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Wasn't Amazon already worth more?
How are we going to stop them?
Like the whole CS field is going to be ruined by those pajeets.
C# has to be killed before it spreads too far.
Nobody will use their shit. C# is garbage and nobody bothers with it.
Perhaps at one second on some particular day. Market's pretty volatile. They sure aren't right now. Big tech's a pretty sketchy investment right now with all the social media addicts screaming "back to the stone age" these days.
We all think they know better and they probably do, but problem is that the people who know better often need to get proper. funding.
And companies that supply such funding don't know shit about it.
That's why the current state of consumer technology is so fucked.
Bullshit biased website. But it's mostly true. I work in Fintech and have access to pricing and volume feeds from companies whose Indexes depend on it. Real money, not egos. Apple's Market cap is around 815 bil.
>hetero indian beats homo white guy
Based and redpilled
It will be, because it reinvests everything, unlike MS and Apple which actually pay dividends. Amazon doesn't. It'll be a big day when Amazon starts paying dividends.
I actually checked, Amazon's stock is down ~25% from September when it peaked above $2000. Interesting.
Can you read?
>That damage control
top kek, appleshit fanbois are deplorable.
C# is christ tier you uneducated filth. Go expose yourself to some real world business software for a while. This imageboard has become an echo chamber of rust/go/node onions memes lately.
How is this true? Apples stock is quite a bit more valuable than Microsofts atm
"Microsoft is finished" - Jow Forums everyday
So this is the state of Jow Forums. No wonder there are 100 threads every time big companies stock drop slightly.
valve is actually the most valuable company.
they earn the most money for the company per employee. by like a crazy margin.
elon musk says so himself.
like valve has like 400 employees or some thing yet earns like 5mil per persons effort for the company each year.
at Microsoft or apple if you included every one they employed and contracted they would prob only earn like 40k for company a year.
I work in fintech too and have access to pricing and volume feeds too and i have real money and I don't have an ego. Microsofts market cap is 753B.
No ego guys, real money. I work in fintech btw.
C# is probably the most popular language that people actually use for serious projects.
It's really good, modern, has great features without being bloated and unreadable like C++ or Perl.
this is basically true fucking jobless NEETs have so much time to waste shilling their fucking trash languages
>Go expose yourself to some real world business software
>"I eat shit, therefore I am superior"
C# is literally Microsoft Java.
>Yo dawg, we heard you like patents, so we put patents in yo patents so you can get sued while you get sued
>C# is literally Microsoft Java.
More like Java done right.
The only people who think C# is a shit lang are either NEETs or people who worship Java