

Linux is fine. If I didn't use MacOS I'd use Linux. But MacOS is like if Linux had a good DE. People meme about MacOS being restricted, but Apple really doesn't do much to stop you from fucking around with system files. There's "system integrity protection" which protects the core system files, but you can easily disable that too by using a terminal command.

OP here. I made this Thread. I got replies. YAY!

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>But MacOS is like if Linux had a good DE.
DE's are good for newcomers or people who don't touch many things, but for those who know what they want, they will assemble a desktop from ... what they want
a DE is basically a 'prebuilt desktop'. it's not that WM users don't have a "DE", they just put their own together from preferred components
if you happen to prefer everything offered by a single DE, then aren't you lucky?

DEs make integration between GUI applications easier to do. Chrome and Firefox don't support tabs in the titlebar without workarounds such as disabling the titlebar and recreating it in the UI of the browser.
Another example is being able to drag text/images/media/etc. from one application to another and expect it to work. Last I remember you couldn't simply drag a file you already had open in your file manager and expect it to work in something like urxvt. Maybe it works in gnome-terminal, but that just furthers my point.
The only reason people avoid DEs on Linux is because they're all garbage.

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The older PC98 games will still need a PC98 emulator, but if there's any 2hu game that used DirectDraw it will perform like ass on Windows since 8, but work perfectly on Wine.

>DE's are good for newcomers or people who don't touch many things
>those who know what they want, they will assemble a desktop from ... what they want
DEs are good for people who have shit to do besides ricing their dedicated anime chinkpads, retarded archtoddler.

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*plays you're vns*
heh... nothing personale microsoft....

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also, there's even a fair amount of 32bit software that would work on XP, but doesn't work on windows 10, and does work in Wine. I use an old version of AT&T's NaturalVoices text to speech that wouldn't work in Win10, but does work no problem in Wine.

fuck tabs in the titlebar, it's bullshit.

who even has a titlebar on the side?

I know what runs windows programs the very best.

You should INSTALL.

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but she has more holes than intel processors

Only luddites want titlebars. They're useless. It's not 1995 anymore.

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Saying "I demand that you not do this" is not actually stopping people from doing it.

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The amount of progress Wine and shit like DXVK have made over the past year or so is insane.
I finally nuked my Windows 7 partition a month ago since I haven't needed in ages.

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>what are false-positives?

andoid wins!

No, just kidding. However I just downloaded wine for android and will test it. (ironically on linux only testing/factory have the neccesarry patches and no stable release supports my laptop yet) also, I really want to see how wine runs on android.

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i tried to play xcom2, sims4 and south park games on wine, no luck
>inb4 you just have to follow these 20 easy steps

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Windows user here, I'll gladly switch to Linux, but I don't want to mess with the terminal more than necessary

Report #1
Wine runs.
First Game installed (darkest dungeon)
Failed because mesa opengl 3.0 but opengl 3.2 was required.
well, that wasn't exactly a wine issue so I'm testing fallout 3 next.
what's actually an issue, wine (file explorer/installing) runs pretty slow and laggy. especcially on a laptop where your time is limited (battery capacity) this is bad.

based kde gentoo user. gentoo literally offers the best plasma experience (until slackware 15 comes out)

Report #2
wine crashed, android restarted while installing fallout3. seeing how it got slower and slower before that this might have been a memory issue. trying again.

This is definitely a pitfall. When searching for how to configure Wacom tablet keys on Linux, I ran into a bunch of guides that had you put obscure xsetwacom commands into xinitrc. Then I found out that Ubuntu's default Settings app has a graphical configuration panel that autodetected my tablet and worked perfectly.

I wonder how many people fall victim to these old guides and do stuff like create xorg config files when they don't need to.

Report #3
Installation aborted when android went into standby. Fallout 3 is too big.
Trying FTL game next because it's small and at this point I only want to know whenever games run.

Report #4
yepp, this also didn't work. FTL silently fails when being started.
This concluded my wine on android test.
complete failure.